But now I heard the assistant finish, his face suddenly looked ugly, and more and more I felt that this matter seemed to be a little strange.

Before that, Zhang Wenqi had never suspected that Wu Fangfang had deliberately done such a thing.

But now things have developed to this point. If he does not doubt it, he thinks there is no other reason, so he can only think about it carefully.

So I think there may be something strange about this. Zhang Wenqi, considering that the development of her own company in recent years is really not smooth, some are too strange.

And now Wu Fangfang's company is facing such a big problem. Wu Fangfang can't be indifferent, so she may really be trapped by them. After thinking about this, Zhang Wenqi becomes very angry.

The assistant also saw Zhang Wenqi's appearance and was worried. So she said to Zhang Wenqi:

"there are many reporters outside the boss who are ready to interview. What should you do? Do you want to go out with them and explain it? "

Zhang Wenqi was so angry when she heard that the reporters came back, so she said to the assistant after a cold drink:

"what do you think I should say to them when I go out now? I don't know how to explain it? Now even if we go out to make more explanations, they will still misinterpret their meaning. If the person is really sent by Wu Fangfang, then this reporter must have been bribed by them. So even if we go out now, they will certainly make a big fuss, so it is better not to go out. "

Zhang Wenqi thought of here, but also in the heart is particularly irritable, but there is no way, now do not go out is the only way, can drag a little longer is a while.

However, the assistant did not approve of Zhang Wenqi's remarks, frowned, and then said to Zhang Wenqi:

"the boss can't do this. If the reporters don't wait for you, they may make a big fuss about this matter. At that time, they may send out some things that are unfavorable to us

Zhang Wenqi frowned when he heard the assistant finish. He didn't expect that this matter would become so troublesome. He was still worried and angry.

Those reporters clearly do not care about their business, why do they have to come over again and again to find trouble, and after arriving here, Zhang Wenqi is also particularly angry.

So after a long silence, he said to the assistant angrily:

"neither this nor that. You have to talk about how we should deal with the current affairs. Those reporters are already waiting at the door, and I can't go out now. Maybe they will report something at that time. "

The assistant heard Zhang Wenqi finish, but also silence. If Zhang Wenqi went out now, the outside would be more sensational, so finding someone to go out is not a good way.

But for a moment he did not think what to do.

So the assistant was silent. After a long time, he looked up and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"boss, otherwise, I'll go out to deal with this matter first, and then we'll try to find a way to deal with it after the matter is suppressed."

Zhang Wenqi also nodded after hearing the assistant's saying so. Now it's such a way. It's better to let the assistant go out and press down the matter until he is dealing with it.

After thinking of this, he sighed and then said to the assistant:

"well, in that case, you should first press this matter down. If these reporters don't wait for the result, they will leave, so you can go out now."

After hearing Zhang Wenqi said so, the assistant nodded, and some of them could not wait to go out, because it would be late if they didn't go out now.

When the assistant went out, Zhang Wenqi was more and more angry. He knew that he might have fallen into Wu Fangfang's trap, so he walked around the office angrily. He was also angry that he had fallen into Wu Fangfang's plan so foolishly.

However, there is no way to deal with Wu Fangfang. He can only solve the problem now and then try to deal with Wu Fangfang.

I don't know if the assistant can solve this problem after returning this time. I still have some worries in my heart.

When the assistant went out, a lot of reporters were waiting at the door. They just wanted to wait for Zhang Wenqi to explain, but they didn't expect Zhang Wenqi to come out for a long time.

Those reporters are all talking about it, and each of them is not an oil-saving lamp. Since they have arrived at such a news, they can't go back without probing into the news.

Everyone wants to interview some things. Now it's time to wait for someone in the company to explain, but he didn't find it was Zhang Wenqi's assistant.However, since it is an assistant, it must be of some use, so the assistant was put up in such a short time.

When the assistant saw the reporters who surrounded them, they would not believe it. They would not feel frowned and unhappy.

Those reporters to the assistant performance of the special enthusiasm, one by one to break the head of the assistant company to play a variety of things.

"What is your position in the company? Do you come out now? Does Zhang Wenqi ask you to explain what he has to say about this matter? "

"Yes, I heard that there is something wrong with your company's products. Is it true? How can you solve this problem?"

"Why didn't Zhang Wenqi come out? Are you trying to dodge this

The reporters asked very sharp questions one by one. After hearing this, the assistant frowned unconsciously. There were some in his heart, but when he got up, he didn't know how to answer them.

After seeing the assistant's appearance, the reporters were still reluctant and kept asking questions.

After seeing him like this, the assistant felt helpless. However, in order not to let them report the incident more and more, he could only sigh and then open his mouth to those people and say:

"please don't worry. Listen to my explanation. This is not done by our company. According to reliable information, it should be Some people deliberately framed us, and we hope that we will not make any reports at that time. It is not good to cause necessary troubles for our company. "

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