Because this is the first time that Wu Fangfang wakes up this time, she has already fainted again before the doctor has finished the examination.

After seeing that Wu Fangfang fainted, the doctors still insisted on finishing the examination. However, ye Wuqian saw that Wu Fangfang had just got up and fainted. He was really worried, so he couldn't wait to open his mouth to these doctors and said:

"doctor, my girlfriend can't have anything. How could he have fainted just after he woke up Ah, is there still something wrong with him? "

The doctor sighed after hearing Ye Wuxiang's anxious appearance and then said to him:

"well, you don't have to worry. Your girlfriend's health is very good now. After all, he just had a car accident and lost so much blood. If he could wake up so easily, that would be fine Well, now that she has fainted, it's very good in the past. She can have a good rest. When she wakes up next time, she may be much better. "

After the doctor finished, he gave Wu Fangfang a hanging needle. Ye Wumian saw Wu Fangfang's hand pricked with a dropper. Later, he felt a little distressed, but he still sat in front of the bed in the room with Wu Fangfang all the time.

It was two days later when Wu Fangfang woke up the second time. Ye Wuqian had been guarding Wu Fangfang's bed, so he had not fallen asleep for two days. Because ye Wuqian was afraid that after he fell asleep, Wu Fangfang suddenly woke up and had no one to look after him, so he was a little worried.

So he has been guarding Wu Fangfang.

However, even if ye Wuqian's physical fitness is better or worse, there is also a time when he is tired, so he finally sleeps in the past on the third day, so he lies down in front of Wu Fangfang's hospital bed and sleeps in the past.

Wu Fangfang just woke up at this time. As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt that her body was extremely sore. Her whole body felt like it was falling apart, and her throat was particularly uncomfortable.

But he just opened his eyes and didn't see it. He was a little lost. When he tried to struggle, he found that his body couldn't move at all, so he turned to one side and saw the past.

I didn't expect to see ye Wuqian sleeping by her bed. Wu Fangfang knew that ye Wuqian must have been guarding her for these days. Now she is asleep.

After seeing ye Wuqian's appearance, Wu Fangfang did not disturb Ye Wuqian. Instead, she kept watching Ye Wuqian quietly. It seemed that ye Wuqian was too tired these days, so she relaxed all her vigilance for a moment. When Wu Fangfang woke up, ye Wuqian did not find out at all.

Wu Fangfang saw that ye Wumian was sleeping so sweetly that she did not disturb ye Wuque.

After a look at the leaves without lack of lack of body is to feel some tired, deep sleep in the past.

When Wu Fangfang wakes up again, ye Wuqian has already woken up and looks at Wu Fangfang with worry on his face by the bedside. Ye Wuqian also has some worries in his heart. The doctor clearly said that Wu Fangfang would wake up after a good rest, but why did Wu Fangfang not wake up after three days.

Therefore, ye Wuqian is also worried now. He has been listening to the doctor. Wu Fangfang has no major problem. After he gave up those words, ye Wuqian is not at all relieved.

The doctor sighed after seeing ye Wuqian worried about Wu Fangfang. Anyway, after seeing the young man's concern for his girlfriend, they still had a good impression on Ye Wuqian.

Ye Wuque is nervous about why Wu Fangfang hasn't woken up for three days. When she comes over, she suddenly sees Wu Fangfang open her eyes. Ye Wuque is a bit unbelievable and stupefied.

Wu Fangfang had been sleeping for three days. Although she was supported by medicine, her mouth was very dry, so she opened her mouth to ye Wumian and said:

"help me pour some water. I'm thirsty now."

After hearing Wu Fangfang's words, ye Wumian quickly responded. He ran to the side table in a hurry. Wu Fangfang brought a cup of warm water to him. When the warm water was cold, it was fed to Wu Fangfang's mouth.

Wu Fangfang can't help laughing after seeing ye Wuliang's gentle and careful appearance. This is the first time that she has seen ye Wuque's gentle appearance. She is also happy.

Ye Wuque treats himself like this. No matter who he is, he has some feelings in his heart, not to mention Wu Fangfang, the hero.

Wu Fangfang's face turned a little red when she saw Ye Wuxiang's appearance. However, she had been sleeping for several days and was now deeply hurt, so she didn't have any blood color at all. Even though her face was slightly red, ye Wuxiang didn't see it.

What's more, ye Wuqian is very nervous now. Where can I think of other things.

Seeing that Wu Fangfang got up and drank some water, ye Wuwu felt relieved. Then he opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:"Don't move. I'll go to the doctor right now. I'll show you what the situation is like

After that, she ran out in a hurry. Wu Fangfang saw Ye Wuqian in such a hurry. Later, she still wanted to say something to Ye Wuqian, but she didn't expect that she ran out in a hurry.

So Wu Fangfang shook her head helplessly. She could only wait for the doctor to come. The doctor was not too surprised to see that Wu Fangfang would wake up at this time, so they skillfully checked Wu Fangfang with a light car.

Ye Wuqi has been watching the doctor anxiously. After seeing the doctor's examination, he said to the doctor eagerly:

"doctor, how is her condition now?"

The doctor took a look at the information, and then he said to him:

"well, don't worry any more. He has already woken up, and his body is half as good. If you take a good rest, he will be completely well in less than a month. Now the most important thing is to let him take good care of it She needs to take good care of herself after being hit by a car, but she should have nothing to do if she takes a rest in the hospital

After that, the doctor told ye Wuqian some things that Wu Fangfang should pay attention to, and ye Wuqian also listened obediently, but also remembered the special heart.

When the doctor finished speaking, ye Wuqian took the doctor out.

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