Wu Fangfang knocked at the door for a long time, but no one in Tang Wanrou's family came to open the door for herself, so Wu Fangfang was worried because he knew that Tang Wanrou lived alone. If she didn't come to open the door for herself, unless Tang Wanrou was not at home.

However, since Tang Wanrou has not come to the company and she is not at home, where can she go? Wu Fangfang still has some worries when she thinks of this, so she makes several phone calls to Tang Wanrou's mobile phone, but just as before, no one answers Tang Wanrou's mobile phone.

If Wu Fangfang just had some accidents and why Tang Wanrou didn't answer her phone, now I really have some worries. I don't know why Tang Wanrou doesn't answer her phone.

Wu Fangfang has no way to see if Tang Wanrou is not at home. She can only go back to the company to see if Tang sou has returned to the company, but who knows Tang Wanrou is still not in the company.

for a while, Tang Wanrou seems to have evaporated from the world, and he can't make phone calls. Moreover, his home is not in the company, and there is no trace of Tang Wanrou Now there is a little bit of anxiety,

because she and Tang Wanrou are good friends since childhood. They have never been separated for such a long time. But who knows that Tang Wanrou has been missing for such a long time, and she doesn't know where she has gone, so where is there any reason not to worry?

Now he must find out Tang Wanrou as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be at ease in his heart.

Wu Fangfang alone has no way, and it has not been 24 hours, the police can not file a case. Thinking of this, Wu Fangfang has some worries in mind, so she quickly calls ye Wumian.

Wu Fangfang knew that as long as ye Wuqian could help him find Tang Wanrou, there would be a way. So she put all her hopes on Ye Wuqian.

However, ye Wuqian didn't sleep all night because he needed to take care of Wu Fangfang last night. Now Wu Fangfang has given him a holiday. After that, ye Wuqian can have a good rest. But who knows he has not had time to have a good rest before he hears the ringing of the telephone.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's call, ye Wumian is curious because Wu Fangfang has already given himself a holiday? So why call yourself all of a sudden? After thinking of this, ye Wuque frowned and connected the phone.

"Hello? Didn't you give me a holiday? Why did you call again? Is there anything else I can do in the company? "

After ye Wumian finished, he laughed at Wu Fangfang in the phone. Wu Fangfang is not in the mood to laugh now. Now Tang Wanrou can't find himself in a panic. So after hearing ye Wuque's words, he sighs and says to Ye Wuliang solemnly:

"ye Wuque, something's wrong. I won't joke with you now I know where I went. I didn't go home after I went back yesterday. I didn't even come to work this morning, and I couldn't get through to her phone. I just went to his home to look for him, but he was not at home. I don't know where he went. It's just like evaporation from the world, so I have some worries in my heart. Why don't you come here? "

Ye Wumian was surprised to hear Wu Fangfang say that Tang sou had disappeared. However, he thought that Tang Wanrou had been missing for several hours from last night to now. Moreover, her head is also an adult, not a child. Even if she went out to work for so many hours, it was normal that she could not reach her.

So after hearing that Wu Fangfang was in such a hurry, she sighed and said to her comforting voice:

"well, don't worry too much. Tang Wanrou is now an adult, not a child. How could he not know how to protect his own safety? And if you didn't ask the driver to send him back yesterday, you can What's the big deal? Tang Wanrou, an adult, may have some private affairs to deal with. He can't tell you. What's the big deal? You don't have to worry about waiting in the company. He should come back. "

After hearing this, Wu Fang Fang seemed to feel that there was some truth in this, and then nodded. However, she was still worried.

Tang Wanrou is worried that if Tang Wanrou doesn't have a good friend for a long time, she won't be friends for a long time.

"Although that's right. Tang Wanrou is now an adult, not a child. But you know that Tang sou is very conscientious and responsible in his work. If there are no special circumstances, he has never been absent from the company for a day. But today, he has not come to the company or even asked for leave. Don't you think this is a very strange thing Is that right? I think something has happened to her. I'm not at ease now. Are you worried? "

Wu Fangfang seems to have been a little angry, because he knows that if someone else's words have not been contacted for a long time, it should not be a big deal. But Tang Wanrou is different. Tang sou, from a small to a majority, attaches great importance to his own work.But now she disappeared without even asking for leave, so there must be something wrong.

If she really had something important to ask for leave, she would have said it in advance. She would never be absent here without any reason, so this is what worries Wu Fangfang.

However, after Wu Fangfang told ye Wuqian that ye Wuque was so indifferent that she was very angry in her heart.

After hearing that Wu Fangfang seemed to be angry, ye Wuqi sighed. Then he got up from the bed helplessly and said to Wu Fangfang:

"forget it, wait for me in the company first. I'll come here right now, and we'll tell you what to do next."

Having said that, ye Wuqian immediately got up and cleaned up, and then drove over from the company.

Because he had never seen Tang Wanrou before, he would not come to the company without asking for leave. Therefore, Tang Wanrou might have something to do this time, so he went directly to Wu Fangfang company.

After arriving at the company, she saw Wu Fangfang anxiously coming over at the door. Wu Fangfang saw Ye Wuqian and waved to ye Wumian when she arrived.

Wu Fangfang looks at Ye Wuqian. After passing by, he looks worried. Ye Wuqi sighs at Wu Fangfang's appearance, and then opens his mouth to Wu Fangfang and says, "how about not contacting Tang Wanrou?"

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