Because this time, the company's internal ghost who is not clear now, so now both Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou are more worried.

Because now, after all, the ghost is still in the company. If he is allowed to stay in the company again, it may have some impact on the company. After thinking about this, the two people still have some worries.

But now ye Wuqian has promised to find a way to get rid of the insider in the company, so what they can do now can only wait until ye Wuqian thinks of a way to solve this matter.

Ye Wuqian also knows whether it is necessary to find out the ghost in the company as soon as possible. Only in this way can the company develop better. Otherwise, as long as there is an insider in one day, ye Wuque will be a bit insecure.

If the company's important information is stolen, it is a very important thing. After thinking about the people Tang Wanrou said let him steal the information, ye Wuqian suddenly had some ideas.

Doesn't that person want Tang Wanrou to steal information? If they have already arranged an insider in the company, why don't they just make a bureau to let them go in by themselves. After thinking about this, ye Wumian's eyes suddenly brightened up. After finding Wu Fangfang and ye Wumian, they told them their own ideas.

When Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou heard ye Wumian's idea, they also thought it was a good idea, because only in this way can we thoroughly clean up the idle people in the company. In this way, the company will be clean.

At that time, if the company happens again, it will be much more convenient. I am very happy to think of this place and everyone.

The next day, the company went to work normally, but before going to work, Wu Fangfang suddenly called all the staff in the company to the conference room and said that there was an urgent meeting to be held.

Although the professionals in the company don't know if something important has happened in the company, Wu Fangfang has asked them to go to the meeting, it must have Wu Fangfang's own meaning.

So he didn't ask why he went to the company for a meeting after hearing Wu Fangfang's order. Before the meeting began, everyone was talking about it and didn't know what was important.

Tang Wanrou and ye Wuqian secretly looked at all the facial expressions while they were talking. However, I don't know whether it is because the disguise of that person is so similar that no one can see the difference.

After seeing this place, the two people were somewhat lost. Ye Wuxiang also shook his head helplessly. Since they had been hiding in the company for so long, their Kung Fu must be very deep. How could they have seen it so easily.

After thinking of this, they shook their heads helplessly. When Wu Fangfang came, they just shut their mouths. Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian had already discussed this time. This time, they made a fake information and put it in the office, and then waited for the ghost to come out.

However, the three of them had not told any one of them about this matter, so they can find out those people now, so they are not so worried.

After the meeting started, Wu Fangfang cleared her throat and said to all the employees in the company:

"you must also be very curious about what I called you here. It is like this. Our company will have an important bidding with peers in a few days, so we need to make good efforts in this period of time Give it a push. Now our internal information has been made, so as long as you work hard in this period of time, I believe our company will be successful this time. "

Having said that, Wu Fangfang raised the folder in her hand and gave a confident smile.

After hearing that Wu Fangfang had called them here for a meeting, people in the company were still worried about whether something had happened to the company. However, after hearing Wu Fangfang's happy news, everyone said that they were relieved.

At the same time, they are all happy. If the company can develop well, their staff will also be beneficial. So everyone is congratulating Wu Fangfang.

After seeing the way people congratulated themselves, Wu Fangfang was also curious. He didn't know who the ghost was, and what he was hiding was really deep enough. However, he responded to the congratulations of all the people one by one.

After Wu Fangfang finished, she said to the staff in the company:

"well, we must make great efforts in this period of time. By the way, if you do this successfully, I will give you a bonus. "

After that, they laughed and waved their hands to announce the end of the meeting. After hearing Wu Fangfang's words, they were full of confidence. The main reason is that if this thing can succeed, their wages will rise.

So everyone was excited and worked hard.

After Wu Fangfang finished, she took the folder back to her office.After Wu Fangfang returned to the office, of course, she didn't see a staff member come out with her, but she didn't care who followed her.

After returning to the office and putting the folder in the desk, Tang Wanrou went out to find Tang Wanrou. Hearing Wu Fangfang's plan, Tang Wanrou still had some worries in her heart. She said to Wu Fangfang, "do you think our method is reliable? If that person doesn't come out, what should we do? Isn't it a waste of money Kung Fu? "

After hearing Tang Wanrou's question, Wu Fangfang shook her head and said to Tang Wanrou confidently:

"you can rest assured that since they kidnapped you just because they want to get these internal information, they will let go if they have such a good opportunity to get our internal information, so I believe they are now I'll come back after I know the internal information. You believe me. And anyway, we have nothing to lose, so we should try it out. If we really try it out, it would be better. If we don't, we will have no loss to me. "

When Tang Wanrou heard Wu Fangfang say so, she nodded and agreed.

If it is true to test out, then good, if it is not really out of the word, in fact, there is no loss to their own.

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