The white family is not the power of the underground world, but represents a force in the political arena of the Chinese state. If Bai choufei takes such a picture of the saint, is it not a complete offence to the Holy See? There are so many people here. It won't take long for the Holy See to know such a thing. When the time comes, the white family and the Holy See will have an evil relationship. This will cause international disputes, which may lead to war!

He doesn't look like a man of no importance? How could such a hasty decision be made? Even the saint Susannah turned her head and looked at Bai choufei, but there was no expression on her face, and no one knew what she was thinking!

However, no matter what the decision Bai choufei made, since he has already spoken, these people always want to give some face, right? If he is strong enough to kill the Golden Bear, then he can't say that he has the power to kill the white bear!

At present, the scene fell into a silence, and there was no one to fight with Bai choufei. However, a look of displeasure flashed in beard's eyes. In his plan, the auction price of the saint could reach at least 5000 taels of gold. However, due to the sudden killing of Bai choufei, it was nearly 3000 taels less, which could have lost 60 million Chinese dollars But because of Bai choufei's identity, he doesn't say much!

"Young master Bai, I haven't asked you anything. Please don't argue with me this time? This saint, give it to me. I'll offer 3000 taels of gold! " Just when everyone thought that Bai choufei would eventually acquire the ownership of the saint, ekov said again, and with sincere attitude, he said to Bai choufei!

All the people were looking at yikov quietly. This guy was really stubborn. For a saint, he not only gave so much gold, but also offended the Holy See and the white family. Why should he suffer?

Only beard was itching with anger. Now he understood that the reason why Bai choufei made a bargain was to help yikov win the virgin?

After all, if the price goes up all the way according to the momentum just now, the price will only be higher and higher. If he cuts in like this, everyone will give him a face and will not continue to raise the price. Now, if Yi Kefu says such a thing again, as long as he breaks his mouth, other people will not raise the price. Isn't it obvious that he will not give him less face?

"All right." Sure enough, in the face of ikov's "sincere" eyes, Bai choufei thought for a moment, nodded gently, and no longer offered!

Of course, young master Bai will not bid any more. Naturally, other people will not be able to bid again. Even young master Bai has given in. What else do you want to mix in? Don't you give young master Bai face?

"Hehe, ikov, congratulations. From now on, you are the master of the holy lady of the Holy See!" Although mustache had a bad feeling in his heart, he couldn't say anything more when things got to this point. Although he lost a lot of elite in the process of eliminating those paladins, the money was enough to exchange for a batch of new equipment. As for the manpower, the most important thing in beard's hands was hands!

"Ha ha!" Hearing that bearded announced that the saint was his own, ekov's face showed a subtle smile, and he was very generous to go to the beard. He wanted to take the key to lock the gold cage from the bearded hand. As for gold, naturally, there were subordinates and bearded people to hand over!

Taking the key of the saint from the bearded hand, ikov pushed the huge car to leave the hall. Seeing his eager appearance, the crowd just laughed implicitly. Some smiles were full of jealousy and others were full of sarcasm. What if Yi Kefu got the saint? He is sure to suffer retribution from the Vatican. Even if his sphere of influence is far away from the Vatican, can't he hide there all his life?

At this time, the storm festival was coming to an end. Looking at Yi Kefu, who was gradually gone, Bai choufei also stood up from his position and arched his hand toward the beard. He was about to say that he would leave first. Suddenly, his face changed!

"Be careful!" Bai choufei almost exclaimed, and then his body rushed to the front, almost in the blink of an eye, had arrived in front of the body of the big beard. People saw a cold flash, and then heard "hiss!" A knife thick as a thumb was directly inserted into Bai Chou Fei's shoulder. A blood arrow shot out, and his face turned blue and blue. Even the blood on his shoulder was black!

Big beard was frightened. Zhan Gu Xiu, one of the crowd, was shocked. Everyone was shocked. Someone even dared to stab him in the storm. Yes, this man obviously came for the big beard. He was just blocked by Bai Chou Fei!

And look at Bai Chou Fei's appearance, the throwing knife is obviously poisoned!

Big beard didn't understand how Bai choufei suddenly blocked the blow for himself, but anyway, he was still full of gratitude. Although he was wary just now, he might not be able to completely avoid the knife. As long as the knife cuts his skin, judging by the poison on the knife, he will have a great deal of trouble!

Who dares to assassinate yourself here? And how did he get in? Big beard has no time to think about these complicated problems. He has stepped forward step by step and stopped in front of Bai Chou Fei's body, so he pounces at the moment!Whoever this man is, he must die!

Not only bearded, but also wounded in the crowd, Zhan Guxiu took out his scalpel and rushed to the assassin. This guy who came out of nowhere dared to assassinate him. Isn't this a public slap in the face?

If Da Hu Zi is really assassinated by this man, what is the face of these eight generals? What's more, the anger accumulated in his heart just now broke out completely at this time. He wanted to kill, not only to kill, but also to kill. Only by thoroughly killing the man who dared to stab the bearded man, could he vent his anger in his heart!

The sword light in Zhan Gu Xiu's hand is flashing. The man has already rushed to the left of the moment, and then with all his strength, he stabs the assassin's arm to the whole!

However, it is surprising that the assassin's speed suddenly doubled at this moment, so he stepped in front of Zhan Gu Xiu. His speed is already fast enough. How can he double it? Zhan Gu Xiu's knife just cut the edge of the assassin's dress, and the assassin has already rushed past. Facing such a scene, Zhan Guxiu is more angry, and can't care about anything else. He stabs the assassin's back heart at full speed!

Facing the sharp stab, the assassin didn't seem to see it at all. He just punched the beard with all his strength!

Although it hasn't fallen on people yet, no matter who it is, everyone can feel the power of this fist!

This is absolutely an earth shaking punch. In the face of this terrible blow, Rao Shi's strength is amazing. At this time, he had to go all out, take a deep breath, and big beard snorted, and the same blow hit the visitor. Since you want to try my mustache's power, just as you wish!

Moustache is confident that this punch can completely stop the assassin. When the time comes, Zhan Gu Xiu's knife will be able to easily penetrate the assassin's back. No matter who he is, no matter how skillful he is, he must die!

"Be careful!" Just as their fists were about to touch each other, Zhan Gu Xiu, who was behind the assassin, suddenly heard a cry of surprise

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