Zhang Wenqi and Zhang Wenqi on the other side spent a lot of effort. This is the kidnapping of Tang Wanrou, trying to let Tang Wanrou do some things for himself, and threatening Tang Wanrou for his own use.

However, she didn't expect that she had managed to kidnap Tang Wanrou here. After that, she ran away. Zhang Wenqi was very angry. She didn't expect that she spent so much money to invite so many bodyguards to come here. She couldn't even see a woman.

Zhang Wenqi got angry when he learned that Tang Wanrou had escaped, but he was also lost in thought after hearing the bodyguard's explanation.

The bodyguard explained that a man came to save Tang Wanrou. After hearing the bodyguard's explanation, Zhang Zeyu knew that the man must be ye Wuqian. After thinking about this, Zhang Wenqi was very angry.

Then he patted the table heavily, snorted coldly, and then opened his mouth:

"every time I encounter something, it's this leaf that destroys my good things."

After thinking about this, I naturally feel a little unhappy, but now that Tang Wanrou has been rescued, even if he is angry again, there is no use.

Now Zhang Wenqi is very angry. As long as Tang Wanrou gets the internal information, his company's bidding will be successful.

If they can't get the internal information back this time, they will fail in the bidding this time. Moreover, whether the company can turn over depends on this time. If it fails the most this time, the company may be in a dangerous situation.

After thinking about this, he was still a little annoyed, but at this time, he suddenly heard his own phone ring. After connecting the phone, he found that it was the person arranged by himself in Tang Wanrou company, so he connected the phone with some doubts:

"didn't I tell you? If there is nothing important, don't call me. If you let Wu Fangfang know that you are my man, you can't get along with the company over there. "

When Zhang Wenqi heard that her own people called her now, she was a little angry. She was in a bad mood because of Tang Wanrou's affairs. But who knows that the person who arranged for her in Wu Fangfang company actually called her at this time. Don't you know that she is very angry now?

And I arranged him into the company, but it took a lot of effort. If he was found out, I would not have to rearrange people.

When I thought of this, I was a little angry, but the people over there immediately opened their mouths and explained:

"Zhang is always like this. The reason why I call you now is that I found an important thing. When Wu Fangfang held a meeting with us today, she said that our company would be sure to succeed in this bidding, and others had already All the internal data have been made. Now those data are put in Wu Fangfang's office. If we can get those data, it will be of great benefit to our company. "

Zhang Wenqi was stunned when she heard her own people finish. She was still angry about Tang Wanrou's affairs, but she didn't expect that Wu Fangfang could do all the bidding data.

After thinking about this, I suddenly felt a little angry. I didn't expect Wu Fangfang to be so arrogant and said that she would succeed this time.

No, I have to get their data. If I fail again this time, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to turn over. So I don't allow such things to happen.

So he quickly opened his mouth to the person arranged in the company and said:

"are you sure Wu Fangfang has made that data? Is that data true? If it's true, it must have a very important effect on us

Now Zhang Wenqi is still a little excited when she hears her own people say so. If she wants to say that the data is true, she can win her in the next bidding as long as she gets it.

So I don't have to spend so much time to kidnap Tang Wanrou. I feel a little excited when I think about it.

The man waited for a long time and didn't wait for Zhang Wenqi to say anything. He was worried. He came out to make a phone call secretly, so he couldn't be heard by others. Now he heard Zhang Wenqi for a long time and didn't reply to his words. After that, he said to Zhang Wenqi in a hurry:

"what should I do with Mr. Zhang? Should that document be taken back? If you really find it useful, I think I can sneak it back

Zhang Wenqi just forgot to speak because she was too excited. Now, after hearing the man's words, she nodded her head, then snorted coldly and said to the man:

"of course, you need to get it back. Do you have such an important thing? If we really control it, we will bid for it It will be successful, so you must bring this back to me in any case. By the way, don't let Hu Li find out. I want to pit him well and let him know the consequences of offending me.

As soon as Zhang Wenqi thought that she had suffered so many times under Wu Fangfang, she hated Wu Fangfang very much. So now that she finally had an opportunity to suppress Wu Fangfang, she still did not want to let it go. Then she quickly ordered her own people:"In any case, we must bring that document back secretly, and we can't let Wu Li find it."

After saying that, hang up the phone, the person heard this can go out, because it is still difficult for him to get such a document.

But now no one doubts himself, so I went to Wu Fangfang's office. There should be nothing in the office. After thinking about this, he started to talk and went to deal with his own affairs.

When Wu Fangfang was sitting in the office, she suddenly heard someone come in and knock on the door, and then let someone walk in.

Wu Fangfang didn't expect that it was an employee in the company who had been with him for three years. After the man came in, Wu Fangfang obviously had some accidents, so she opened his mouth to the person and said, "well? Is there something you want me to do?

After hearing Wu Fangfang's words, the man nodded, handed some documents in his hand to Wu Fangfang and said to him:

"the president is like this. These are some important projects in our company that need to be done in the next month. So I can take it over and let the president have a look. You can see if there is any need to modify, If there is one, it can be changed now. "

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