Ye Wuqian went to find Lin Haotian without saying a word. Because of the clues provided by female employees, he easily found Lin Haotian's home.

Wu Fangfang was worried that ye Wuqian was alone, so she went with her. Other people from the company also went with her. They just wanted to see the fun.

When he arrived at Lin Haotian's house, he opened the door and found that the house was in a mess, as if he had been in a bandit's nest. Lin Haotian was still sleeping.

"Who are you? Why did they come to my house for no reason? It's what you want to do. Didn't you have a fight yesterday? Do you want to hit me today? I'll tell you if you do this again, I'll call the police. You are breaking into a private house like this, but you will be punished according to the law. You should be careful. "

After a group of people entered Lin Haotian's home, Lin Haotian woke up slowly and leisurely. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and watched a group of people appear at home.

When he came to his senses and saw clearly that the man standing in front of him was Ye Wuxiang, he felt flustered. After all, he was afraid of the man who had not remembered the past, but was afraid of him.

Because he saw Ye Wuqian's level yesterday, he was very scared. He really thought ye Wuque was very fierce. He didn't dare to make trouble in the company any more. So he hit his girlfriend. He thought that no one would know about it. Moreover, he threatened his girlfriend so much that he would not let him talk about it.

"What do you want me to do? You scum, I'm here to settle the account with you today. I thought yesterday's event will give you some lessons and make you behave better, but I didn't expect to make you even stronger. Looks like you're itching again, right? How can you beat your girlfriend? Do you think that's what men should do

Ye Wuqi looks at the man in front of him and is very angry. He feels that the man standing in front of him is just a coward, and talking to him is disgusting with his mouth.

He walked to Lin Haotian's front step by step and pulled his collar to let him think about what he had done to make her angry.

"You can't do it. This is my home. If you do, I will call the police. And what did I do wrong? What do you want to do when you bring such a large group of people to my house? Xiao Zhang is my girlfriend. What's wrong with him? It should be. In fact, he goes around like a whore to seduce people? You're here to show him off today, right? It seems that you two really have an affair. I guess it's true. On the surface, you look like a gentleman, but behind the scenes, it is really animal behavior. Do you dare to say that you have no relationship with my girlfriend for half a dime? "

Lin Hao did not repent for what he had done before. Instead, he felt that his girlfriend was a matter of course. In his opinion, a man should be a woman. He should take men as the key link and follow men in everything.

So he felt that his girlfriend didn't do anything wrong at all. On the contrary, it was something to be proud of. After all, their brothers said that they were girlfriends.

He saw that ye Wuque was because of this, so he made a start for his girlfriend. Then he began to talk nonsense as if he had no lock on his mouth. He said that ye Wuque might have had an affair with his girlfriend, so he would make a start for her.

What's more, he said that his girlfriend was an adulteress, and he said that the relationship between them was not clear and could not be on the stage.

His face makes people look very angry. He just wants to let people go up and punch him. What's more, there is no way to refute him because he can't listen to reason.

"How can you be so shameless? Is it a matter of course that you hit your girlfriend? Can you do it? Now that the Qing Dynasty is over, how can you have such corrupt and vulgar ideas? What's more, you don't know how to promote equality between men and women, and you don't know how to promote equality between men and women? The society is so corrupt because of people like you. "

After listening to Lin Haotian's words, Wu Fangfang was very angry. He didn't think that there was such a backward thought in the world, and he had never seen such a brazen person as Lin Jirui.

He had been in contact with some very noble people in the upper class. When he first contacted Ye Wuqian, he still felt that he was a rogue. But now when he saw the man in front of him, he almost wanted to tear it for minutes. He realized that ye Wuqian was a little bit of a witch compared with him. The hooligan smell of Ye Wuque was really lovely.

At this time, his good feeling for ye Wuque has risen to a higher level. He thinks ye Wuque is really a good man. He has never been used to such a male supremacy of men, she is a woman, is also a strong woman, so he has always advocated equality between men and women, so he heard this speech can not help but get angry, can not help but in the position of women aggrieved."This kind of scum is not good or bad at all. Let me solve this matter with my fist."

After hearing Wu Fangfang's words, ye Wuqian shakes his head, because he knows that for the man in front of him, what he says is empty talk, and he can't hear a word at all. Therefore, it's better to simply beat him up and let him learn a little more and be angry.

At this time, Lin Haotian's relationship between wine and meat came out again. They all stood behind Lin Haotian with bare arms and wanted to take advantage of the scene. However, they could not help shivering when they saw Ye Wuxiang. After all, their experience of being beaten yesterday was still fresh in my eyes, so they didn't dare to fight against him.

So ye Wuxiang beat them hard. Beating them is as simple as beating sandbags. It doesn't take much effort at all.

"I'll warn you again. If you do something like this next time, I'll beat you once I see you, until you're disabled. You have also seen my means. I tell you that all my means have not been used yet. If you want to die, you should say so earlier. "

Ye Wuqian warns Lin Haotian that Xiao Zhang, a female employee, appears and breaks up with Lin Haotian. Lin Haotian is ready to start again, and is directly maimed by Ye Wuque, which solves the problem. After passing it back, ye Wuqiang's prestige in the company has been greatly improved

and the company's reputation has been greatly improved

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