"Edmund, die!" Just as Edmund stood in front of Zhan Gu Xiu, ready to intercept Ye Xiao, a roar came from the crowd. Then a huge man with a big beard rushed out of the crowd and directly hit Edmund!

"Kanu?" At the sound, Edmund exclaimed. He didn't expect that this was a card slave who betrayed the big beard. This guy came out of the northern ice field, and now he returns with these people to kill moustache. Where did he have the courage? Of course, Edmund thought his idea was silly when he saw the beard with his neck broken!

Just when he thought he was stupid, Kanu's body had already hit him. Both were giant men over two meters tall, and both were powerful fighters. People heard a loud bang, and then two bodies like blockhouses fell to one side!

At this time, ye Xiao had already rushed to the position where Edmund had just stood, and with one blow, he went towards Zhan Gu Xiu!

In the face of Ye Xiao's sudden death, when he sees Bai Chou Fei, who has been intercepted by Jin Zhengxiong, Zhan Gu Xiu's eyes also flash a touch of ferocity. He no longer escapes, but stabs Ye Xiao's heart with a backhand knife!

In the face of the sharp scalpel, ye Xiao didn't even look at it. Instead, he further accelerated his own speed. He still punched Zhan Guxiu!

Feeling the roaring fist, and then thinking of Ye Xiao wearing a pair of heart protectors behind his back, his knife may not be able to break his heart. In this way, is he not very disadvantaged? The idea flashed in his heart. Zhan Gu Xiu's scalpel shook, and suddenly turned to the arm of Ye Xiao. His scalpel was made of special materials, which was enough to cut off Ye Xiao's arm!

Xiaoxiu's quick response to Xiaoye's eyes was not as fast as he expected!

You can't take back your right fist. Even if you do, you have no time to avoid such a knife. You can only use your left hand to grasp Zhan Guxiu's right hand!

But it's too late. Zhan Guxiu is still one of the top ten people in the top ten. Even if he is still injured, the speed is fast, and he can even hear the sound of the scalpel breaking through!

When ye Xiao's fist was about to hit his head, the sharp scalpel had already cut the sleeve of Ye Xiao's wrist, and a ferocious look flashed in Zhan Gu Xiu's eyes. Even if you are very strong and brave, you must leave your life for me today!

"Click..." There was no sound of scratching the body in his imagination, and there was no blood flying. The scene of white bones exposed, and a harsh sound of friction came. Zhan Gu Xiu saw the glittering metal arm guard in Ye Xiao's broken sleeve!

Nima, do you need this? It's OK to wear a heart guard on your back. How can you even wear arm protectors on your arms? Big brother, you are here to kill people. You dare to come alone to kill people. Why are you so afraid of death?

Even if you don't have to be careful? Zhan Gu Xiu almost wanted to scold, but he had no time to scold. Ye Xiao's fist had already hit his face. The violent energy in his body broke out in an inch force way at this moment. Suddenly, he heard a click sound. Half of Zhan Gu Xiu's face bone was smashed directly by this fist, countless flesh and blood splashed, and his body was also smashed to fly Get up!

However, before he could fly up completely, ye Xiao's left hand had already grasped Zhan Guxiu's right hand with the knife. His body, which had been smashed by Juli, was just a sudden brake, and his arm was broken. Then ye Xiao's right hand had seized the scalpel and stabbed it forward!

"Hiss!" The sharp scalpel was inserted into Zhan Gu Xiu's neck accurately. Then he pulled out the scalpel in Zhan Gu Xiu's astonished eyes. The bright red blood turned into a fountain and sprayed out all over Ye Xiao. However, he turned around and rushed to Edmund the beast!

Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao has come to Edmund's side. At this time, carnu and Edmund are intertwined. In the face of Edmund, who is a big head higher than himself, ye Xiao directly stabbed Edmund's head with the scalpel in his hand. Edmund was shocked. How could he have never thought that Zhang Gu's recess would be killed by Ye Xiaoge so soon!

Faced with the whistling knife, his head could only be avoided, but Cano's fist had hit his head heavily, and Edmund felt his head dizzy, and then the sharp scalpel had already crossed his neck!

"Go After killing Edmund with a knife, ye Xiao roared and took the lead to rush outside. This is the steel castle with a big beard, which is his territory. Now he killed the beard himself. If he doesn't go, he will be dismembered by the bearded man!

Just at this time, Bai Chou Fei also killed Jin Zhengxiong at the cost of a blow on his shoulder, and quickly rushed to this side!

Kanu snorted, and quickly got up from the ground, followed Ye Xiao and rushed outside. The mustache died, Zhan Gu Xiu died, Edmund died, and Jin Zhengxiong died. The power of the big beard is over!This is his idea, as well as that of all the people present. Seeing ye Xiao and others running towards the outside, all the people present suddenly realize that they are rushing towards the outside at full speed!

Now that moustache is dead, whoever wants to integrate the forces of moustache must first kill Ye Xiao and avenge him. This is the rule of the road. Then, a fierce battle is absolutely inevitable. What if we don't go away at this time and get hurt in the fish pond?

You know, although they all brought their own hands, they didn't bring any thermal weapons when they entered the hall. This is not allowed. Now they must join up with their subordinates and leave here as soon as possible!

Originally, the hall was full of people. No matter who it was, they all rushed to the outside!

At this time, what happened in the hall had already been known by the bearded people. As the chief manager of the steel castle, tiger rushed in with a group of fully armed soldiers at the first time. However, ekov had arranged for dozens of people to intercept inside to meet Ye Xiao and others!

Ye Xiao, Bai choufei, and karu are running at full speed. They are running out of the castle from the predicted side retreat route. Tiger has ordered to close the gate of the castle. It can be said that the elite soldiers of the whole castle are mobilized at this moment!

The strongest moustache is dead, and the second place Zhan Gu Xiu is dead. However, it does not mean that the matter is over. On the contrary, the real fierce battle begins.

Ye Xiao walked through the hall and came to a corridor. Yi Kefu, Xiao Feng who was rescued, including the saint who was still in the cage, was there!

"Ye, the situation is not very good. Tigna has ordered to close the gate of the castle. Now there are at least 100 people waiting at the gate of the castle, and there are three heavy machine guns there. We can't make it!" Seeing ye Xiao rushing over, Yi Kefu said with worry, but no matter who saw the excitement in his eyes, the beard died, and the beard was really killed by him. This guy, he actually killed the beard, not only killed the beard, but also killed Zhan Gu Xiu. Damn it, it's too strong!

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