When Wu Fangfang was in a coma, Tang Wanrou was still a little strong, so he didn't show any anxiety. Who knows now that Wu Fangfang has woken up, Tang Wanrou can't help but run to Wu Fangfang and cry.

After a reproachful look at Wu Fangfang, she said to her:

"how can you be so careless? Do you know that I'm worried about you. Why can't you look at the road after you go out? Why do you have to walk on the road? What should I do if something really happens? Fortunately, ye Wuwei has pulled you a hand this time. Do you know? If there were no leaves, you would have been in trouble again. "

When Wu Fangfang saw Tang Wanrou, they were worried about their appearance, and their hearts were warm because he knew that Tang Wanrou was his best friend, so after his own accident, Tang Wanrou and ye Wuqian were the people who cared about themselves most.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang was embarrassed to smile at Tang Wanrou and then she said:

"OK, Tang Wanrou is not good for me, but I always feel strange about this matter, because I always feel that the car is deliberately bumping into me. After the car I saw out of control, I also had some fear in my heart, so I went to I didn't think that the car was going to hit me, but I didn't think that the car was going to hit me. I didn't dodge for a while. Fortunately, ye Wumian saved me. Otherwise, I'm afraid I have been hit by the car. So I suspect that someone deliberately shot the car to hit me. By the way, how is the car now? ”

after hearing her talk about it, Tang Wanrou still felt that there was something strange in her heart, because she was the party concerned, so she knew nothing about it.

She was absolutely sure that a car was going to hit her on purpose that day, but she didn't express her doubts after she was hit that day. Now she has been lying in bed and has a good memory of that day's events, which makes her feel a little strange.

Wu Fangfang knew that day was when she was going to take the evidence to the police station, so it was a strange thing that she ran into a car that day. So, of course, Wu Fangfang had some doubts.

Now I am also suspicious, thinking that the car that day will not really be sent by Zhang Wenqi to deliberately hit himself.

After thinking of this, Wu Fangfang said to Tang Wanrou?

Tang Wanrou frowned after hearing Wu Fangfang's words. Not only did Wu Fangfang think so, but he also guessed it himself. Otherwise, how could such a coincidence have happened.

Just when Wu Fangfang took the evidence to the police station, someone actually bumped into it, and the news had already appeared, saying that the driver had drunk and the brake was out of control, which was the collision with Wu Fangfang.

However, the result of the police investigation is like this, but Tang Wanrou does not believe it at all. If it is really because that person was drinking and driving, and the brake was out of control, then he walked for such a long time, why did no one bump into people and hit Wu Fangfang in front of him.

It was impossible at first sight, so he said that he had some doubts in his heart. It was not really Zhang Wenqi who deliberately wanted to bump into Wu Fangfang.

But now he doesn't have any evidence, so he can't prove anything. When he heard them say so, he naturally doubted, but it may have been Zhang Wenqi's doing. After thinking about this, Tang Wanrou got angry, patted the table heavily, and said angrily:

"I guess so, maybe it's true It was Tang Wanrou who did it. If not, how could there be such a coincidence? No, we must investigate this matter. Zhang Wenqi is just too arrogant. Now he wants to hit people with a car. It's just too much. "

Tang Wanrou trembled with anger, and Wu Fangfang was also very angry. Fortunately, she was saved by Ye Wuqian this time. Otherwise, she would not have been killed to investigate any more.

If you die, your company will be disintegrated, and the biggest beneficiary is Zhang Wenqi, so don't even think about it now. This is what they do.

But now there is no conclusive evidence, still uncertain, so frowned.

After Wu Fangfang thought about this, the first person she wanted to talk about was Ye Wuqian. However, after looking around, she found that ye Wuqian was not in the ward. Therefore, Wu Fangfang said to Tang Wanrou with some doubts:

"by the way, why didn't you see ye Wuqian? Where has ye Wumian gone

When Tang Wanrou heard that Wu Fangfang just woke up, he asked Ye Wuxiang. After that, he pouted and said to Wu Fangfang:

"hum, you're the one who values color and despises friends. Obviously, I'm standing in front of you, and the only person I think about now is ye Wuque. It's really sad."

After saying that, pretending to be sad, he covered his face.After Wu Fangfang saw Tang Wanrou's appearance, she was also embarrassed to smile. Now, she did not see some leaves, so she was not used to it.

So this is the habit of blurting out for a moment, asking Ye Wuqian where to go, but I didn't expect Tang Wanrou to be here, so I felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

Wu Fangfang looked at Tang Wanrou's feigned sadness. Later, she knew that Rou intended to look like this, but she couldn't help speaking.

"Don't get me wrong, Tang Wanrou. I just want to ask him something important because I think of something important. I don't care about sex and friends. You have to believe me."

After hearing Wu Fangfang say this, Tang Wanrou couldn't help laughing. Then she sat down beside Tang Wanrou and said to Tang Wanrou:

"well, my Miss Wu, don't explain any more. Explanation is cover up, cover up is the fact. What is Ye Wuxiang doing to you? I can see clearly these days, Do you know that you are in a coma these days, ye Wuque is about to die of anxiety. Even more anxious than me, he did not blink his eyes in those three days when you were in a coma. Now, if anyone says that you have nothing to do with ye Wuque, I am the first one not to believe it! "

After Tang Wanrou finished speaking, a strange light flashed in her eyes and squeezed her eyes toward Wu Fangfang.

Wu Fangfang and Tang Wanrou grew up together, so what does Tang Wanrou think now? Of course, Wu Fangfang was the first one to know, so she suddenly turned red.

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