Ye Wumian is very proud to see him leave. Naturally, he can not agree with such people.

After reorganizing their thoughts, they picked up the documents on the desk and looked at them. Although they got the contract, this was only the first step, if the follow-up work could not satisfy the other party.

The other party still has the right to cancel the contract with them, and even needs their company to compensate the other company for the liquidated damages. After all, these things are caused by them.

"Come in."

Wu Fangfang had thought of pouring a glass of water, but saw Lin Fangqi standing at the door of the office, looking inside, some funny, called her a word.

"What are you doing stealthily at the door? I don't want to talk about anything. "

"It's not that I'm afraid of disturbing you two with this big light bulb of several thousand watts." Lin Fangqi looked at the office, only she was a relief and walked in.

"Well, you see, why do you still hold on to this topic? Why do you want me to do it?"

Wu Fangfang knew that she must have something to do when she went to her office so many times this day. Otherwise, she would have no leisure to take care of herself when she had so much work in hand.

"Do you two still live together now?"

"If we don't live together, our plan will be exposed. What's more, there is an old man who looks at us behind his back every day. If he doesn't pay attention, he will be defeated."

Wu Fangfang took a drink from her water glass and shrugged helplessly.

"Oh, well."

Lin Fangqi should be thoughtful, but Wu Fangfang always feels that he is strange today.

"What's the matter? Why are you so interested in both of us all of a sudden? Do you like him

"If that's the case, you don't have to worry. I won't rob you."

Wu Fangfang said these words calmly, and they had nothing to do with her. But when she said these things, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about? Am I such a person in your eyes?"

Lin Fangqi rolled her eyes at him with some dissatisfaction, and then sat there with a serious face, staring at her: "lily, tell me the truth, do you really don't like him? But have you found that the relationship between you two is so delicate. "

"Of course, it's impossible. Don't worry about it. Just concentrate on your work. If you really want to care about this, you should take care of yourself and try to get married earlier."

When Wu Fangfang heard him ask himself these inexplicable questions, she was subconsciously evasive.

"OK, OK, anyway, it's your own business. You can serve more snacks. I'm just a bystander looking at this problem from the perspective of the situation. Then you can work hard and I'll go back to my business."

Lin Fangqi is helpless. She also thinks that she may have been too worried. On the contrary, it is not very good. She has to leave to work first.

Wu Fangfang didn't pay too much attention to what Lin Fangqi said. She turned to her own work. When she got off work, she suddenly remembered that she still needed to thank Ye Wuliang for the cooperation and negotiation. So she called her and hoped to ask him out for dinner. This opportunity to thank him well

"I am here today Since you want to thank me so much, I don't want to kill your scenery. Why don't we go out to celebrate tomorrow

"Well, you can go back early when you finish your work. It's late." After Wu Fangfang finished, she hung up.

Ye Wuqi looked at the phone that was hung up. He was stunned for a few seconds. He shrugged his shoulders slightly, and then he took his coat and walked out towards the outside.

After ye Wuqi refused Wu Fangfang's request, he drove a car and came to a tavern. The people here seemed to be familiar with him, and even the boss looked very friendly when he saw him.

"You haven't been here for a long time. How come you've made a fortune recently and don't come to visit my pub."

The boss prepared wine for him, while joking, half joking.

"You really flatter me, boss. In case I really make a big windfall one day, I will give you a good financial aid to renovate this pub."

Ye Wuqi also just smiles back, just like two old friends joking with each other.

"My old tavern is a bit shabby, but it's full of feelings. Otherwise, how could so many people come here to drink wine?"

The tavern owner said without modesty. Ye Wuqian looked at his wine on the table and didn't disturb him too much. Recently, although the club is not big, the business is very good. The waiters and even the boss here are out and busy.

Originally calm night, very quiet, but people always feel that there is a strange atmosphere among them.Even the calm is like the peace before the storm.

Ye Wuqi listened to the old tune in the pub, poured himself a glass of wine, smelled it under his cup, and slightly closed his eyes, so he stayed quietly and enjoyed all this.

But such a moment is always short, suddenly from the door outside a lot of uninvited guests, the boss rushed over to greet, but one of them left the boss aside and told him not to meddle.

Although Ye Wuqi slightly closed his eyes, he had already felt the movement of these steps coming towards his side. His face was still expressionless and indifferent, as if he had foreseen and knew these things.

"Boy, you are still in the mood to drink here. It seems that you are really brave."

Among these uninvited guests, one of them is a tattoo man who takes the lead. At first sight, he is a person who mixes with the society. He goes to Ye Wuqian's table and says evil words to him.

"Boss, we're just a pub, and he's just a guest in our pub. Are you looking for the wrong person?"

Seeing that they were going to find Ye Wuqian's trouble, the tavern owner came from one side and explained to them that, after all, he still liked Ye Wuqian very much and didn't believe that he would offend these people in society.

"Boss, it doesn't matter, you go to one side, don't let them hurt you, they are looking for me."

Ye Wuque faces the tavern, and the boss signals to reassure him. Even though the tavern owner is afraid, they don't want to drag him down.

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