After hearing Wu Fangfang say this, ye Wuxiang looks at Wu Fangfang with a smile. Wu Fangfang is a little shy and now the whole person is in a state of dizziness.

So he looked up at Ye Wushi and said to him:

"anyway, I won't agree now, but I can think about it. As for whether I agree or not, it depends on your performance in the future."

After finishing, he left in a hurry and returned to his room.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's shyness, ye Wumian also thought of Hua Niang's words. However, he was confident that Wu Fangfang would agree with him. However, he said so abruptly that Wu Fangfang might have some ideas. He didn't respond to her. Now he is a little shy.

However, since he is ready to chase Wu Fangfang, he will not give up so easily. However, he is ready to fight a protracted war, so now he is confident.

Seeing that Wu Fangfang was shy and went back to his room, ye Wuqian sighed. He had to go to the police station tomorrow, and now the evidence of Zhang Wenqi's framing them has been mastered. There may be a very important thing to do in a few days. So now I must have a good rest, and when I get enough spirit, I will fight against Zhang Wenqi get ready.

After thinking of this, I sighed and went back to my room to have a rest.

Ye Wuqi thinks that if he knew that Wu Fangfang could go back to his room to have a rest after being confessed by himself, he just had to hide from Wu Fangfang for such a long time?

So after sighing, I feel that I know what to do in the future.

But Wu Fangfang returned to the room, or face red, suddenly rushed to his own bed inside, very shy.

Wu Fangfang didn't expect Ye Wuqian to confess to her today. She didn't expect it. After hearing Ye Wuqian explain to herself today, Wu Fangfang was still happy.

However, after seeing ye Wuque's appearance that she has something to hide from herself, she also has some worries in her heart. But now that ye Wuqian has confessed to her, Wu Fangfang's brain is suddenly empty, and she doesn't know what to say.

However, there was still some excitement in my heart, especially when I calmed down. Wu Fangfang did not expect Ye Wuqian to express her thoughts so quickly. She had always wanted Ye Wuqian to express herself, but she never expressed her feelings.

Now all of a sudden, after hearing ye Wuwu's confession to herself, Wu Fangfang didn't react at all, but she was secretly excited.

However, Wu Fangfang is still excited, but still a little bit worried, knowing that he can not so easily agree to ye Wumian's pursuit.

If this is the case, ye Wuqian may feel that he is such a good pursuit and will not pay attention to himself in the future, so he must test Ye Wuqian well. If he is really qualified, he will promise Ye Wuqian.

After thinking about this, Wu Fangfang consciously raised the corners of her mouth. She was very happy. She was excited at night and didn't sleep well. So when she got up the next day, Wu Fangfang had a little dark circles around her eyes.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's dark eyes, ye Wuqi was curious. She knew that Wu Fangfang attached great importance to her appearance, but she didn't expect to have dark circles today. So she was worried and said, "what's the matter?"? Didn't you sleep well yesterday? Why do you have dark circles on your face

Wu Fangfang felt a little subtle when she saw this yesterday because of what ye Wuqian said to herself yesterday. However, she didn't expect Ye Wuqian to be so careless that she asked her question, and Wu Li gave Ye Wuqian a look unconsciously.

At the thought of his confession to Wu Fangfang yesterday, ye Wumian felt that he was wrong because he might be embarrassed.

After seeing Wu Fangfang a little bit ashamed and angry, ye Wuqian quickly closed his mouth.

Wu Fangfang was also a little embarrassed when she heard Ye Wuqian ask. Yesterday, because ye Wuqian suddenly confessed to herself, she didn't sleep well all night, so today, this is the appearance of dark circles.

But did not think that the culprit, ye Wuque, actually still a pair of innocent asked himself whether he did not sleep well yesterday.

However, Wu Fangfang could never tell ye that it was because of him that he did not sleep well yesterday. After staring at him, she said to him:

"I didn't sleep well because I still have some worries when I think of going to the police station today."

Ye Wuxiang knows that Wu Fangfang is absolutely impossible to worry about because of her work. She also knows that Wu Fangfang is because of something. She just doesn't want to say it.

I couldn't help laughing when I thought of this, and then I opened my mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:"You don't have to worry about the company's affairs. Since we have obtained the evidence today, it should not be difficult for Zhang Wenqi to plead guilty, and even if he is fierce, he can't escape again and again. Now we have the evidence, and we can make him pay the price."

After talking about business, ye Wuqian was not careless, so she became serious at once. Wu Fangfang saw that ye Wuqian suddenly became serious, and she did not think about anything else.

After they arrived at the company together, they planned to wait until after work to go to the police station. However, just after Wu Fangfang arrived at the company, Tang Wanrou found that Wu Fangfang seemed to be a little different from usual, so she still had some curiosity about whether Wu Fangfang had met with something good, and why she suddenly looked so happy. But Tang Wanrou did not remember When was Wu Fangfang so happy.

What's more, Wu Fangfang's abnormal behavior is not only happy, but also in a daze in the office. When Tang Wanrou goes in to find Wu Fangfang, she finds Wu Fangfang's jaw hanging in a daze and seems to be thinking about something.

After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, Tang Wanrou was very surprised. Then she said to Wu Fangfang in an incredible way:

"Wu Fangfang, what's the matter with you? I was so absorbed that I didn't see it after I came in. "

After hearing Tang Wanrou's words, Wu Fangfang seemed a little embarrassed. She didn't think that she had just been in a daze. She thought of Tang Wanrou coming in, so she quickly stood up, shook her head at Tang Wanrou, and then opened her mouth and said:

"no, I didn't think about anything. I just thought about Zhang Wenqi's affairs, so I was in a daze."

After that, there was some dodging in the eyes.

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