Well, ye Xiao is a little speechless for a moment. What is he doing??

"Ye Xiao, where are we now?" Now it's dark all around. Otherwise, you must see a blush on the face of the saint. I won't say anything about it if I was hugged by Ye Xiao. Even if I was accidentally touched at the bottom of the mountain range, there was no big problem. But just now he grabbed half of the mountain peak. This is a forbidden area for every woman. If ye Xiao hadn't seen the surroundings, ye Xiao couldn't see it She really suspected that the boy was on purpose!

However, when confirming Ye Xiao's arm to take back, Susannah quickly stretched out her jade hand and grasped it. It was dark here, and even she could not see things. In this dark place with no five fingers and extremely cold, even she would feel afraid. Ye Xiao is her only hope. Only by grasping ye Xiao, can she feel one Warm and safe!

After catching Ye Xiao's arm, she moved her chest at the first time. She was always held by him like this. Isn't it too decent?

To cover up her embarrassment, Susanna asked!

"I'm going to ask the young lady. Tell me, where is this? How can I get out? " When talking about this, ye Xiao also snorted coldly. All this was caused by this woman. If she had not stepped on any mechanism, how could such a thing have happened? It was dark and cold here, and the air was very thin. However, after a while, he felt a little tired, which also made several people's bodies different from ordinary people. If she had changed to other people, they would have been frozen It's a popsicle!

"If I say I don't know, do you believe it?" Even at this time, enchanting does not change that moving voice, perhaps because of the cold reason, her body is so close to Ye Xiao, the heat from her mouth sprinkles on Ye Xiao's face, which brings him bursts of warmth!

If Xiaoye can resist the temptation of her body, it is really good that he can resist the temptation of the fire in her body.

"Do you think I can believe it?" Once again forced to suppress the restless heart in the body, ye Xiao deliberately let his voice become cold, and he caught enchanting wrist is also along her arm, a buckle enchanting that delicate neck, there is no longer you do not cooperate with you directly twist your neck posture!

"I only know that there is a mechanism under the bed. As to where this mechanism goes, I really don't know! If you don't believe it, you can just wring my neck off! " Even in the face of Ye Xiao's cold words, enchanting still said with a smile!

"You..." Ye Xiao almost had the impulse to break her enchanting neck directly, but when she touched the skin that was even smoother than the white marble, where could he really get his hands? The most important thing is, no matter whether she really knew it or not, if she really killed her, then she and Suzanne really didn't know where it was!

In the face of Ye Xiao's cold killing intention, enchanting doesn't mean to flinch at all. Even if she can't see her face clearly, ye Xiao still thinks that she is holding her head, looking at herself with disdain, and an expression that you want to kill or kill!

In the face of such a beautiful and fearless woman, Rao is Ye Xiao, handsome and unrestrained, with extraordinary courage and outstanding ability. At the same time, there is no way out!

"If you don't dare to fall into the trap of smashing the machine, you will not be afraid to fall into the trap of smashing the bones." You can't kill or let go. Ye Xiao can only snort!

"What am I afraid of? I'm just a weak woman. It's my blessing to die with a hero like you, isn't it?" In the face of Ye Xiao's question, enchanting just chuckles, and hearing this sentence, ye Xiao is almost about to curse. NIMA's, is it a weak woman? A woman who can play with a big beard between applause is a weak woman?

A woman who will bring disaster wherever she goes will be a weak woman?

If you are really a weak woman, then there is no strong woman in this world!

"Let's find the exit first." At this time, Suzanne's voice came again. She always felt that ye Xiao was not threatening this person who was very much like the Virgin Mary, but was not the Virgin Mary at all, but seemed to be flirting!

"Good!" Ye Xiao nodded. This time is not really the time to kill enchanting people. It's better to find a way out. At least, they should leave the pool quickly, or they will freeze to death here!

"Your Highness's words are useful, but my dear, do you know which way to go? It's dark here, and you can't see your fingers! " Once again in the dark came the enchanting and moving voice!

"Do you know?" Ye Xiao disdains of cold hum a, all these are not caused by you, now what does this mean to say sarcastic words!

"I don't know, but I have this one!" Enchanting chuckle, unexpectedly do not know where to touch a night pearl, a thumb size of the night pearl, although the light is not very strong, but for the three people, it is completely enough, at least Ye Xiao can see the enchanting and Suzanne!

The water in this cold pool is waist high. No matter enchanting or Susanna, the gauze skirt on her body is completely wet, and it is so tightly attached to her body. Obviously, there are no other clothes on the inside of the two people. In this way, the protruding meat peak is so clearly displayed in front of Ye Xiao, and even the bright red on the meat peak is also seen It's very clear!A glance, obviously enchanting than Susannah's full a lot, and also a lot of shape, but compared with the enchanting look of that face, Susannah's look is sacred a lot, coupled with a long head of golden hair sprinkled on both shoulders, it looks like an angel falling from the world, people can't help but love!

Involuntarily, ye Xiao grabs the saint's hand tightly, and Susannah seems to feel the strength of Ye Xiao's hand. The whole person feels a lot safer!

Ye Xiao takes her attention back from the two and forgets to look around. She finds that this is a cave more than three meters high. There is only one road under the cave, which is the cold pool. I don't know where the end of the cold pool is. Besides this passage, there is no other road. Are the three people going to the end of the cold pool Is that right?

Don't say how long this road is, just say that with the temperature of the cold pool, if you soak in it for a long time, you will be frozen into popsicles sooner or later. Ye Xiao is better. Susanna's lips have been frozen to a piece of Wu Qing. Even if she is enchanting, although she has a smile on her face, her body is also slightly shaking, and obviously she is resisting this cold chill!

"Take it!" The night pearl passed to Ye Xiao, enchanting mouth said!

Ye Xiaoyi Leng, do not understand how enchanting will this only light source to their own, but still from her hand took this night pearl, without this night pearl, they are here but can not walk!

As for enchanting, it's a magic jade vase

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