Not only can inherit his own everything, but also can avenge himself. In the case of knowing that he must die, moustache can do just that!

From this point, we can also see that he is worthy of being a hero who can unify the northern ice field in a short period of time. This kind of Kung Fu is not what ordinary people can have!

However, if moustache wants to send Zhan Guxiu out, ye Xiao will not agree. If he wants to die, he has to die. This is the goal he set before he came. They must die. Whether it is for their own brother's revenge or for the complete disintegration of beard's power, Zhan Guxiu must die!

As soon as the wrist turns, three throwing knives appear in the hand at the same time. With a strong shake, the three cold awns break through the air and shoot directly at Zhan Gu Xiu!

He completely sealed off the road that Zhan Gu Xiu left, and his body rushed towards him. The beard was no longer a worry. He must kill Zhan Gu Xiu at the first time, otherwise once other battles come, they will die!

Bai choufei had already understood Ye Xiao's will. At this time, his body also rushed forward at full speed. He didn't want to deal with Zhan Gu Xiu, but he wanted to prevent moustache from further preventing Ye Xiao from fighting Zhan Guxiu!

With one hand, he slapped on the back of moustache. However, moustache obviously knew that he was going to die. He didn't care about the slap at all. Instead, he rushed to Ye Xiao at full speed. He bravely accepted the palm of Bai choufei and rushed to Ye Xiao, blocking his way!

Without any hesitation, mustache spits out the elixir field, and suddenly slaps Ye Xiao's head. This is the most powerful one in his life, and also his last one, which almost empties all his strength!

Under one hand, the tiger and tiger make power, just like the top of the mountain. Not to mention Ye Xiao, even the people who are still in a daze all feel the pressure of this palm. In the face of this almost splitting hand, everyone's faces have changed. Is this the strength of bearded? Is this the real strength of moustache? The power of this palm is not lighter than that of Golden Bear, and even more terrifying than that one!

In the face of this earth shaking palm, ye Xiao did not touch, a dying person, why do you have to fight with him? The body that originally pours forward suddenly a meal, the body actually seems to have no weight the same to float a step backward, so avoided this huge one hand!

"If you want to die, you must die!" Seeing that moustache stopped himself from fighting Zhan Guxiu, ye Xiao, who avoided this palm, roared. His body stepped forward again, and then soared into the air. In an instant, he rode on his shoulder. His palm had exhausted his last strength. Now, where can he escape Ye Xiao's attack?

Just as he was powerless to raise his hand and try to pull it off his shoulder, ye Xiao had already grasped the head of moustache with both hands and pulled it hard

"Click!" A crisp sound, beard's head directly to a 180 degree rotation, the neck was directly broken, eyes wide open, no more life!

Silence, the whole scene is silent, the huge hall is quiet, all people are staring at all this, the face is unbelievable!

All of this happened too fast. It was only one or two breathing time from ye Xiao's first hand to breaking the beard's neck. Because of his surprise, many people were in a daze. They couldn't respond in such a short time. Until a crisp sound came from the beard's neck, knowing that his face was twisted to the back, these people came back completely God!

The big beard died. The one who had dominated the northern ice field for many years died. The one who built the northern empire in just a few years died. This made countless underground heroes lose their courage in this way? Killed by this guy who came out of nowhere? This Is this a dream?

Many people have come back to their senses, but they still can't believe that all this is true. The strong beard will die in his own territory, and in this grand event hosted by himself. How can people believe this?

At this time, Zhan Guxiu had been pushed aside by the big beard, avoiding the throwing knife from ye Xiao. When he turned to look at the beard, he found that the beard had completely lost his life, and two lines of blood and tears sprang out of the corner of his eye. In the eyes of outsiders, moustache was his boss and accepted him because of his talent. However, only he knew that moustache was his big one Elder brother, he is more than ten years old! Otherwise, with the character of moustache, how can he endure his many actions!

This is the secret only he and Da Hu Zi know. It can be said that moustache is his only relative in the world. Now, this close relative is killed to save himself!

Although he knew that the beard had been poisoned and could not escape death, when he saw his own big brother's neck broken, Zhan Gu Xiu was still in a burst of grief and indignation. Two lines of blood and tears were sprayed out. Zhan Gu Xiu almost yelled: "kill him, kill him, who killed him, reward 10000 taels of gold!"

Although Zhan Guxiu was sad, he was not stupid. He was very strong. Maybe he was no longer under the control of Ye Xiao and Bai Chou Fei. However, he was still seriously injured. Now he has to deal with Ye Xiao and Bai choufei at the same time. This is equivalent to death. It is difficult for a big beard to push him out. How could he rush back?This is the territory of bearded people. If these two people kill beards here, they must die. The beast of the Eight Generals, emmond, has already rushed towards this side. Jin Zhengxiong also comes from the passage. Other bearded people also rush towards this side. Even those who come to the storm show hear about the reward of 10000 taels of gold When you are ready to go up, you are ready to win!

"Ye Xiao, the master of Longyao, will kill the enemy. Who dares to stop him? There is no amnesty to kill him!" Ye Xiao also jumped down from the shoulder of the bearded man and yelled loudly. A terrible domineering force rose to the sky, shaking the whole hall with a burst of shaking, as if the whole hall was covered by this breath. Countless people's bodies actually trembled instinctively. Yes, it was from the depths of the soul. It seemed that the man in front of him was more than the big beard And terror!

And his eyes became red at this moment!

Feel Ye Xiao's strong killing intention, and see his scarlet eyes, those who had thought immediately stepped back a few steps, their heads were clear, and a person who can kill a beard is also what they can provoke? Of course, ten thousand taels of gold is a lot, but it has to be taken by someone?

Without the hindrance of these people, ye Xiao rushed to Zhan Gu Xiu at the first time. He had to kill him. No matter what, just for the Longyao brothers who died in his hands!

Mustache is dead, ye Xiao is confident that no one can stop him!

No one, not even the Eight Generals, not even the gods!

Step forward one step, the furious Ye Xiao is like an archaic God of war killed from hell. He rushes to Zhan Gu Xiu, who quickly retreats towards the crowd. At this time, Edmund, the beast, has already rushed to him. His tall body blocks Ye Xiao's way

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