Tang Wanrou left the hospital and went to the company. He hasn't come to the company for many days. I don't know what's going on in the company at this time.

As soon as he entered the company, he found that the atmosphere here was strange. Everyone had a strange expression on his face. He didn't know what was going on.

"What's wrong with them? Why is the expression of a pair of strange on the face, after all what is hiding from me? I just went to the hospital. Did I miss something? "

After seeing this scene, Tang Wanrou can't help guessing. He doesn't know what the reason is. He doesn't go to the hospital. He doesn't know if he missed something wonderful.

He said that he didn't feel anything, but since he came back, people around him pointed at him and whispered something behind his back. He didn't know what happened.

"What's the matter with these people? Why do you show that expression? Did something happen? Why do everyone have to hide, still pointing at me behind the back, what happened to them? How did you provoke them? "

Tang Wanrou was very worried when facing this scene. She thought she had done something to apologize to them. She felt that since she came to the company, her colleagues and some friends who had a good relationship with each other had kept away from her. Moreover, her facial expressions were strange, and she was whispering something behind her back. He didn't know what had happened.

These days, he has been feeling the atmosphere of the company is very depressed, but he did not directly ask what happened. He only does his own work well and doesn't care about other people's gossip. After all, he knows that rumors stop with wise people.

At this time, Tang Wanrou also felt that the atmosphere of the company was not right. She also felt that the expression on each face was strange. She was very surprised and didn't know what happened.

"What's the matter with you? The atmosphere has been strange these days. What's going on? "

Tang Wanrou felt that the atmosphere of the company was very strange, so he asked questions to find out what happened.

"Sister Tang, well, I don't know about it either..."

What he asked was Lin Shuishui, a small secretary of the company who had just come in. Lin Shuishui was very surprised when he saw her. He was even more panicked about his problems and said that he did not know anything.

Lin Shuishui has just entered the company, and his working experience is not rich. He does not have a wide range of contacts with the company. Therefore, it is justifiable that he does not know this matter. Tang Wanrou thinks so.

"How can things happen? You've been strange these days. The expression on each face is very strange. What's going on? Are you hiding something from me when you're so sneaky? Tell me what else I don't know

Tang Wanrou saw Lin Shuishui's hesitation. He was very anxious. Now he wanted to know what had happened.

He has a high position in the company, so there is nothing in the company that she can't know. Now it's the same. He was very worried when he saw that people were hiding from her and sneaking behind her. He thought something was wrong.

He doesn't like the feeling. He doesn't like to be kept in the dark. He wants to control the situation and know everything. He didn't like the feeling that things were out of his control, which made her feel insecure, so he had to break the casserole and ask the truth. He had to know what was going on.

"Sister Tang, I really don't know about this, so don't embarrass me. I've just entered the company, and I don't know anything. You know it. And I don't dare to deal with other people's affairs. You'd better ask others. I really don't know."

After listening to his questions, Lin Shuishui is very embarrassed. He is a very principled girl. He always knows what he should do, what he should not do, when he can talk more and when he can not.

Although she is a new employee, her EQ and IQ are still very high. He knows that he can't agree to this kind of thing. After all, he is a new employee. How can he talk so much about other things?

"What are you hiding from me? What's going on behind your back? You guys are really, what is there that I can't know. Look at you like this, you must know something, you hurry to tell me, I am so anxious. You are so hesitant that you want me to know the truth

Tang Wanrou is also very impatient. He looks at the little girl standing in front of him and wants him to tell the truth. He really wants to know what happened, which makes the atmosphere of the company strange.

After seeing the strange expression on each face, he felt very uncomfortable. He felt as if there was a thorn in his heart. Now he had to find out what was going on. Otherwise, he would not be able to sleep soundly.It has been several days, the atmosphere is so strange, everyone's performance is also very strange, which makes his heart stand on end, so he really wants to know what happened, let everyone so panic.

"Sister Tang, I really don't know about it. Don't embarrass me. I'm just a new comer. I don't know anything. I really don't know anything. And there is not much. Maybe you feel wrong. Everyone is quite normal. I think it is very harmonious. "

Lin Shui couldn't bear to be bothered by him. He was afraid that the woman in front of him would force him to tell the truth. He couldn't offend the woman in front of him, so he could only deal with him and play Tai Chi.

"Yes, sister Tang, don't ask about this matter. The atmosphere in the company is very harmonious these days, and everyone is friendly with each other. How can it be strange? It may be that you feel wrong. Don't worry about it. Maybe it's because of the heavy workload these days. It may be better if you have a good rest for a few days. Lin Shuishui, I asked you to print the materials. Have you printed them? What are you doing here? "

When Lin Shuishui was in a dilemma, a male colleague appeared. He saw that the situation here was not good, so he said he would make peace.

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