At the beginning, Tang Wanrou might just have some curiosity about why Wu Fangfang is so abnormal. Maybe he thinks that Wu Fangfang is happy because of Zhang Wenqi.

So I didn't pay attention to her, but after seeing Wu Fangfang's appearance, I finally felt that Wu Fangfang was abnormal. So she walked up to Wu Fangfang with a smile and said:

"Oh, Hello, Miss Wu of our family is in a daze today. This is something that I never saw before. What's the matter? Is it true that I have met some big happy event? I am not in the state of mind all day today. "

When Tang Wanrou saw Wu Fangfang like this, she immediately thought of Ye Wuqian. Who else could make Wu Fangfang look like this besides Ye Wuqian.

So I have some doubts in my heart. I don't know what ye Wuxiang said to Wu Fangfang, which makes Wu Fangfang look so absent-minded now.

Tang Wanrou is also curious about whether ye Wuqian confessed to Wu Fangfang, or how to make Wu Fangfang so excited.

Wu Fangfang's face turned red when she heard Tang Wanrou's question. Then she shook her head and said to Tang Wanrou:

"I have nothing to tell you. Why don't you believe it?"

After that, she was also a little shy and did not dare to look at herself. After seeing Wu Fangfang like this, Tang Wanrou knew that there must be some secret in Wu Fangfang's heart. Otherwise, Wu Fangfang would not even say nothing about herself.

So I walked up to Wu Fangfang with a smile, and then I said to Wu Fangfang:

"Oh, Hello, I still have a little secret in my heart. What's the matter? Can't even I say it? I think it must be because of Ye Wuqian's affair that we are so fascinated by Miss Wu. How about telling me whether ye Wuque confessed to you yesterday? "

Wu Fangfang didn't expect Tang Wanrou to guess it. However, it was not so difficult for Tang Wanrou to figure out her own mind because she knew herself so well. So she just nodded shyly after silence for a while.

After Wu Fangfang nodded, Tang Wanrou didn't react for a moment. When she did, she looked at Wu Fangfang in amazement. With an incredible look, she said to Wu Fangfang:

"what's the matter? Did ye Wuqian tell you? I was just guessing casually, but I didn't think I was right! "

Tang Wanrou just said it casually, and did not expect that Wu Fangfang actually nodded. Tang Wanrou suddenly felt a little suspicious of life. However, it was a good thing that ye Wuqian and Wu Li were together. Later, Tang Wanrou was happy for Wu Fangfang.

So he said to Wu Fangfang with a smile:

"no matter how you and he can be together, I'm still very happy, but I still have some curiosity. How can this sudden confession be made to you? Was he not willing to say anything before? Tell me yesterday's information. Don't be too aggressive. "

After seeing Tang Wanrou's curious baby, Wu Fangfang didn't shake her head and seemed helpless. However, she sighed and said to Tang Wanrou:

"in fact, it's nothing. Ye Wumian suddenly had something to say to me last night, and he didn't want to say the same thing. I asked him carefully about it and then put the matter into practice Say it. "

After thinking of the way she forced Ye Wuqian to express herself yesterday, Wu Fangfang also had some blushes.

After seeing ye Wuxiang's curious appearance, Wu Fangfang sighed, or told Tang Wanrou everything that happened yesterday. After hearing this, Tang Wanrou was obviously unbelievable. However, he did not doubt that ye Wuque might really be like this. After sighing helplessly, some envious people said to Wu Fangfang:

"I didn't expect that you would actually be with him in the end, but I still have some blessings in my heart. You two must be together in the future."

After hearing Tang Wanrou's blessing so quickly, Wu Fangfang's face turned a little red, but she still glared at Tang Wanrou and said:

"now the eight characters have not been written off. We haven't been together yet. You're a little early in blessing now."

After Tang Wanrou heard what Wu Fangfang said, she was obviously a little surprised. Didn't Ye Wuhu confess to Wu Fangfang last night? Why are they not together yet?

So he said to her in doubt:

"what's going on? Didn't I tell you yesterday? Why are you two not together now? I still don't believe it. Are you lying to me

Seeing Tang Wanrou's suspicion, Wu Fangfang reluctantly shook her head and said to Tang Wanrou:

"although he confessed to me, I did not agree to be his girlfriend. It is not so easy for me to be her girlfriend. So I still have to test him. If he really satisfies me, I can have a relationship with him Together. "After Tang Wanrou heard Wu Fangfang finish, she also burst into a burst of laughter. Others may not understand Wu Fangfang, and feel that it is normal for Wu Fangfang to refuse ye Wuqi when she is cold.

However, Tang Wanrou knows her best. Wu Fangfang knows that ye Wuqian likes Wu Fangfang very much, but she didn't expect that Wu Fangfang didn't agree.

So she still shook her head helplessly. She also knew that Wu Fangfang didn't agree with ye Wumian because of her relationship with xiaoaojiao. She sighed and said to ye Wumian:

"Oh, if you want me to say it, you still agree with Ye Wuqian, because no matter who you are, you like ye Wumian. Since both of them like it, it is What can't be together. "

Wu Fangfang also knows that Tang Wanrou is for his own good, but Wu Fangfang also has his own insistence. He can't promise Ye Wuqian so easily, because he has heard people say before that if it is really easy for men to express their success, they are sure I will cherish it.

Wu Fangfang wants to see how ye Wuqian will perform today after hearing his request last night. He will feel a little sweet after thinking about it.

In fact, Wu Fangfang can't wait to be with Ye Wuqian. Now what Tang Wanrou said to herself has made Wu Fangfang regret. Now think about what she should have promised ye Wumian yesterday.

But now that the matter has passed, it is impossible for him to go back to the past and find ye Wumian again. He said that he would take the initiative to be with him, so now it is better to wait, just to give ye Wuque a test.

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