After seeing Wu Fangfang, ye Wuxiang sighed and said to Wu Fangfang:

"you can have a rest here first. I'll check where Tang Wanrou went yesterday. I'll tell you later."

Having said that, she turned and left. Wu Fangfang knew that ye Wuqian might have gone to check Tang Wanrou's trail, so she did not stop Ye Wuqian.

Because he knew that ye Wuqian was capable. At first, he hacked into the police's monitoring system. Then he found out who was going to frame them. If you can check it, maybe you can find out where Tang Wanrou is.

Wu Fangfang can only settle down temporarily after thinking of here, because even if she is unstable, she has no use. After all, no matter how to say that she is just an ordinary person. Besides, she can't help ye Wuwu in addition to her worries. Therefore, she can only stay here and see if Tang Wanrou will come back.

Ye Wuqi has been comforting Wu Fangfang ever since Wu Fangfang came here. He has been saying that Tang Wanrou has nothing to do, so let Wu Fangfang not worry.

However, after going out, ye Wuqian's face became dignified. He knew that something had happened to Tang Wanrou. Otherwise, she would not have disappeared. At least, she should have told them.

Tang Wanrou will not even say it directly, so there are still some worries in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he still thinks that he should go and find out where Tang Wanrou is.

As long as Tang Wanrou is found, Wu Fangfang can rest assured because he still has some worries about Wu Fangfang when he looks worried today.

Ye Wuque first found an Internet cafe, and then according to the previous monitoring system in the black hearted police group, and then found the surveillance video at the door of Tang Wanrou's house.

He saw the driver send this trip back, and then saw Tang Wanrou go home for a while, then he left with his mobile phone in a hurry. He didn't know where he was going. He just took a taxi and left.

Now that she saw them like this, Wu Fangfang was worried. She didn't know where Tang Wanrou had gone. But now it seems that Tang Wanrou was not kidnapped. She went there on her own initiative, so ye Wuqian was relieved.

However, he still had some curiosity in his heart. Why did Tang Wanrou leave in a hurry after going home? Did something really happen?

So ye Wumian quickly called up Tang Wanrou's phone call record last night. Sure enough, he found a record of Tang Wanrou's phone call with a person. She didn't leave home until Tang sou finished the call. It can be proved that it was because of Tang Wanrou that the caller left.

However, he did not know who he was. After checking, he did not find anything substantive, so he told Wu Fangfang what he had found.

Wu Fangfang was relieved when she heard Ye Wuqian finish. She didn't know where Tang Wanrou was now, but she knew that Tang Wanrou had left on her own initiative and was not kidnapped. After sighing, she patted her chest and said to Ye Wuhuang next to her:

"what's the matter? Where do you think Tang Wanrou is going? I always think that Tang Wanrou was quite normal last night. Have you ever received that she joked with us last night? How can she disappear today? And as far as I know, she doesn't have any friends around here, so I still have some worries. I don't know where Tang Wanrou is now. "

Ye Wuqi was silent for a moment, then he opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"don't worry about this matter. Now we know that she went out on her own initiative, so she will contact us when she is free. Maybe he doesn't contact us because there are some important things to do or the mobile phone is not charged, So don't worry. "

After that, she shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

After seeing him like this, Wu Fangfang on one side nodded. He was right. He was really worried about this matter, so it was better to relax. Thinking of this,

Wu Fangfang forced herself to relax.

Because ye Wuxiang told Wu Fangfang that he wanted Wu Fangfang not to worry about these days and have a good rest. Therefore, Wu Fangfang did not worry and was ready to go back to have a good rest.

Ye Wuxiang has just said to Wu Fangfang that Wu Fangfang should not worry about it for the time being. If Tang Wanrou really has nothing to do, Tang Wanrou will come back sooner or later. It is useless to worry about it here.

So Wu Fangfang can only be at ease now. If Tang Wanrou really comes back, he will contact his right hand.

And even if Tang Wanrou didn't come back, the case would be filed in 24 hours, and ye Wuqian also said that he would investigate Tang Wanrou's removal for himself, so he didn't worry much and waited for Zhang Fei's result.Ye Wuqian didn't find anything unusual when he started to check, but then he suddenly found something wrong. The person who called Tang Liu was actually a competitor of his company. Last time, because of Tang Wanrou's reason, he made a great loss to the company over there, so they also hated Tang Wanrou.

Ye Wuqian thinks that Tang Wanrou's sudden disappearance may have something to do with them. After thinking about this, ye Wuque frowns with some doubts. If he really has something to do with them, he may be in danger now.

Therefore, ye Wuxiang also has some worries, and he does not intend to directly tell Wu Fangfang what happened to Tang Wanrou, because if he told Wu Fangfang, Wu Fangfang could not do anything but worry about the core, so he thought that if he could, he hoped that he could find out Tang Wanrou.

If you are not sure whether Tang Wanrou suddenly disappeared because of their reasons, because there are still some uncertainties, so you can find out the call records of yesterday's friends,

as expected, what makes Ye Wuqian guess is that yesterday their competitors called Tang Yong and said that their company has a very important thing to do with Tang Wanrou Check clearly, Tang Wanrou after hearing this news, although she is not willing to go so late, but the people there are more anxious, so she can only worry about the past.

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