When ye Wuque comes in again, Wu Fangfang sees ye Wuque holding a thermos lunch box in his hand.

Wu Fangfang also thought that her stomach was a little hungry, so she looked forward to ye Wumian's lunch box and thought what delicious food ye Wumian had brought to her.

However, ye put the lunch box aside and didn't worry about feeding it to him. Seeing that ye didn't give himself something to eat, Wu Fangfang pouted and pouted in displeasure, and then said to him:

"I'm hungry, I want to eat something."

Ye Wumian now saw Wu Fangfang. Now that he knew Wu Fangfang, he knew that Wu Fangfang should not be a big deal, so he relaxed a little, then opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"just now the doctor has said that you can't eat now, and you can't digest some food if you eat, so you'd better take a little rest before eating Go west. "

Wu Fangfang is very hungry now. After hearing this, he is not happy for a while. However, after seeing Wu Fangfang like this, ye Wumian does not compromise. Instead, he insists on not giving Wu Fangfang anything to eat.

Wu Fangfang saw Ye Wuqian's insistence, and then did not say anything. She sat down beside her unhappily.

Ye Wuxiang ignored Wu Fangfang's current mood. Seeing that Wu Fangfang had a rest for a while, he said to Wu Fangfang cautiously:

"what's the matter? Are you better now

After hearing ye Wumian's worry, Wu Fangfang also forgot her unhappiness just now, so she nodded and said to ye Wumian:

"much better. When I just got up, I still had some aches and pains. It's not that I have had a rest for a while, but when can I eat now? I'm really hungry

Although Wu Fangfang was talking to ye Wuque, her eyes still stayed on the insulated lunch box that ye Wuque had just taken, because he was very hungry now. After looking at the incubator, he had already thought that ye Wuque had brought something delicious for himself.

So with an expectant look on his face, ye Wuqi saw that Wu Fangfang had arrived at this time. He even thought about eating and shook his head helplessly. After watching the time was almost over, he opened the heat preservation and took some millet porridge from it and took it to Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang thought that there was something delicious in the thermos box, but she didn't expect it was millet porridge. Her niece was upset, so she pouted and pursed:

"it's just millet porridge, but I don't want millet porridge. Can you prepare some normal food for me?"

After hearing Wu Fangfang's words, ye Wuqi chuckled and shook his head. After tapping Wu Fangfang's forehead, he said to Wu Fangfang:

"if you just wake up and eat normal food, you can't digest it, so now you can only drink some millet porridge. When you recover, you will be able to drink some millet porridge After that, we can eat some normal food. "

After that, he took up the millet porridge and personally fed it to Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang saw the millet porridge that ye Wumian was holding in her hand. She was not happy, but she was still warm when she saw that she had fed it to herself.

Although this is only a millet porridge, but after all, ye Wumian took it. After thinking about it, Wu Fangfang suddenly had an appetite, so she opened her mouth and ate several bowls.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's good porridge, ye Wuwu was relieved, so she fed it to Wu Fangfang one by one.

After a while, a bowl of millet had already reached the bottom, but after eating this bowl of porridge, Wu Fangfang felt not quite hungry, so she said to ye Wumian:

"I still want to eat."

Ye Wumian really shook his head, then indulged in kissing Wu Fangfang on the forehead, and said to Wu Fangfang:

"no, the doctor has said that you can't eat too much food just after you wake up. You'd better take a rest after you eat some, and then eat some later when the rest is almost over."

After saying that, she cleaned up her things, and Wu Fangfang saw that ye Wuxiang didn't let herself eat. After that, she felt a little unhappy.

However, he thought that just now ye Wuque didn't get his permission. He even kissed himself, and some blushed, so Xiang Zihan covered himself in the quilt.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's appearance, ye Wuhua shook his head helplessly. He knew that Wu Fangfang was shy, but he didn't stop him.

after all, Wu Fangfang just woke up and felt weak after a car accident, so he came here first and didn't have any later energy. Later, he went to sleep again.

This time, the doctor has told ye Wuqian that Wu Fangfang needs to rest, so he may become sleepy these days, so ye Wuqian is not worried.Think of Tang Wanrou and ye Wuque said that if Wu Fangfang wakes up, he must call her. After ye Wuqian, this is the memory.

Just now, she forgot to tell Tang Wanrou about this matter, so she called Tang Wanrou. Tang Wanrou heard ye Wumian call in the company. After coming, she said to ye Wumian anxiously:

"how is Wu Fangfang waking up now? How is she doing now?"

Even these days, although Tang Wanrou has come to see Wu Fangfang several times, she is in a coma when she comes here. Tang Wanrou also doesn't see Wu Fangfang. She is very worried after hearing Ye Wuqian's phone call.

I'm afraid to hear bad news.

After hearing the anxious sound of perm, ye Wuqi smiles, and then says to Tang Wanrou:

"Wu Fangfang woke up this morning, and now she has eaten some food and then goes to sleep. Come and see her when you have time after work."

When Tang Wanrou heard Ye Wuqian say this, she was relieved, but at the same time, she was angry. Wu Fangfang had already woken up this morning. She didn't expect that it was already the afternoon. Ye Wuqian called her. It was really not reliable.

But now that Wu Fangfang has woken up, her heart is already very happy, and she can't afford to blame ye Wuwu. After finishing some things, she quickly goes to the hospital.

When Tang Wanrou came over, Wu Fangfang had just been sleeping for a whole day and woke up at noon, so when she woke up, she saw Tang Wanrou standing in front of her and was still excited.

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