After hearing Wu Fangfang say this, ye Wuxiang knows that Wu Fangfang must be worried about his grandfather's affairs, so he also knows that he can't let Wu Fangfang worry too much about this matter.

After thinking of this, she sighed and nodded to Wu Fangfang and said:

"don't worry, I will not let the media spread this matter, so you can rest assured."

After ye Wumian finished, Wu Fangfang also believed what ye Wuqian said, because Wu Fangfang knew that ye Wuqian would certainly do this thing if he promised to come down, so he didn't have to worry too much.

After nodding, ye Wuwu went out.

There are still some things to deal with now. If you don't find out clearly, you are always worried.

Ye Wuqian also knows that Zhang Wenqi is not a good person at all. If he doesn't solve Zhang Wenqi earlier, he still has some problems in his heart.

So in any case, we must solve the big trouble of Zhang Wenqi as soon as possible, but in that case, we can rest assured.

However, it is not a simple thing to solve Zhang Wenqi, so ye Wuqian is such a worry. Now that Wu Fangfang is in a better mood, ye Wuqian is also relaxed with her mood.

Otherwise, if Wu Fangfang had been so worried, she would have been worried about Wu Fangfang. Now, seeing Wu Fangfang feel better, ye Wuqian will naturally be in a better mood.

As for Zhang Wenqi, Zhang Wenqi sent someone to drive into Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian this time, just to let them kill them.

Only after the two of them had solved the problem thoroughly, he was sure enough to take back Wu Fangfang's everything. However, he didn't expect that the people he sent to him were so useless, and neither of them ran into each other.

Zhang Wenqi is really angry. Zhang Wenqi knows that Wu Fangfang has been hospitalized these days, but now she doesn't know how she is.

The hospital and ye Wuqian there are completely confidential, so Zhang Wenqi can not find the detailed information, so now I feel nervous.

If Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian are completely solved, it will be fine. If they are not solved by themselves, there are still some difficulties to deal with.

After thinking about this, I also had some worries. When I really didn't know what to do after thinking about it, the assistant rushed in.

Zhang Wenqi saw that the assistant was about to say something to the assistant when she came, but she saw the assistant in a hurry. Zhang Wenqi frowned a little displeasantly, and then said to the assistant:

"what's going on? How can you look so flustered and flustered?"

When the assistant heard them finish, he gasped and said to Zhang:

"no, boss, ye Wuqian has first handed over the evidence of last time to the police station. The evidence received by the police may be investigated in a few days. If the investigation is big enough, I'm afraid there will be some trouble."

Zhang Wenqi frowned when she heard the assistant finish. She has been thinking about whether ye Wuqian and Wu Fangfang have been killed by themselves these days.

However, the evidence of the last time has been ignored, so this is to let Ye Wuxiang drill the hole, so suddenly he hit the table angrily, and then he said angrily:

"it is Ye Wuqian again. This time, ye Wuqian has not been killed. He is really a big man, but I will never let him go next time."

After seeing Zhang Wenqi so angry, the assistant also had some fears, but now she has to come and say something more important.

because the assistant knows that now ye and Wu Fangfang are two people who now regard Zhang Wenqi as the thorn in deep hatred. They have now given Zhang Wenqi the last time he sent Wu Fangfang to arrange the eye liner. If he was really checked, Zhang Wenqi was still in trouble. That's why he came here.

In addition, I had some participation in the last time's affairs, and all the things that might have been implicated in my mind. After that, the assistant was very worried, so she quickly came to tell Zhang Wenqi about it.

But who knows that Zhang Wenqi seems to have never paid attention to this matter at all. After hearing the Secretary finish, Zhang Wenqi is also silent. She really forgot this matter, so she forgot to respond at that time.

Now I hear the assistant say so. After half a day, I turn my head and speak to the assistant.

"forget it, let's put the matter of Ye Wuxiang aside for the time being. You can go to the police to arrange this matter. If you can solve it in private, you can say that it can't be solved in private, and then try to get rid of us Some relationships.

When the assistant heard that, Zhang Wenqi nodded and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"OK, I'll go and do this right now."The husband heard that the assistant said so. He was relieved, nodded and let the secretary go out.

But when the assistant went out, Zhang Wenqi immediately stopped the assistant and said to the assistant:

"by the way, how is that person's business handled?"

The assistant knew who Zhang Wenqi was talking about, so after a silence for a while, he said to Zhang Wenqi:

"don't worry, boss, he has become a vegetable now, so he will be a threat to us for a while and a half."

After hearing this, Zhang Wenqi seemed to be relieved and nodded. She was very satisfied and said to the assistant:

"that's good. As long as he doesn't have any threat to us, don't worry about him."

After that, she would let her assistant go out after she waved her hand. When the assistant saw that Zhang Wenqi had not explained anything else to herself, she would go out later.

when Zhang Wenqi saw that she was going out, she thought of Ye Wuqian again, so she was very angry.

In the past few days, I have been disturbed by Ye Wuwu. If I have not, I may have achieved a lot of great things.

However, it is because ye Wuwei has repeatedly obstructed him. This is to make him fail to accomplish anything. After thinking about this, Zhang Wenqi is also very angry.

If it is not for ye Wuque, how could his company look like this? After thinking of here, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Now I'll let ye Wuque go for a while, and I'll let Ye Wuqian know how powerful he is after he has dealt with the matter here.

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