When Tang Wanrou heard that Wu Fangfang had let herself live in her house, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and smile. After shaking her head, she opened her mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"I said that my Miss Wu, you are too worried about me. It's just that you have been kidnapped. It's nothing serious. Moreover, I have been rescued by Ye Wuqian. Even if those people have the ability, they can't go to my house to kidnap me for the second time. They are already known by us, so how can they do such a thing again? So you can rest assured that I won't have any more things. "

But Wu Fangfang heard what she said and then ignored Tang Ruo, because she knew that Tang Wanrou was completely because of the company.

Usually, Tang Wanrou is very concerned about things in the company, so this is what gives those people a chance to take advantage of it. Now that Tang Wanrou has been rescued, Wu Fangfang still has some fear when she thinks that Tang Wanrou almost disappeared today.

And when he heard that he had been kidnapped to such a high roof, he was frightened. He had to rescue Tang Wanrou by Ye Wuqian. If he saw any accident, it would be fine.

So, of course, I am responsible for their safety. So after listening to Tang Wanrou's going home, Wu Fangfang will not allow him to live in his own house. It's not a big deal for him to live in a big house. Of course, I hope Tang Wanrou can live in his own home. In this way, he can also protect Tang Wanrou and won't let him say what he meets DANGER.

However, Tang Wanrou knew that what happened to her this time was just an accident. It was no big deal. Now that ye Wuqian was worried, she felt helpless. However, she also knew that Wu Fangfang was worried about herself, so she was moved.

So after sighing, he opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"Oh, you can rest assured, I really won't have anything to do, and now that we have known that things are done by them, I don't believe that they can still be arrogant. We can call the police if we can. I don't believe that they can do crimes even if they are arrogant No? "

Although Tang Wanrou is back now, he still has some fear after thinking about the frightened appearance after he was actually tied to the rooftop. He is also angry at those who kidnapped him.

Those people are the kind of people who are most despised by perm. They have the ability to defeat themselves in the shopping malls. They even use such unsophisticated skills to kidnap themselves. I still feel angry when I think of them here.

Tang Wanrou will never let those people go. In any case, he will never let those people get a good end. Now that he has come back, he will call the police and let the police arrest those people.

Wu Fangfang also nodded after hearing Tang Wanrou's remarks. She didn't expect that those people would be so arrogant. If there was some pressure on the company, she would feel nothing at all, because the two companies were originally tit for tat, and all the stumbling and stumbling things were no big deal.

However, they did not expect that they actually started to attack Tang Wanrou and even kidnapped him in private. After thinking about this place, Wu Fangfang became very angry and couldn't bear them at all.

Ye Wuxiang knows that Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou are still angry, but now they still have to put in a sentence. After a slight cough, they opened their mouth to Tang wanrouli and said:

"sorry, two of you. Although you are very angry that they kidnapped Tang Wanrou, you should think about it carefully There is no evidence to prove that they kidnapped Tang Wanrou. Although we have also seen that Tang Wanrou was kidnapped by them, if we really do not have evidence to prove that they kidnapped Tang Wanrou, even if we call the police, there is no way to arrest them. Do you think so? "

After hearing what ye Wuxiang said, Tang Wanrou and Wu Fangfang calmed down. However, after careful consideration, ye Wuqian said that there was some truth in what ye said. Although Tang Wanrou was arrested, the people who arrested him were careful and vigilant. No one knew that Wu Fangfang was actually arrested by them.

So now they have no evidence at all.

And even if they go to the police station now, the police will not be able to catch them, so things have become a little difficult.

After hearing this, Wu Fangfang was helpless. Tang Wanrou frowned and finally escaped from those people's hands.

Originally thought that we must let those people know how powerful, but I didn't think that those people were so insidious that they didn't have any evidence left.

Now if they call the police, the police have no way to do with them.

Tang Wanrou was still very angry when he thought about this, but now there is no evidence, so Tang Wanrou did not know what to do, so he sat down on the stool angrily and said with displeasure"I didn't expect those people to be so insidious and cunning. They kidnapped me with such insidious tricks, but they didn't even leave some evidence behind. I think they have already planned it, so this is what they did. Although there is no way for the police to arrest them this time, I am still reluctant to let them."

Wu Li also nodded after hearing Tang Wanrou say so. These people are really too much. In the past, I didn't care about them at all, so I always ignored them. But now they really touch their bottom line after doing these things.

For Wu Fangfang, Tang Wanrou is one of her best friends, so of course she is unwilling to see Tang Wanrou get hurt.

If those people are open and aboveboard to the company, they will feel nothing, but now they have started with Tang Wanrou, Wu Fangfang also knows that he must pay attention to it.

They even want to let Tang Wanrou be their agent. After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang sneered, and the whole person was angry.

Tang Wanrou is also unhappy. He is thinking about whether those people showed any tricks yesterday, so that they can prove that they are the murderers who kidnapped them. However, after thinking for a long time, he did not think of it.

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