After hearing Ye Wuqian's question, Wu Fangfang nodded and then said to ye: "no, I was looking for Tang Wanrou at the beginning of the day, and I have been calling Tang Wanrou, but Tang Wanrou's phone has been unable to get through. Finally, I can only go to Tang Wanrou's house to look for it, but I have been knocking for a long time, and no one comes out to ask, so I have to go to Tang Wanrou's house for a long time Now I don't know where Tang Wanrou went. "

Even if Tang Wanrou is not here, he must answer the phone. At least he should give Wu Fangfang a notice. He won't let them worry in vain.

And Tang Wanrou is not that kind of unreasonable person, so now he has some doubts in his mind, do not know where Tang Wanrou went.

After Wu Fangfang asked her driver to send Tang Wanrou back last night, ye Wuqian suddenly realized that she turned to Wu Fangfang and said:

"didn't you ask your driver to send Tang Wanrou back? Why don't you call your driver over and ask where Tang Wanrou went last night

Wu Fangfang nodded after hearing Ye Wuqian's words. She was really in a hurry today, so she had forgotten that she asked her driver to send Tang Wanrou home yesterday.

Now I heard Ye Wuqian say so. After that, ye Wuque nodded and asked the driver to come over.

After hearing Wu Fangfang tell him to go there, the driver was still curious, but she still came. Seeing the driver coming, Wu Fangfang couldn't wait to open his mouth to the driver and said:

"I asked you to send Tang sou home last night. Did you send her home?"

After hearing Wu Fangfang finish, the driver nodded firmly, then said to Wu Fangfang:

"manager, don't worry. I sent Tang Wanrou home yesterday. I watched her go upstairs. What's the matter with her? I haven't seen Tang Wanrou all day. "

Wu Fangfang heard the driver say that he had sent Tang Wanrou home. Wu Fang fangxinli also has some doubts. Since the driver has already said that he has sent Tang Wanrou home, why was Tang Wanrou not at home when he went to look for Tang Wanrou this morning.

After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang was worried about whether Tang Wanrou was ill at home or something? So Tang Wanrou didn't open the door when she knocked on the door.

after thinking about this, Wu Fangfang felt that the possibility was somewhat credible, so she told her guess to Ye Wuqian. After hearing Wu Fangfang's conjecture, ye Wuqian did not reject it in a hurry, because Wu Fangfang's saying was reasonable. After all, Tang Wanrou lives alone at home, If something happened to him, he and Wu Fangfang would not know.

After thinking about this, I still decided to go to Tang Wanrou's house to see what happened to her, so she turned to Wu Fangfang and said:

"if you are really worried, why don't we go to Tang Wanrou's house to have a look? If he is really at home, we can rest assured. If not, we will try to find out how to find it

Although Wu Fangfang still has some worries after hearing Ye Wuqian's remarks, this method is also the best one so far, because if they want to find Tang sou, they can only go to Tang Wanrou's house first. Otherwise, they can't find Tang Wanrou.

After Tang Wanrou knocked at the door of his house for a long time, he didn't know who was coming to his house.

After seeing this situation, ye Wuqian felt that Tang Wanrou was not at home, but because he thought that if meat was really sick at home, there was some possibility that he could not open the door.

After thinking of this place, they called a person to unlock the door and opened the lock of Tang Wanrou's house.

when they saw that the door of the Tang family was opened, they hurriedly walked in, but who knew that there was no one in Tang Wanrou's house, and there were some people in the room in disorder.

After Wu Fangfang went in, she frowned at the appearance of Tang Wanrou's house, then turned to ye Wumian and said:

"Tang Wanrou is not at home, and according to what I know about Tang sou, Tang Wanrou may have returned home yesterday. Otherwise, her house would not be so messy, because the sugar and meat are cleaned every morning The habit of taking care of the room, so she may have something to go out after she went home last night

After Wu Fangfang finished speaking, she and Tang Wanrou are good friends. Now Tang Wanrou doesn't know why she disappeared or where she went. Of course, she is most worried, so she doesn't know what to do. Now she can only place all her hopes on ye Wumian.

Because ye Wuxiang always plays the most important role when he encounters something. Now that Tang Wanrou is missing, Wu Fangfang is worried about him all of a sudden. However, there is ye Wuque beside him, so Wu Fangfang places all her hopes on Ye Wuxiang.After seeing Wu Fangfang's worry, ye Wuqian sighs. He knows that Wu Li and Tang Wanrou have a good relationship. Now Tang Wanrou doesn't know where to go. After that, Wu Fangfang is very worried.

So ye Wuqian sighed and then turned to Wu Fangfang and said:

"don't worry about it. If you look at this situation, it may be that Tang Wanrou has something or is in trouble for a while. So we can go out and do some things. We don't have to worry and wait. If Tang Wanrou is really in a hurry and his mobile phone is out of power There is no way to get through the phone, and there is no way to reply to us. If we are in such a hurry to find her, there is no idea, even the police will not accept it. "

What's more, Tang Wanrou is an adult. Ye Wuqian also thinks that Tang Wanrou can't go missing without any reason, so he thinks that it may be where she may have gone, but she forgot to ask for leave from the company.

Or because of something, I didn't say anything to Wu Fangfang and the company.

Now ye Wuqian feels that he can only think of such a possibility. Although Wu Fangfang still has some worries after hearing ye Wuque say this, I also think it is possible.

Because Tang Wanrou, after all, is an adult, not a child, so he won't lose his way.

Even if you know Tang Wanrou, maybe Tang Wanrou has some private affairs to deal with, so maybe Tang Wanrou will do it now, so I can only wait patiently.

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