"Kowtow, kowtow --"

"come in."

Wu Fangfang has been busy with the work in hand, heard the door knocked after did not look up, just a light should.

"Why are you still working? Didn't you even have lunch? " Lin Fangqi originally wanted to come in and say that she and ye Wuwu were married, but seeing her sitting in front of her desk with a sad face, she did not move at all. Suddenly, she was worried.

"Knock, knock --"

"lily, I gave you a meal from the restaurant you often go to. I knew you would drive yourself crazy for this contract."

As soon as Lin Fangqi put his coffee on his desk, he saw that ye Wuqian knocked on the door and came in from the door with a lunch box in his hand.

Even when he said these words, he didn't pay attention to Lin Fangqi at all, as if he was the air, and his sense of existence was very weak.

"I'm really speechless to you two. Forget it, lily. I'll come back to you later. You can have dinner first."

Lin Fangqi looked at Ye Wuqian, rolled her eyes, but walked out of the office. Wu Fangfang looked at his indignant departure, but she could only shrug her shoulders.

"Thank you."

Wu Fangfang watched him put the food in front of him and looked up to thank him.

"No matter how, we are also unmarried now. Why are you so polite to me?"

Ye Wuqi's attitude towards her recently seems to have some changes, even should be described with ambiguity.

"You know that..."

Wu Fangfang originally wanted to say something bad about the scenery, but when she looked up and saw her clear eyes, she had already reached the edge of her mouth, so she swallowed hard and ate her own food.

Ye Wuque was very satisfied with his performance. He walked around the desk and stood beside him. He looked at the contract and the plan on the desk. After so long, he still didn't sort out some clues.

Then he took it and sat on the sofa, put it on the coffee table, and did it carefully there, and soon sorted out all these.

When Wu Fangfang finished her meal, she was surprised to see these documents.

"It's all done by you, so fast?"

"This allows you to sort it out, and it's more convenient to find information, because I've classified it for you."

Ye Wuqi originally wanted to say something more, but he heard his mobile phone message prompt sound for a while, and looked at the call on the screen showing a text message, frowning slightly.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. We must get this thing. I will go out first if I have something to do."

When ye Wuqian returns to the office, Wu Haoran is already sitting in the office waiting for him.

"Wu Da designer, how did you come to my humble house today? Didn't you say two days ago that you would let us go bankrupt?"

Ye Wuqi looked at his sad face, and knew that he must be seeking from himself, so he mocked him and sat down at his desk.

"We're all smart people. I don't want to beat around the Bush and say that's useless."

Wu Haoran doesn't want to save face to come here. After all, he is beating himself in the face when he comes to do it now. However, whoever asks her to rely on others and work for others can only do it according to his boss's instructions.

"But I don't want to talk to you. What's more, we are in a competitive relationship now, and you are the loser. We don't seem to have any common topic."

Ye Wuque was not happy to see him so arrogant and domineering before. Although he had been beaten by himself several times, she had always held a grudge against Wu Fangfang for the harassment he had done. She could not forget it so quickly.

"You --"

"Ye Wuqian, don't push your luck. Don't think I'm here to talk to you so politely, you just use your nose to face!"

Wu Haoran immediately patted the table and stood up and glared at him. His scarlet eyes were full of red blood, which showed that he was very angry.

"If you don't want to talk to me, please leave. After all, I still have work to do. We have just signed the contract with Party A. at present, there are many follow-up work to be done, so I have no time to receive you, so we will not send them."

Ye Wuqi didn't have it all the time. Seeing Wu Haoran with a straight eye and even scornful and sarcastic tone, he felt very angry. If he didn't see the reporter himself, he still had a task on his body, and his reason had not been completely covered. Maybe he had already started his work now.

"Well, I don't want to entangle with you the personal resentment between the two of us. Our boss appreciates your talent very much. He wants you to work in our company. As long as you make an offer, he will promise you. So don't link this matter with our personal gratitude and resentment."

"I'm just a communicator today. The conditions of our company will be much better than here. What we can give you is also the best. We can let you display your talents as soon as possible. Of course, we can also let you get better development. Even in the future, our position in the company and even in this industry is no less than mine."Wu Haoran tried his best to suppress his emotions and not let himself burst out like this. He also knew that this time, things would not be so fast and so smooth. He had to put on airs even though he really wanted to go, he couldn't agree with him so quickly even if he really wanted to go.

"What you said is really tempting. These conditions may be beyond my expectation."

Ye Wuque, I looked at her with interest, showing a pair of want, but also very hesitant.

"You also know that you can't get these things in your life. Even if you try hard in the future, the problem of time is enough for you to destroy one's patience. Therefore, if you have such a good opportunity, you naturally need to cherish it, and there is no need to hesitate here. If you are embarrassed to refuse Wu Fangfang and resign from here, I can help you. "

"Oh, you think everyone is like you?"

"I'm afraid what you're talking about is all what you want. I can't be moved by such vulgar and vulgar material as you."

"So go back and tell your boss that, just like his condition, you can only buy off people like you who are vulgar and can only play tricks, but have no strength."

Ye Wuque Leng drank a word, Wu Haoran heard him taunting himself like this, immediately got up and glared at him: "I tell you, you will definitely regret it!"

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