Not only did Zhang Wenqi think of looking for the evidence of that man, but Wu Fangfang also thought of it now.

Because although he has now driven the ghost out of the company, but now I still want to punish Zhang Wenqi.

At the thought that Zhang Wenqi had kidnapped Tang Wanrou, he decided not to let go of Zhang Wenqi. However, although the man was arrested now, Zhang Wenqi is still intact, which makes Wu Fangfang even more angry.

And the people in the police station also called him this morning and said that the man had confessed Zhang Wenqi, but although Zhang Wenqi has been confessed, there is no evidence to prove it.

This is what Zhang Wenqi did, so now the people in the police station have no way to arrest Zhang Wenqi.

After hearing this, Wu Fangfang was very angry. Clearly, they did something wrong. Why should they not be arrested.

However, Wu Fangfang thought that since Zhang Wenqi and the man cooperated to frame her, there might be evidence in that family. She had sent someone to investigate the man and found that the man lived alone, so there might be some clues in the room where she still lived.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang stood up excitedly.

Yes! Oneself, must go to that person to search in the room now, perhaps his home really can be searched by oneself what clue.

After thinking of this place, Wu Fangfang was excited. The whole person's eyes lit up. Jun Jun saw Wu Fangfang.

After Wu Fangfang looked excited, his secretary was relieved. Today, Wu Fangfang was not happy all morning. After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, she was also worried. She was afraid that Wu Fangfang would be tired.

But now I can rest assured that Wu Fangfang has finally become excited.

After Wu Fangfang finished some of the things on hand, she told her secretary and went directly to the man's home.

Because he already knew where he lived now, he went directly. However, when Wu Fangfang went there, he found that their door was closed.

Wu Fangfang had no choice but to find the landlord, and explained that he was the boss of the man. After hearing about his accident, Wu Fangfang asked the landlord to open his room.

When Wu Fangfang went in, she saw the room was in a mess. Later, she shook her head helplessly. However, it would take some time for this room to find evidence.

Sure enough, Wu Fangfang did not find anything after searching for a long time. Wu Fangfang had already looked for any place on the bookshelf in his room, but he did not find any evidence or anything important.

Wu Fangfang felt helpless, thinking that he did not leave any evidence? Because Zhang Wenqi is so insidious and cunning after all, how can people find evidence for nothing.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang sat down on the bed angrily, looking a little discouraged. But just after sitting on the bed, she found that there was something under the bed.

After feeling something, Wu Fangfang quickly stood up and opened the sheet. Sure enough, she saw a book under the bed.

I have some curiosity in my heart. I don't know why that person put the book under the bed, so I opened it curiously.

But found that there is nothing special, but an ordinary book, where you can buy.

Wu Fangfang was speechless, but when she opened it, she found a note in the book.

I have some accidents in my heart. I don't know what's on this note. I wonder if this is evidence?

So Wu Fangfang was excited to open the note on the spot. Sure enough, as soon as the note was opened, she saw the name of Zhang Wenqi. After looking at the note, she knew that she could not find any evidence.

I was so excited when I thought of this place that my eyes lit up. After I looked at the note in detail, I found that the note recorded the proof that Zhang Wenqi asked the person to steal the evidence. As long as there is this evidence, Zhang Wenqi can be removed.

Thinking of this, Wu Fangfang began to get excited and knew that she had to go to the police station and give the evidence to the police, otherwise Zhang Wenqi would not be affected.

So he quickly put the evidence in his bag and got ready to get up. But just as Wu Fangfang was about to go out, he heard Wu Fangfang ring again.

Wu Fangfang was surprised. She didn't know who else would come to this man's house, but when he went out, he saw four tall black men blocking the door.

Those people were those sent by Zhang Wenqi to look for evidence, but they were unexpectedly ahead of schedule by Wu Fangfang. They frowned when Wu Fangfang was about to go out.After seeing Wu Fangfang, the man obviously had some accidents, but he still said:

"I didn't expect that general manager Wu also came here. How about if he came to look for something? Did you find it? "

Wu Fangfang also knew that those people must have been sent by Zhang Wenqi, so she frowned and squeezed her bag tightly with her hands. However, she still pretended to be calm and said to those people:

"I didn't come to look for anything, I just came to investigate. Please get out of the way. I just want to see my employees."

Having said that, they pushed aside those people who were ready to leave, but when they saw Wu Fangfang like this, they could not guess where the problem was, and there must be no evidence.

After seeing Wu Fangfang holding the bag tightly in his hand, he also guessed the evidence. He might have been put into the bag by Wu Fangfang, and the man snorted coldly when he thought of it.

Then he opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"Mr. Wu, you must have got the note. As long as you hand this note out today, we will let you go. If you don't give it to us, don't blame us for being rude."

There was a sneer after that.

Wu Fangfang didn't expect that these people would come back so soon. She was annoyed that she came here alone? If you bring some people with you, you don't have to be afraid of them.

But now I'm surrounded by four men. It's impossible to escape.

So after watching them step by step towards themselves, Wu Fangfang had no choice but to retreat.

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