Now, the heart of the leaves is also complicated, because I know it is not so simple. Since those people have caught Tang Wanrou, he knows clearly that those people have some eyeliner in their company.

because if there is no eyeliner, it is impossible to understand the whereabouts of Wu Fangfang and don Wan, so this is the kidnapping of Tang Wan Rong.

There are some other details, ye Wuwei, so it can be seen that there must be insiders in their company.

Thinking of here and ye Wuque, there are still some worries in my heart. After silence for a while, I still put my doubts to Wu Fangfang and said it.

After hearing Zhang Fei's words, Wu Fangfang stood up in shock. She didn't expect Ye Wuqian to say such a thing.

Ye Wumian actually said that his company had an internal agent arranged by those people. After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang immediately frowned, looked at Ye Wuliang in disbelief, and then said to him:

"no way. There has been no recruitment in our company recently. All the employees in the company are following me How can old people of several years betray the company? I don't think you are guessing. I still don't believe they will betray me. "

After that, Wu Fangfang shook her head, apparently in an unbelievable way.

And ye Wuqian can understand Wu Fangfang's mood after seeing Wu Fangfang's appearance, because if he had heard his subordinates betray him, it would still be unbelievable.

But the fact is that, because Wu Fangfang has been kidnapped once, ye Wuqian has to be on guard. He knows that there must be those people inside the company, so he is worried. If he can't find them out, there may be trouble in the future.

So this is to tell Wu Fangfang, let Wu Fangfang good vigilance, but who knows Wu Fangfang is so unbelievable appearance.

Ye Wuqi sighed helplessly after seeing him like this. He knew that Wu Fangfang believed those employees in the company, so he was so tangled.

But what I said is also some truth, hoping to attract Wu Fangfang's attention.

Although Wu Fangfang didn't believe Ye Wuqian when she just said it, Wu thought about it carefully and found that there was some truth in what ye said.

because Tang Wanrou was kidnapped this time, she had to pay attention to it. Maybe she didn't pay attention to these things before He has put his opponent's revenge on himself in mind, but now out of his mind, he said that after this thing, he had to attach great importance to the company's affairs, hoping that such a thing would not happen again next time.

Fortunately, Tang Wanrou's weakness was rescued this time. If Tang Wanrou is not rescued now, he will be the culprit. After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang frowned and looked at ye Wumian:

"you said that there are insiders in the company, but how can we find those people? We don't have any evidence to guess who betrayed the company. "

Wu Fangfang also thinks that there are so many employees in the company, and I have followed my staff for several years, so I really can't remember which employee may betray himself,

so now I have some doubts in my heart,

especially after hearing Ye Wuwei's analysis, I began to feel in my heart Worried up, but in the end can only look at all the expectations of the eyes toward the leaves of the past.

Ye Wuqi sighed after seeing Wu Fangfang's confused appearance. Then he opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"don't worry about this matter. If we tell the story that there are internal ghosts in the company right now, we may alarm the snake. Therefore, it is better not to let anyone know about this matter except the three of us. As for how to find out those insiders, I still need to think about it carefully and see if we can You can't think of a good way to kill two birds with one stone. "

After hearing that, Wu Fangfang was relieved because she knew that ye had such a skill. She knew that ye Wuqian had a way to do it. So she nodded and turned to him and said:

"well, I'll leave it to you. I'm sure you will It won't disappoint me

After hearing Wu Fangfang say so, ye Wumian knows that Wu Fangfang has given the matter to himself again, but ye Wuqian can only promise now.

After nodding, he said to Wu Fangfang:

"well, I have promised to help you solve this matter. You can rest assured that nothing will happen to this matter."

Hearing that ye Wuwei promised that he would help him solve the matter, Wu Fangfang was relieved.After all, Wu fangrou is not used to living in her own home.

And she also knows that Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian live together now. If she gets involved between them, is there any embarrassment.

However, after something happened to Tang Wanrou today, Wu Fangfang always felt that Tang Wanrou was not safe, so even if Tang Wanrou asked himself to go home, he just didn't agree.

Although Tang Wanrou is to insist on going home, but heard that Wu Fangfang insisted on living with her, it is still difficult to get rid of her heart, so she shirked several times, and found that Wu Fangfang did not let herself go back to live alone, and later, she was helpless to agree to come down.

After looking at her father's house, Wu fangrou felt relieved to call her own bodyguard.

After Tang Wanrou saw Wu Fangfang like this, she also knew that Wu Fangfang was concerned about herself, so she was very moved.

But also think of the company inside such a thing, there are some worries in the heart.

And I was not in the company all day yesterday, so now the top priority is to go back to the company and deal with the things in hand.

When Wu Fangfang saw that Tang Wanrou still had a long time to work, she had no choice but to rest at home because of the frightening thing.

Tang Wanrou finally can only reluctantly agree down.

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