After ye Wuqian cleaned up the group of people, he thought they had learned to be good and thought that the matter had passed away. However, he did not expect that there would be any follow-up development.

When preparing to go to work the next morning, he saw the female employee, namely Lin Haotian's girlfriend, coming to work. After seeing this, he planned to go over to comfort him and ask him not to take this matter to heart and work hard.

After all, he didn't come up with this thing, so he also understood the female employee better, and the female employee had a good job, so he valued it more. When such a thing happened, none of them wanted to see it, but it had already happened, so they had no way to stop it.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Zhang? How is the eye socket red? Did you bully anyone? Is Lin Haotian bullying you again? "

Ye Wumian walks to Xiaozhang's side and finds that Zhang's eyes are red. He is holding toilet paper to wipe his tears.

As soon as he looked at it, he probably understood, so he asked if Xiao Zhang had bullied her because of her boyfriend.

"Mr. Zheng, I'm..."

As soon as Xiao Zhang looked up, he could not help but shed tears. He was very aggrieved. After all, he did nothing, but he was beaten in vain.

But now all her grievances were choked up in her throat, and there was no way to say it. He didn't know how to tell other people about it. He felt that the whole thing was his own fault. After all, he was not good at seeing people. He even fell in love with such a scum.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang, don't cry, calm down, I want to ask you, you can tell me and answer truthfully, do you know? Is it because Lin Haotian bullied you? Did he charge you for yesterday's account? "

Ye Wuqi has always seen girls cry, in front of Xiao Zhang crying pear with rain, crying her heart and liver are soft. He didn't know how to comfort her. After all, the relationship between them was superior and subordinate. If they had any behavior beyond the boundary, they would be criticized by others. However, he could not bear to cry so much in front of the girl, so he could only comfort her in this way.

In fact, he had thought of it yesterday, but he didn't think it had developed to such a degree. He thought that yesterday's clean-up meal might make Lin Haotian more clever, but he didn't expect that he actually committed such a thing again.

"It was he who hit me. After I got home last night, he beat me hard and said that I was the blame for everything. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have been beaten with his brothers. But I did nothing wrong. She picked up everything. Why should I be blamed for everything? "

Xiao Zhang is really suffering now. She doesn't know what's wrong with her at all. What kind of fairy did she recruit? Why is luck so bad?

Lin Haotian has always been suspicious and suspicious. She knows this, but he didn't expect that he was abnormal to such a degree. In fact, when he came to the company yesterday, he had a lot of face. He had never been so embarrassed.

Because ye Wuqian cleaned him up yesterday, he would be a little more clever and would not make trouble any more. However, he did not expect that he would beat himself fiercely, and he was not aware of his mistakes at all.

He is the only child in the family. From childhood to adulthood, his parents doted on him like a princess. However, at this age, he was beaten by his boyfriend. This is a grievance that he has never suffered, and Lin Haotian can't help beating him and threatening to kill his family if she dares to break up.

Xiao Zhang looked at him as a thug. He was very scared. He was really afraid of him. He would kill his family when he was excited. So she can only bear the grievances she suffered, and she can't tell her parents. If she doesn't tell her parents, she will surely worry them. She doesn't want her parents to worry, so he can only quietly bear these grievances by himself.

However, he felt that he had never suffered such an injustice. He was a very excellent girl from childhood to adulthood. However, he didn't think that he was in a bad mood and had a bad eye for others. He didn't expect to fall in love with someone like Lin Haotian.

He thought that this might be his own life. Maybe it was because of his bad life that he would be involved in these things. Originally, he thought about this matter and forbearance passed away. He did not want to tell other people any more, because he would not get any comfort by telling other people. Instead, he would be ridiculed by others. Therefore, he thought it was his own life, and he recognized it.

"This beast, I didn't expect that he would do such a thing. He beat him yesterday. It was really cheap for him. Now think about it, we should treat it as killing and maiming. I don't have the ability to do such a ridiculous thing. It's really hateful to beat my girlfriend when I go home. I must clean him up and let him know what's called heaven and earth. "

After hearing Xiao Zhang's words, ye Wuqian was directly angry. He didn't expect that Lin Haotian had found such a situation. He thought that yesterday's beating would teach him a long lesson, but he didn't expect that he would go even further and beat his girlfriend.He decided to act for heaven and clean up the scum. After all, Xiao Zhang's beating had something to do with himself. He still wanted to get justice for him. After all, it was not easy for a little girl to come here for the first time. How could a scum bully him casually?

"And he also said that if I break up with him, he will kill my whole family, so I can only bear him beating me now. I dare not tell my parents or call the police."

Zhang said more and more aggrieved, he really felt that he had met scum, but now she has no other way but to cry.

"Such a scum should be punished by heaven. Since God doesn't punish him now, I will punish him. You must give him some color to see, or he really don't know what is called heaven and earth. I don't have any skills. How dare you say such a threat? I'd like to see how many leopard galls he ate? "

After listening to Xiao Zhang's words, he became more angry. He had never seen such scum, so he decided to do justice for heaven and clean him up.

Wu Fangfang, the little secretary, came to persuade her to think twice before acting. However, she insisted on taking care of him.

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