After falling into the quiet, sister Zhou continued to chat with Ye Wuqian. She had been talking there for a long time. They had a good time talking. Now ye Wuqian was very happy. Then she didn't feel so afraid of what had just happened. Now the air began to be active, and the whole family was filled with a special atmosphere of joy.

"By the way, ye Wuqian, did you drink without dinner today? You should be very hungry now. When I just talked to you, I heard your stomach growling. I'll cook some porridge for you later. Anyway, if it's too late today, you can stay at my house. " Sister Zhou suddenly said this to ye Wuque.

Ye Wuqi felt a little embarrassed when he heard sister Zhou say this, but after a silence for a while, he still replied: "sister Zhou, how did you observe so carefully? I did not drink on an empty stomach after dinner, so I am very dizzy now. I just helped you to go home and just reluctantly endured dizziness, so I asked you to help me I went home, but I'm really hungry now, but I'd better not trouble you

"No, no trouble. How can you say that? I know you are hungry. Although you are a boy, you are drunk after all. It's not safe to go back like this. Don't feel embarrassed. Sit on the sofa and have a rest. I'll go to the kitchen to cook porridge for you later. I'm also a little hungry, so I'll take my share It's boiling. " Sister Zhou replied.

When ye Wuqian heard this answer, he had no choice but to agree to her request, because she was too persistent. If ye Wuque refused her in this way, she would feel bad at that time. Therefore, ye did not want to refuse her kindness.

After seeing ye Wuqian's promise, she immediately smiles at ye Wumian. At this time, she immediately gets up from the sofa and stands up. Then she goes to the kitchen and turns on the kitchen lights. At this time, the whole room is lit up, so it seems less depressed. After all, sister Zhou doesn't like the dark, but likes to be bright In order to light up all the lights in the house, although a little waste of electricity, but at least can make the heart of sister Zhou look more comfortable.

After that, sister Zhou immediately picked up the materials for porridge. After preparing the ingredients, she immediately picked up a pot of water, and then put it on the top of the induction cooker, ready to boil the water and put it into the main materials for porridge.

After a while, the pot of water boiled, and sister Zhou immediately opened the lid of the pot. But at this time, sister Zhou shook her hand. Suddenly, half of the water in the pot spilled out, but the half of the boiling water just spilled on her hand. So at this time, she was really in pain and couldn't help screaming.

After hearing the scream of sister Zhou coming out of the kitchen, ye Wuqi immediately got up from the sofa and ran to the kitchen in a hurry. After running to the kitchen, ye Wuque immediately asked sister Zhou, "sister Zhou, what's the matter with you? Why do you suddenly make such a scream? I was shocked in the living room just now, so I wanted to see what happened and rushed to the kitchen

After hearing this, sister Zhou immediately replied to Ye Wuqian: "Ye Wuqian, when I was just boiling water, I accidentally shook my hand and was scalded by the boiling water. All the water was sprinkled on my hand. Now my hand is really painful!"

"How can you be so careless? Show me what's going on with your hands?" Ye Wuqian answers. After listening to this, sister Zhou immediately reaches out her hand to show her scalded hand. After seeing it, ye Wuqian can't help but tut.

"Well, look at the blisters on your hand thread, and now they are all red and swollen. You should shower yourself with cold water! Move quickly, otherwise the wound will certainly leave scar Ye Wuhuang replied, and then she put her hand under the faucet, opened the cold water and drenched it. At this time, she felt that her wound was not as painful as before, at least in a degree of patience.

After sister Zhou cooled the wound on her hand with cold water, ye Wuqian immediately went to her, then looked at the wound on her hand and said to her, "sister Zhou, why don't we go to the hospital now? I think your wound is too serious. Although you just cooled it with cold water, it's just a way to relieve the pain temporarily Because there are very big blisters now, I think you'd better go to the hospital and have a look. "

"If I go to the hospital, I don't think it's necessary for me to go to the hospital for this kind of injury. I have some medicine for scald in my medical box. Can you take it for me, and then I can put some medicine on my hands. Scald is actually common, so there is no need to be so surprised." Sister Zhou said that ye Wuqian nodded helplessly after hearing this.

Then ye Wuque also heard what sister Zhou just said, and immediately took the medical box to sister Zhou. Then ye Wuqian immediately took out the erythromycin ointment in the medical box. Because ye Wuque knew that he was scalded, he had to apply erythromycin ointment. So ye Wuque took out a cotton swab and carefully applied medicine on the wound that sister Zhou had just been scalded."You just smeared me with medicine, but now I'm doing it again. Ha ha ha." Ye Wuqi couldn't help laughing. At this time, sister Zhou was also amused and completely forgot the pain on her hand.

After a while, ye Wuqian immediately coated the medicine, and then said to sister Zhou, "sister Zhou, now that the medicine has been coated, don't force yourself. I'll cook the porridge myself, and I can cook it myself." Sister Zhou nods to Ye Wuzhi.

Then ye Wuwu conscientiously went on cooking porridge. After a while, this pot of delicious millet porridge has been cooked, but the millet porridge has no taste at all, so the leaves are not deficient and a little sugar is added to taste.

After adjusting the flavor, ye Wuqian tasted it and found it was good. She was satisfied with this bowl of porridge and brought it to sister Zhou. When she saw this bowl of delicious porridge, she immediately picked up a spoon and put it into her mouth.

After a while, ye Wuqian and sister Zhou finished cooking the pot of millet porridge.

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