After Wu Fangfang heard the man say that, I nodded, then took the folder from his hand, and looked at it.

However, after Wu Fangfang took over the documents, the man looked at Wu Fangfang's desk. Wu Fangfang put the folder that he had shown them in the meeting room on the table, but when he saw the man come in, he immediately put the document in his drawer.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's action, the man did not say anything. After laughing, he did not have any action. Wu Fangfang pretended that he did not find his abnormal appearance. After looking at the documents in his hand, he nodded and said to the man:

"if there is no problem, let's arrange it. We will follow the above items next month."

After hearing Wu Fangfang's promise, the man nodded and turned away.

Seeing the back of him leaving, Wu Fangfang laughed. As soon as he came in, he didn't look at himself. Instead, he looked at the folder on his desk. You don't need to know that he must be looking for that folder.

Wu Fangfang didn't think that he was the person in the company. His sense of existence in the company was not very high, and he was also serious and responsible when he did his work. Therefore, Wu Fangfang never put him on the list of suspects.

However, he did not expect to come to his office today, so he sneered.

Although now I can't be sure it's him, but now that he has some actions, I'm not afraid that she won't bite.

After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang laughed, then put away the table, and then turned to leave. Now Wu also knows that there are not many things to deal with in the company, so Wu Fangfang leaves work very early every day. Basically, she has already finished work at this time of the day.

Now, because she has dealt with some things, she is going back. It is a little late. At this time, every day is the time for Wu Fangfang to leave work, so Wu Fangfang cleaned up her things as usual and drove back.

The company is still going on as usual, and there is nothing strange about it. But what is usually different is that after Wu Fangfang left, a voice in the company sneaked into Wu Fangfang's office.

Because Wu Fangfang's office was originally in a separate floor, no one should go to Wu Fangfang's office at this time.

After all, Wu Fangfang has already finished work. Who else will go to his office? But the person who went to Wu Fangfang's office today is the one who sent materials to Wu Fangfang today.

He thought that there was no one in the company now, and Wu Fangfang was off work now, so he sneaked into the office and went directly to Wu Fangfang's desk.

Then he opened the drawer where Wu Fangfang put the materials today. Sure enough, he saw this drawer with the folder Wu Fangfang showed everyone today. After opening a folder, he saw the information in the folder, and then he was excited on the spot.

So he quickly took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the materials. When he was shooting, the office door was suddenly opened. The person was shocked when he heard the office door ring?

Now that Wu Fangfang is not all gone, how can someone come here? He was frightened at the thought of this place from the bottom of his heart. He looked up at the past, but he didn't think it was Ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuqi was leaning against the door and looking at the man with a smile. After seeing his photo, he was obviously surprised. So he opened his mouth to him and said:

"well, the company is not off work now. What are you doing in the president's office? By the way, aren't the important information that the president showed us today with the document in your hand? "

After hearing this, the man was afraid on the spot. He didn't expect Ye Wuwei to come suddenly.

Today, I calculated well that no one would come here, but I didn't expect Ye Wuqian to come here at this time. After thinking about it, I was disgusted with ye Wuque.

It's just that ye Wuhuang found himself and then said to him:

"it's nothing. It's just some unimportant information. Let me remember it when the president leaves today, but I've forgotten some now, so come here to see if there's anything big."

After saying that, he quickly put the things up and then turned around to leave. But who knows that at this time, ye Wuqian immediately grabbed her and threw him into the office.

After seeing ye Wuqian's action, the man knew that ye Wuqian might have discovered himself, but he still gave a hard stare at Ye Wuqian, and all of them said:

"what do you want to do when you pull me suddenly? I have something to do now and I have no time to talk to you nonsense."

After that, he pushed away Ye Wuqian and prepared to leave. Seeing him like this, ye Wuqian also gave a helpless smile, and then opened his mouth to him and said:"Do you really treat me as a fool? That information just now is an important information that the president said, and it is of great use. I don't know when the president will let a small employee like you to see the confidential information of the company."

After ye Wuqian finished, he snorted coldly. When the man heard that ye Wuqian actually exposed himself, he was also afraid. However, he thought that ye Wuqian was just the same profession as himself, but he was closer to the president. After thinking about this, he glared at Ye Wuqian and said to him:

"what does this have to do with you What about the relationship? Of course, the president is right. Do you think the president will tell you everything? "

After that, he was ready to leave, but who knew that the room suddenly came in from the office, and his face was a little ugly.

After a cold hum, this is to say to him:

"ha ha, I don't know when I want you to send my company and its important experience, and you sneaked into my office, but I didn't let you do it. I don't know when I told you to come to my office? "

After that, he looked at the man coldly, his face was not good, and the man was worried after hearing Wu Fangfang's voice.

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