Ye Wuqian and Tang Wanrou finished these and then turned to leave. Because he had to deal with some hospital procedures now, he had no way to say anything to Tang Wanrou.

Tang Wanrou is worried about Wu Fangfang, so she has been waiting in the hospital. Ye Wuqian is also waiting at the door after dealing with some things in the hospital.

When the hospital was about to leave work, two nurses saw Ye Wuqian and Tang Wanrou waiting at the door. The two nurses sighed and said to ye Wuque and Tang Wanrou:

"don't wait here, the hospital will let their people take care of the patients If there's nothing else, leave. "

Ye Wumian takes a look at Tang Wanrou, then says to Tang Wanrou:

"I have to go to work in the company tomorrow morning, so you can go back first. I will take care of you here. Don't worry."

After hearing this, Tang Wanrou pauses for a moment and then says to ye: "I also want to wait for Wu Fangfang to stabilize before leaving. If not, you can go back to have a rest. I can stay here to take care of you."

After hearing Tang Wanrou say this, ye Wuqian of course is not willing to agree, because after all, when he is the first to expect Wu Fangfang to wake up quickly.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave now, so he said to Tang Wanrou:

"go back first. Although Wu Fangfang is still in the ward, the doctor has just said that Wu Fangfang has been out of danger, so now it is just healing. You should go back and have a rest. Tomorrow, there are some things in the company to deal with And now, after Wu Fangfang had these things, the people in the company might not have known about it for a long time. At that time, the company would be in chaos. After you go back, you have to deal with some public opinions in the company, so don't be tired of yourself. Otherwise, after the company goes wrong, Wu Fangfang can't be at ease after he is hurt. "

Tang Wanrou originally wanted to avoid leaving to take care of Wu Fangfang, but after hearing Ye Wuxiang finished, she could only sigh and leave. Because now, although Wu Fangfang was injured, there was no one to deal with the company's affairs. What she could do now was to deal with some things in the company.

After Wu Fangfang took it, he didn't have to worry about it. He turned away after he thought about it.

However, when Tang Wanrou was about to leave, she still spoke to ye Wumian and said:

"by the way, when Wu Fangfang wakes up, you should inform me no matter what. Don't forget it."

Seeing Tang Wanrou so worried about Wu Fangfang, ye Wuqian sighed and nodded at the perm and then said:

"don't worry, I will take good care of Wu Fangfang here. When Wu Fangfang wakes up, I will inform you at the first time. Don't worry. Now go back to have a good rest and deal with the company tomorrow That's fine

When Tang Wanrou heard Ye Wuqian promise to herself, he was satisfied to leave. However much he said, he still had some worries about ye Wuqian, so he could only give up and leave.

After all, I still can't do some really useful things now, so I can only let Ye Wuqian deal with the company's affairs here.

Because the company can't have no one to deal with it. Otherwise, even if Wu Fangfang wakes up and hears that the company has come out, I'm afraid she will still be flustered.

And even if ye Wuxiang said so, Tang Wanrou knew that Wu Fangfang's words were not an accident at all. She was afraid of Zhang Wenqi's revenge when Wu Fangfang left today.

Now I didn't expect that Wu Fangfang had a car accident just after she left. I don't have to think about it. It must be because Zhang Wenqi retaliated, so there is no clue about this matter for the time being.

Now I can only deal with the company's affairs. In this way, when Wu Fangfang wakes up, she won't worry. When she thinks about this, she'll get a perm, which is to return to the company.

And ye Wuque also saw that Tang Wanrou was sitting at the door after she left, waiting for Wu Fangfang to wake up, but Wu Fangfang did not wake up.

Until the middle of the night, two nurses seemed to be looking at a person who was really pathetic, so they went out and said to ye Wumian:

"the patient's family members are ill, and the situation is much better now. You can go in to see the patient now, but you should not make any big moves. If you disturb the patient, it will be bad."

After listening to the doctor, ye Wuqian nodded repeatedly, then opened his mouth to several nurses and said:

"don't worry, I won't disturb her."

After that, he passed through a few nurses to disinfect him, and then he walked in carefully. Sure enough, ye Wuqian just walked in and saw Wu Fangfang lying on the bed with a weak face.After ye Wuqi saw Wu Fangfang's appearance, he felt a little uncomfortable. He had never seen Wu Fangfang like this. In his heart, Wu Fangfang looked confident and confident.

I have never been so weak as I am now lying on the hospital bed, so I am worried. However, after I think that Wu Fangfang has nothing important to do, I feel relieved and sit on the bench beside me, waiting for Wu Fangfang to wake up.

Because Wu Fangfang was caught when the car hit, so he was not directly hit by the car, so the injury was not very heavy.

And because of the timely rescue, there was no big deal. So the next morning, Wu Fangfang was awake.

When Wu Fangfang just woke up, ye Wuqian was the first to find out. After Wu Fangfang woke up, ye Wuqi was so frightened that he told the doctor. After Wu Fangfang tried to wake up, he saw ye Wuque's face in a panic.

Wu Fangfang wanted to Tell ye Wuqian that he had nothing to do with him. However, he could not say anything because of his throat. He could only watch a few doctors run in and measure his blood pressure, heartbeat and other things, and then gave himself an injection.

Ye Wuxiang has been looking at Wu Fangfang all the time. Although Wu Fangfang can't speak, he knows that Wu Fangfang is awake now, so he looks at the doctors to make sure that Wu Fangfang is OK. After going out, ye Wuqian is relieved, and then sits beside Wu Fangfang at ease.

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