look out? Be careful what? Before big beard understood what was going on, he saw that the tip of a flying knife suddenly shot out between the fingers of the assassin's fist, or the tip of a knife flashing with blue light. The knife was poisonous and could not help it. Big beard thought of the flying knife inserted into the shoulder of Bai Chou. The assassin's heart was so poisonous!

Is Zhan Gu Xiu letting himself be careful of this?

However, he had not had time to change his moves. A stronger chill came from behind. It was a kind of deep-rooted cold. The instinct from life and death made the beard's heart tremble. How could there be a chill behind him? Is it white sorrow flying? A thought appeared in his heart. The body of bearded quickly flashed to the right, but it was too late. A one foot long sharp knife was inserted into his back heart accurately. Even if he moved his body in time, the knife was still inserted into his chest, almost brushing his heart!

A blood arrow shot out of the back of his big beard, which made him feel a pain in his back. At this time, the assassin's body came to him. His body was like a willow waist, avoiding the disordered fists of mustache. The same knife was inserted into the right chest of the beard. Then the terrible blow was really pounded on the big beard's heart The force of terror erupted in an all-round way. Rao was strong with a big beard. He also felt a sharp pain. He could hear the bone in his chest crack. It seemed that he could not bear such a force to break!

Big beard's eyes were full of surprise. He never thought that Bai choufei was the last move to kill him. Of course, under normal circumstances, such a blow would be fatal, but there would be no life worries in a short time. His physical fitness was far stronger than ordinary people. However, whether it was the sharp knife or the thumb that Bai choufei stabbed into his body, he could not believe that it was Bai choufei's last move The big and small throwing knives are all smeared with poison. Even if the two knives do not stab his heart, the big beard still feels his body is paralyzed!

At this time, Zhan Guxiu's body finally came to the assassin's back. The scalpel was inserted into the assassin's back heart without hesitation. However, there was no sound of the knife entering the body. Instead, there was a clang, which was blocked by the heart guard!

Sleeping trough!

You are an assassin. Even if you protect yourself very well, you don't need to wear goggles in the back. Isn't it obvious that you don't give people a chance?

The shock force of the surgical knife stabbed on the goggle even nearly caused his wrist to sprain. Just as Zhan Gu Xiu was ready to scratch the assassin's back neck, the assassin's body had already started to turn, so he easily avoided the knife, and then stretched out his right hand, even clasped his right hand holding the knife, and then hit Zhan with a fist from his left hand Cushaw's head!

Zhan Gu Xiu was shocked. How could this guy be so fast? Of course, if Xiaoye's chest was completely recovered, it would have been impossible for him to recover completely?

Under such circumstances, how can he avoid the swift blow?

"Kill!" It was at this time that a roar came from the big beard behind the assassin's back. He slapped the assassin's back heart with one hand. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise. The assassin's body was almost shot up by the whole slap. On the spot, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his eyes showed a look of horror. Instead, the beard did not give up. Instead, he turned and patted at Bai Chou It is Bai Chou Fei who is ready. He quickly flashes back and avoids the big beard's slap!

His eyes also showed a look of horror. The beard was stabbed one after another. However, the knife was smeared with poison that could kill a bull in an instant, and he also suffered the terrible blow of Ye Xiao. Under such circumstances, he did not die, and he was able to clap such a swift and violent palm. How strong is his strength?

The assassin is Ye Xiao. This is also a scene that they have discussed for a long time. First, he cheated the trust of moustache by means of bitter meat, and then gave him the most fatal blow behind his back. All of these were very successful. But what they didn't expect was that the blow before his death had such power!

It's also a pity that ye Xiao has this heart guard behind him. Otherwise, this blow will be enough to hit his back heart. Now the whole heart guard has been smashed, enough to think about the power of this palm? However, ye Xiao is also a first-class strong man, especially after taking the old man's pill, his physical strength has been greatly enhanced. Although the power of this palm hurt him, it is not too heavy. His body just falters, and quickly adjusts to it, and then continues to rush towards Zhan Gu Xiu!

This time, not only to kill big beard, but also to kill Zhan Gu Xiu. Otherwise, how can his dead brothers die in peace?

This time, ye Xiao's eyes are Zhan Gu Xiu. Although he has great strength, he doesn't believe that he has been hit twice or smeared with poisonous two knives. He can still live. Today's beard is just the end of a strong crossbow. Yes, ye Xiao believes that he has such self-confidence. After all, though the beard is strong, he is also a human being. If he is a person, he will die !

Seeing ye Xiao rush towards him again, Zhan Gu Xiu is shocked. Does this guy want to kill not only the beard, but also himself? When he saw the icy murder in Ye Xiao's eyes and the dark eyes, Zhan Gu Xiu suddenly felt that he had seen the same pair of eyes. He was so familiar. Soon, a handsome face flashed through his mind!"You Are you ye Xiao Zhan Guxiu almost exclaimed. He didn't expect that ye Xiao would dare to chase him here? This is the base camp of bearded. Even if he is strong enough, does he think he can still get out of here alive?

"Ye Xiao? Get out of the way Moustache and ye Xiao think, the body function began to rapidly degenerate, although he avoided the key, but the knife poison still quickly occupied his heart, now he has felt his heart is about to stop, even breathing is more and more urgent, he knows that he is going to die, he is really going to die, whether he wants or not, he will Dead, this kind of poison is too terrible, what's more, it is so close to the heart. Rao is his amazing strength, and his cultivation is universal, but he is a man after all!

As long as a person will die, he is no exception. Now I hear Zhan Gu Xiu breathe out the name of Ye Xiao, and two groups of cold light burst out in his huge round eyes. It is he? No wonder they have such courage. No wonder they are together with Bai choufei. The purpose of their coming here is not only to save Xiao Feng, but also to kill themselves!

And they are all brought by ikov. Obviously, ikov already knew their purpose. Good, good!

"Go Beard roared. He knew he was going to die, but even if he was dead, he couldn't destroy all his hard work. He grabbed Zhan Gu Xiu's shoulder and pushed him to one side!

It doesn't matter if you die. As long as Zhan Guxiu is alive, then your power will not collapse. Zhan Guxiu has enough strength to inherit all of his own!

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