When ye Wuqian was eating porridge, he always felt that there was a line of sight staring at him. He would know that it was sister Zhou looking at him. So he was a little curious. After a while, he still felt uncomfortable. So he opened his mouth to sister Zhou beside him and said:

"sister Zhou, you have been looking at me. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Sister Zhou didn't expect Ye Wuqian to suddenly look at her. She found that she had been looking at Ye Wuqian from the beginning. She felt a little embarrassed. So she covered her mouth and laughed, then shook her head and said, "ha ha, I don't have anything to say, but fortunately, I still have some curiosity to see that your hands are not stained with Yang Spring water appearance, did not expect to actually be able to cook, really let me look at you with a new look. Now there are fewer and fewer good men. I didn't expect to be met by one. "

After hearing sister Zhou's ridicule of himself, ye Wuqian couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and said to sister Zhou:

"where can I cook any rice? I just can make something simple to eat. After all, I live alone now. If I can't even cook, I will starve to death."

After that, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

Ye Wuqian actually can cook, but he can also cook some home cooked dishes. Now, after being praised by sister Hua, she is a little embarrassed.

Sister Zhou's impression of Ye Wuqian is getting better and better. At the beginning, he didn't like it very much. But now, after contacting Ye Wuqian for a period of time, she found that ye Wuque was really a good person, so she couldn't help but want to get close to Ye Wuqian.

After she retorted, she felt embarrassed to laugh at her sister.

After hearing Ye Wuqian's modest retort, sister Zhou also couldn't help laughing. Of course, she could see that ye Wuqian was different from those men he usually met, even better than them.

So sister Zhou saw Ye Wuqian, and she felt more like Ye Wuqian after hearing Ye Wuqian's modesty.

So I couldn't help but smile and then filled a bowl of porridge for ye Wuque, and then said to him:

"the porridge you made is really good. Although you have eaten a lot of good things before, I think the bowl of porridge you make is very delicious."

After a smile, two people looked at each other.

When sister Zhou saw Ye Wuxiang like this, she was very happy, so she couldn't help but open her mouth to ye Wumian and said:

"well, I wish I could cook. Now I can see you as a boy can cook. I envy your future girlfriend. Sometimes I must learn how to cook by myself, so that I can make it for my boyfriend in the future Do you think you've eaten

Ye Wuqi of course also knows that sister Zhou is joking with himself, so he doesn't put the joke on his heart. Instead, he smiles and says to her, "if you really can't cook, you'd better find a boyfriend who can cook in the future."

Sister Zhou also couldn't help laughing when she heard that ye Wuqian could speak so well. She thought that ye Wuqian said that he was still living alone. She was curious, so she said to Zhang Fei:

"by the way, is it true that you just said you live alone now? How can a man like you not have a girlfriend? You are not lying to me, are you? "

After hearing this, ye Wuwei couldn't help laughing, and then said to her:

"I really don't have a girlfriend. Besides, I'm such a person. Where can you see that I'm excellent? If all people think of me like you, I can't be single now."

Ye Wumian pretends to be lost and shakes his head. Although he has a favorite person, he doesn't have a girlfriend. He suddenly thinks of Wu Fangfang. After that, ye Wumian's whole heart is suffering a lot.

She and Wu Fangfang have come all the way to this point. They are not together yet, but they are still uncomfortable in their hearts. So ye Wuqian thinks that he must catch Wu Fangfang to his hand. After thinking of this, ye Wuqian also firmly pinches his fist.

And sister Zhou heard ye Wuque say that she had no boyfriend, her eyes suddenly lit up, and now she is a person, and ye Wuque is also a person, isn't it right.

There were some worries just now. After hearing Ye Wuqian say that he had no girlfriend, sister Zhou thought that she would have a chance. So she walked to Ye Wuqian's side with a smile and said:

"ha ha, you don't have a girlfriend. That's right. I don't have a boyfriend now, and you just don't have a girlfriend Friends? What do you think if we make a couple? "

After that, he blinked at ye Wuque. After hearing what sister Zhou said, ye almost didn't spray the porridge in his mouth. When he finally recovered his calm, he looked at her and said:"What did you just say, sister Zhou? I drank so fast that I didn't hear you clearly

After seeing this, sister Zhou also couldn't help laughing. Then she took out a paper towel and handed it to Ye. After that, she repeated what she had just said.

"I said, anyway, you don't have a girlfriend now. By coincidence, I don't have a boyfriend either. It happens that I think you are very good now. Otherwise, how about you being my boyfriend?"

After that, he smiles at the leaf and makes a gentle look.

Ye Wuqian has finally heard what sister Zhou said. The whole person is not good. He shook his head and said to her: "ha ha, don't tease me any more. Even if you don't have a boyfriend now, you can't pull me to be your boyfriend, and we've just known each other for a short time, How can we be together

After saying that, she couldn't help but smile. When she saw Ye Wuqian, she knew that she might be too positive. So let Ye Wuqian feel some discomfort. After thinking about this, he shook his head and decided to take it slowly. Don't worry too much, so as not to scare Ye Wuqian.

So after smiling at Ye Wuwei, he said, "well, don't worry, I just joked with you just now, and I'll scare you."

After saying that, he also couldn't help but cover his mouth and smile. After hearing this from sister Zhou, he felt relieved.

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