After ye Wuxiang returned to the hall, Wu Fangfang had already cleaned up. Now Wu Fangfang is not as pathetic as last night. Now Wu Fangfang has recovered the former CEO.

After seeing this place, ye felt that the woman had become too fast, so he shook his head helplessly. After that, he went to Wu Fangfang and said to him:

"how about it? Are you suffering now? What do we want to eat?"

Wu Fangfang, after hearing ye Wuque's words, laughed and then said to him, "how about the breakfast you made for me today? Do you want to make breakfast for me by yourself?"

When ye Wuxiang heard that Wu Fangfang seldom allowed herself to make breakfast, he couldn't help laughing. However, although his breakfast was not very delicious, he could still cope with it after all. Since Wu Fangfang really wanted to eat, ye Wuhao nodded, and then said to Wu Fangfang:

"that's good. Although I don't make a good breakfast, we can't help it It's OK to make do with it. "

After that, she got up and prepared to make some breakfast for Wu Fangfang. However, Wu Fangfang thought of Ye Wuqian again. Last night, because she had taken care of herself all night, she still felt that she should not be allowed to do anything any more.

So after sighing, he still called Ye Wuqian and said to him:

"well, forget it, you'd better not do it. Let's go out to eat. You didn't sleep much last night. Now I'm afraid you're tired. Let's go out and eat some."

After hearing what Wu Fangfang said, ye Wuhua nodded helplessly. The woman's mind really became too fast. He just said that he would go out to have breakfast with him. He didn't expect that he had changed his mind so soon.

However, if you don't make breakfast, ye Wuqian is certainly happy. He didn't sleep all night last night. Now he is very tired and willing to rest. Who would like to cook here.

Thinking of this, houye Wuqian raised the corner of his mouth and said to Wu Fangfang: "well, listen to you. If you want to eat something, we can eat it."

After eating, she went back to her room to clean up and went out to have breakfast with me. After breakfast, Wu Fangfang looked at Ye Wuqian and found that ye Wuqian seemed absent-minded. After that, she sighed and said to him:

"forget it, you don't have to go to work today. I can ask for leave for you. It's an exception today Just give you a good rest. "

After hearing that Wu Fangfang actually gave himself a holiday, Ye was still very happy, so he nodded excitedly and said thanks to Wu Fangfang gratefully.

It happened that ye Wuqian had been tired for a day last night. Now he can't lift up his spirits and go to work in the company again. Wu Fangfang actually asked for leave for herself. Although Ye Wuqian had some accidents, he was still very happy.

However, after thinking that he didn't sleep well because he took care of Wu Fangfang yesterday, ye Wuqian still felt that he should get a day's holiday.

Wu Fangfang saw ye Wuque so happy, but also reluctantly shook his head and went back to work in the company.

There are a lot of things waiting to be done in the company. I don't have the time to talk about other things with Ye Wuqian.

Wu Fangfang didn't see Tang Wanrou after she returned to the company, so she still had some accidents. Yesterday Tang Wanrou left. I don't know why she hasn't come here now.

Wu Fangfang remembers that Tang Wanrou said to herself yesterday that she still had a lot of things to do. Why didn't she come here now? Although Wu Fangfang was curious, she still didn't come After all, Tang Wanrou is his best friend and not his subordinate, so he still doesn't ask any more questions.

However, Tang Wanrou didn't come to work in the company all day. Wu Fangfang discovered that there were some abnormal things. Even if Tang Wanrou didn't come to the company, she would ask for leave for herself. However, it was a little strange that she didn't come to the company without saying anything.

Therefore, Wu Fangfang had some worries and called Tang Wanrou.

However, to Wu Fangfang's surprise, Tang Wanrou didn't answer her phone call, so she didn't know where Tang Wanrou was. So she called Tang sou's secretary to her office.

When the Secretary heard that Wu Fangfang came to her office, she was still curious. However, after hearing that Wu Fangfang asked about Tang Wanrou's things, the Secretary shook her head and said to Wu Fangfang in a daze:

"I don't know where Tang Wanrou is today? She didn't come to work early this morning. I was also curious. After all, she was never late. Today she was late, and she didn't ask for leave. This is something that never happened before. I still wonder if something has happened. I want to come to ask you this day, but I didn't think that you didn't know where she wentAfter hearing what the Secretary said, Wu Fangfang was also a little curious. She watched Tang Wanrou leave last night and asked the driver to send Tang Wanrou home.

But who knows that Tang Wanrou didn't come here today, and the phone call was also turned off. So Wu Fangfang was worried, but she didn't care much when she thought that she had sent a driver to send Tang Wanrou back.

She thought that Tang Wanrou might be on temporary business, so she didn't come to work and felt relieved for a while. So she wanted to go to Tang sou's house to find Tang sou after work to see what had happened to her today, so Wu Fangfang began to feel relieved.

However, although Wu Fangfang is at ease now and knows that Tang Wanrou will not have anything to do with her, she is still not used to seeing that Tang Wanrou is not in the company all day, so she is not interested in her work.

What's more, ye Wuqian is not in the company today. Tang Wanrou and ye Wuqian are not in the company. After Wu Fangfang felt very tired, she took care of her own affairs in advance and left work ahead of time.

When Wu Fangfang got off work, she went straight to Tang Wanrou's house and wanted to ask Tang Wanrou what happened today. After all, she and Tang Wanrou were good friends.

If something happened to Tang Wanrou, she would be worried. But what Wu Fangfang didn't think of was that she had knocked on the door for a long time in Tang Wanrou's house. Wu Fangfang found out that the situation was wrong.

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