Tang Wanrou was bewildered by their series of operations. He didn't know what they wanted to do. He didn't know what happened in the company during his visit to the hospital.

"I don't mean you, what do you mean? Can someone stand up and tell me what happened? The atmosphere has been strange for the past few days. Each of you is whispering behind your back, so no one can stand on the table and say this thing clearly? What happened and why did you keep it from me? "

Tang Wanrou is really upset now. He is really crazy. He doesn't know what happened to the company during this period of time. What are they whispering behind their backs? This series of operations makes him feel like a needle in a needle. Although he works on time every day and completes his own things on time, he is always very uncomfortable in his heart I think something's wrong.

He looked at the group of people in front of him. They had different faces and wanted to know what had happened to them.

"Sister Tang, we are actually..."

At this time, Lin Shuishui suddenly turned around and looked at him with some embarrassment. He seemed to want to say something to him.

"Forest water!"

Just when Lin Shuishui was about to speak, a male colleague suddenly stood up and interrupted him.

"Lin Shuishui, go on, what's going on? What's going on recently? What are you whispering behind your back? Do you know it makes me uncomfortable. If there is anything really, can you tell it to your face? Don't make small moves behind your back. "

Tang Wanrou really hates this feeling. He always has a feeling of being calculated. He thinks that they are all making small movements behind their backs. The appearance of whispering like this makes him very uncomfortable.

He is also a decisive person. He doesn't like to deal with things indecisively. He likes it very much. If there is any problem, he will ask it in person. He hated to talk about people's length behind his back, so he felt very angry when he saw this situation.

"It's not that we don't want to say anything about sister Tang. It's just that we can't say it, and we're just hearsay, and we don't know what the truth is. These days, it's really our fault. We shouldn't whisper behind our backs, but we're really worried. After all, we're a member of the company."

At this time, a female colleague next to Tang Wanrou opened his mouth. He was also a straightforward person. After hearing Tang Wanrou say this, he was not very happy, so he retorted.

But at this time, he still had some awe of Tang Wanrou and was afraid to offend her, so he did not dare to tell the truth. These days, they have been discussing this matter behind their backs, but no one has brought this matter to the surface, and there is no way to overturn the deal with him. It is also because of taboo against him.

"It's not something. Let's make it clear on the surface. Don't cover up and whisper. You are also right. We are all members of the company, so as long as there is something about the company, we should put it on the table to make it clear. You'd better make this matter clear, and give me a definite answer to what happened. "

After listening to his words, Tang Wanrou couldn't help being a little grumpy. Originally, this matter made him very upset. After hearing such words, he was very uncomfortable in his heart. She wanted them to put this matter on the surface and make it clear. After all, it was also about the company. She didn't like to solve it in private.

"Sister Tang, we have heard the news reported by the media these days, so we are like this. After all, we are all members of the company, so we are so nervous. In fact, we have no other meaning, just because we are more concerned about the trend of the company. "

At this time, a male colleague next to the female colleague also stood up, biting his lips and saying in embarrassment that the male colleague was a little sissy, and his words were also delicate and artificial, which made Tang people very uncomfortable.

That male colleague is also delicate and pretentious while talking, which makes people very uncomfortable. She is a very feminine person. Even her dress and decoration are very feminine.

"What do you want to say about media reports and media reports?"

Tang Wanrou is really a little angry now. He doesn't know what they want to say. He looked at the group of people in front of him strangely last time, hoping that he could say why.

"Sister Tang, it has been reported in the media that the boss had a car accident? So we've been worrying about this problem. You didn't tell us anything. It's hard for us to ask you. So we've been speculating about what happened to the boss and whether there was an accident? Is that what the report says

At this time, finally a female colleague couldn't help but stand up, and their words came out. As she spoke, she looked at Tang Wanrou's face. She was afraid that she would suddenly get angry and scold herself. After all, they were in awe of her.It turns out that the reason why they look strange and whisper these days is that Tang Wanrou didn't read the report, so he didn't know anything about it. He didn't expect that these employees had already known these things. He didn't know what the news media would look like when my brother reported it. Otherwise, the staff would not be so worried.

When he was about to say something and explain the matter, another female colleague stood up and faltered.

"Yes, sister Tang, the boss hasn't come to work for many days. Is something wrong? Can't you tell us what's going on? We all belong to the same company at any rate. What kind of situation is it now? Can you tell us? "

The female colleague looks at Tang Wanrou with a gossipy face. She can explain to them what the matter is. When they saw the report, they were guessing about it, but no one had accurate information, and no one told them what kind of thing it was. Therefore, they have been gossiping and thinking that now that they have said this matter, they still want an accurate answer.

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