However, Zhang Wenqi's first reaction when he knew that his own people were found was angry. He never thought that his own people could not be found so quickly.

because she reminded her person before, she must be careful and vigilant. Don't let people find it. It's not easy to arrange an eye liner, but it needs to be used at the critical time.

So Zhang Wenqi didn't want to be discovered so soon, but she didn't let herself think that it was Wu Fangfang who found her so quickly. She became very angry when she thought of it.

After Zhang Wenqi heard the news from the people under her investigation, it was immediately clear that Wu Fangfang had deliberately released the news, saying that the important data was in his office, so he wanted to put his own inside out.

However, what I didn't expect was that she sent someone to steal the document. As a result, Wu Fangfang caught her on the spot. Now Zhang Wenqi is very angry, not only because her internal ghost was found by Wu Fangfang, but also because she was tricked by Wu Fangfang.

After Zhang Wenqi knew about this, she made a good fire in the office. Her secretary saw how angry Zhang Wenqi was now, and she didn't dare to go to provoke Zhang Wenqi.

In Zhang Wenqi's company, the whole company is quiet, and she is afraid that Zhang Wenqi may accidentally implicate them, so no one speaks.

Zhang Wenqi's assistant was also afraid after seeing Zhang Wenqi's big fire. However, after a long silence, she came to Zhang Wenqi and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"the president is not the time to be angry. Don't forget that when you sent that person to Wu Fangfang company to do that, you had an association with him The agreement we signed is still in the hands of that person. If we can't take out the agreement, he may turn us out later if he is afraid of being questioned by the police. Therefore, it is urgent to find and eliminate the evidence, otherwise we will be in trouble. "

Of course, the assistant also knows that Zhang Wenqi can achieve his present position. He must have some background behind him, but he also knows that although Zhang Wenqi has a background, Wu Fangfang also has a background.

Now Zhang Wenqi kidnaps Tang Wanrou and has a deep hatred with Wu Fangfang for a long time. So Wu Fangfang must be thinking about how to eradicate Zhang Wenqi. Now Zhang Wenqi's people have been discovered by Wu Fangfang. If Wu Fangfang really wants to start with Zhang Wenqi, he will try his best to find the evidence.

If Wu Fangfang finds the evidence of Gu and Zhang Wenqi sends people to steal business secrets, he will also be implicated.

Maybe even I will be arrested and sent to prison, let alone the development of the company. So this is what I want to do. Then I will pay attention to this matter. If I find out eight times in the room, it will be very difficult to solve.

Zhang Wenqi just because of being played by Wu Fangfang, after some anger has appeared, has some out of control.

However, after hearing the assistant's words, he still had to be unable to take it down, because although she was angry, she was still in what kind of situation she was in until now.

he knew that the person he sent to Wu Fangfang was now arrested by the police, and sooner or later he would confess himself, but if he confessed himself, Although the police can not implicate themselves without evidence, if the police are finding any evidence, then he will be in bad luck.

After thinking of this, Zhang Wenqi was naturally flustered and a little angry in her heart.

In order to let him do things well, I made some agreements with him and promised him to give him a large sum of money if he could help him steal the company secrets.

And he made an agreement with that person, and he signed it himself. But now that agreement is in his hand, if the police really find it, that agreement is evidence, and it will involve him.

After thinking of this, Zhang Wenqi also frowned, knowing that he must find out the evidence as a matter of priority now, otherwise, he may be in a big trouble.

So there was no time to get angry with Wu Fangfang and said to the assistant:

"you are right. In any case, you must bring that thing back to me. If the police find that the thing has my signature on it, it will certainly involve me. If you want to solve it again, it will be troublesome, but I just don't know that the thing is Where did he put it? "

When the assistant heard that Zhang Wenqi should pay attention to this matter, he nodded and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"although you can rest assured about the president, he lives alone, and the agreement must be put in his own apartment, and naturally he can't carry that thing with him, because in case of Wu Fang's accident If people in Fang company find out, it will be miserable. So I think the thing must still be in the apartment now. Therefore, our top priority is to send someone to find it back. If he doesn't have any evidence, even if it is to disclose us, he will have no way to deal with us. "Zhang Wenqi also nodded after hearing the assistant finish.

The assistant was right. The man was originally living alone, so the evidence may have been put in the apartment by him. If you search it yourself, you will find it.

After thinking about this, Zhang Wenqi had no time to think about anything else. Knowing that the time was pressing, Zhang Wenqi waved to his assistant and said:

"you are right. Now send someone to his apartment to find out the contract for me and destroy it. Otherwise, I may be involved. You must find it for me anyway

After that, he waved to the assistant and asked him to go now.

After hearing Zhang Wenqi's words, the assistant also nodded and said to the assistant:

"don't worry, President, I'll arrange someone to do it right now, and I'll find that thing for you right now."

after that, she quickly turned away and arranged for someone to go to the person's hand to look for evidence, and Zhang Wenqi also sat down on the chair Obviously, there are some people who are uneasy and worried that they will be implicated if the evidence is not found.

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