The jade vase is not very big, only the size of a thumb. If you give it to Ye Xiao, you can put it anywhere on your body. But enchanting has such a thin gauze skirt on her body. Ye Xiao is really curious. Where does she hide this jade bottle!

Enchanting does not have the obligation to explain to Ye Xiao. Instead, she holds the medicine bottle in one hand and spreads it out in the other hand. She pours out several red pills larger than rice grains from the jade bottle. Then she looks up and says, "this is Lihuo pill, which can keep people's body temperature at extremely cold temperature. After eating it, we don't have to worry about being frozen to death within six hours!"

Ye Xiao and Susannah are stunned at the same time. Will this woman be so kind? It's not a poison, is it?

Seeing that they were not moved, the enchanting long eyelashes moved, and the dark eyes were so beautiful under the shining of the night pearl, and then the little white mouth moved with the same cold: "what? You don't believe it? You think... " Enchanting words have not finished, ye Xiao has quickly picked up a pill, put it into her mouth, fingers are blocking her next words!

She glared at Ye Xiao fiercely, as if complaining about his rudeness. She swallowed the pill with difficulty. Enchanting continued to say: "now you are satisfied. I have eaten it. If you don't want it, I will throw it away!"

This son of a bitch, is also too hateful, he is at least a big beauty, where a man so rude to a beautiful woman?

Ye Xiao hesitated for a moment, grabbed a pill of pills and swallowed it. Then he felt a flame burning from his abdomen. His body, which had been frozen stiff, warmed up like a fire. The medicine was really useful. The woman didn't cheat herself!

Seeing ye Xiao nodding to herself, Susannah did not hesitate to pick up one and swallow it in her mouth. Then she felt the heat flow all over her body. Her white face was flushed, and her black lips slowly recovered color!

See ye Xiao and Susan Nan took the pills, enchanting eyes flashed a touch of color, and then calmly put the remaining pills into the jade bottle!

"Well, let's go. If you don't want to die, leave here as soon as possible!" Enchanting smile, said, so close to hold Ye Xiao, even half of the body are pasted on Ye Xiao's body, look like, and ye Xiao between seems to be the most intimate lover!

Ye Xiao frowned and was about to say something, but she was interrupted by enchanting directly: "it will be warmer if you lean on it like this!"

This time, her voice is no longer full of temptation, but it is absolutely beautiful, and her expression is also very tender. Seeing her beautiful face, and hearing such a sentence again, Rao is very dissatisfied with this woman, and does not say much for a moment!

In this cold cave, the body is immersed in the cold pool water. There is such a charming beauty who takes the initiative to lean on your shoulder, and then gently tells you that it will be warmer. Excuse me, as a man, can you refuse?

Ye Xiao couldn't refuse. He took a look at Susannah, who was not far away. He pulled her into his arms and put her back around her waist. Even a woman who was like an enemy wanted to borrow warmth from her own body. Did she have to compromise Susannah who was a friend?

Susannah instinctively wanted to struggle, but she felt the heat from ye Xiao's body surface, and felt that it was so warm. Although the pill made the blood boil a lot, after all, her body was still immersed in cold water, and her body surface was also cold. However, ye Xiao's body was constantly emitting heat. She felt really warm next to his body in this cold place This warmth is hard to refuse!

Just twist their own body, let Ye Xiao embrace their slender waist and walk forward. As a result, it turns out that ye Xiao hugs her and walks forward with two women. If it's not for the hole in the ground, or if the clothes on the three people are all wet, if this scene is put outside, I don't know how many handsome men and handsome men are envied!

This is the real blessing of all people. Let alone the enchanting beauty, just say that the holy and pure breath on Susanna is not something that ordinary people can refuse!

I don't know if it's because of the medicine. Ye Xiao's temperature is getting higher and higher, but he doesn't even notice that he is in the cold pool. After walking for about half an hour, they feel the water is getting shallower and shallower. Then they realize that they should be heading upstream. They are in the deep underground. As long as they go upstream, they can always go to the ground Isn't it?

After walking for about half an hour, the cold water just drowned the soles of the feet, and then with the light of the night pearl, ye Xiao and other people knew that the cold water actually came from the melting of the snow on the surface. No wonder it was so piercing. Seeing the increasingly shallow cold water, the three people's faces showed an excited light. According to this situation, it may not take long for them To get out of this damn place!

However, to their disappointment, after walking for more than two hours, they still didn't go out. Instead, they came to a larger cave. Ye Xiao was better. Although she was injured, her physical quality was put there. Although she felt tired, she was not still unable to walk. She could walk forward in front of her, but most of her strength fell on Ye Xiao Susannah, at this time, has obviously reached the limit, her face is suffused with red halo, and even there are thin beads of sweat on her forehead!"Let's have a rest first." Seeing Susannah's tired look, ye Xiao said!

Not to mention that Suzanne has reached the limit, even if she is herself, she is also exhausted at this time. If this state continues to go on, not to say whether she can find the exit, it is said that she has found the exit. If she meets a person with a big beard, what to do with it? Now she still recovers her strength and can continue to move forward!

"Good!" Enchanting and Susannah almost said at the same time, and then the two women looked at each other. Susannah was surprised, but enchanting chuckled. She took the lead and walked towards a big protruding stone, regardless of the image. She just sat on the big stone, panting constantly and walking in the frozen water. It was really not human's business. With her quality, she could not bear it I really don't know how this seemingly soft and weak holy girl sticks to it!

"There seems to be firewood over there. Take a rest and I'll have a look." Ye Xiao looked around, and suddenly found that there were some firewood and other things not far away. He said a word to Susannah and walked forward. After a few steps, he heard a click. He looked down and saw that it was really a piece of dry wood. Not only at his feet, but not far in front of him, there were some dead branches, dead leaves and so on. The most amazing thing is that It's all dry!

See such a scene, although Ye Xiao is very curious, but still took some dead wood and dead leaves to enchanting and Susanna's side, piled up!

"What are you doing?" Seeing ye Xiao holding a lot of firewood, Susannah asked curiously!

"There are dead trees, dead leaves and so on, which means that it should not be far from the ground. First light a fire to dry your clothes, so that you can feel better when you go out!" Ye xiaotou did not lift his head. He took out a knife and cut a piece of dead wood into sharp strips. When he saw Ye Xiao who wanted to make a fire out of the wood, he looked at Susannah, a bewildered face, and the enchanting corners of her mouth, a funny smile appeared

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