However, these reporters have finally got an opportunity to investigate. How could they give up such a good opportunity.

So when I heard the assistant's words, I almost ignored it. On the contrary, I went to the assistant more eagerly and said to the assistant eagerly:

"Mr. assistant, what do you mean by that? Just now you said that those Taoist people were found by others. Who do you think these people were found back?"

The assistant also had some headache after hearing their questions, because he was in a mess in his head now. After hearing their questions, the assistant didn't know how to explain it.

So for a moment, a calm face frowned.

After seeing that the assistant said no words, the reporters were also more crazy to take photos of the assistants. After seeing them like this, the assistants really had some helpless slight coughs, and then solemnly opened their mouth to the reporters and said:

"please don't worry, our company will give you an explanation of this matter soon It's just that I can't do it now, so I can only ask you to go back first. We will find out the truth, and then we will hold a press conference, and then we will invite the reporters who come here. "

After hearing this, although there are some unwilling assistants, there is no way.

After the assistant finished, he saw those unwilling reporters and ignored them. He turned around and left.

After seeing the assistant leave, those reporters are reluctant to chase after them and ask questions. But because the assistant came out with bodyguards, the reporters could not get close to them, so they could only watch the assistant leave.

When the assistant left, those people were unwilling to shake their heads.

Some people left before the assistant came out. Others saw that the assistant was still waiting at the door of the company for a long time, and then photographed some inexplicable things. When all the reporters went back, the assistant was relieved, and then went back to Zhang Wenqi's office and reported the matter to Zhang Wen Qi.

Zhang Wenqi also gave a sigh of relief after hearing the assistant said that some reporters had left. However, she couldn't help frowning at the thought that these reporters might come back.

The heart also began to worry.

After seeing Zhang Wenqi, the assistant sighed and said to Zhang Wenqi:

"boss, don't worry about it. I think what the truth is about this matter, we can definitely explain it clearly."

After the assistant finished, Zhang Wenqi also nodded. As long as the truth of the matter was found out, they naturally had a way to solve it.

But now the key is that there is no way to find out the truth, because you can't be sure who it is.

Although he had conjectured that Wu Fangfang did it before, but now Wu Fangfang is not in the company because of his illness. Therefore, this matter is known to all, and those journalists have reported it early.

Moreover, this matter is also involved in his own body, so he is of course impossible to go out now, saying that this thing is done by people.

Moreover, this matter can't be delayed at all. If we delay it for a longer time, it may be harmful to them. So we have decided to find a good way to solve this problem as soon as possible.

After all, it won't work if it goes on like this.

However, he did not think of any idea, and did not know what to do to solve the matter perfectly, so he was silent for a moment, and his heart began to have some slight worries.

Finally, after a long silence, he sighed and finally opened his mouth to the assistant:

"do you have any solutions to the current situation?"

After hearing Zhang Wenqi finished, the assistant frowned, then shook his head and said to Zhang:

"boss, I have no way now. Now that we have reached this situation, we can't do anything else. Now it seems that someone has deliberately trapped us, so I have no way now."

After Zhang wenqiting arrived at the assistant, she was unhappy, but she couldn't put all her hopes on an assistant.

Originally, I wanted him to think of a way, but I didn't think that he should have an idea, so I just had some unhappiness in my heart.

So after turning to the assistant, he did not speak. Of course, the assistant knew that Zhang Wenqi was not happy, but he had no way to do himself and had no idea.

After Zhang Wenqi didn't speak, she became more irritable, so she said to the assistant unhappily:

"OK, you go out first, let me think about how to deal with this matter."The assistant was relieved to hear Zhang Wenqi let himself go out. He couldn't wait to go out, so after hearing Zhang Wenqi finished, he quickly nodded and ran out.

After Zhang Wenqi saw the assistant information and wanted to go out, Zhang Wenqi also gave a cold drink, feeling a little unhappy.

It's just that I don't have time to think about these things now.

At the same time, Wu Fangfang couldn't help laughing after hearing about Zhang Wenqi.

Originally, she had been raised in the past few days, so she was still a little depressed. Now, after hearing the news that ye Wuwei came to tell herself, she couldn't help laughing.

Wu Fangfang's heart seemed particularly happy. Wu Fangfang did not think that Zhang Wenqi would have such a day. She also thought that ye Wuqian had come up with all these ideas. Later, she agreed with her.

So after I looked at Ye Wuqian with a smile, I started to say:

"ha ha ha ha, I'm so happy. I didn't expect Ye Wuqian to have such a video. It's really good. But I'd like to see what Zhang Wenqi thinks when their company breaks down."

After seeing Wu Fangfang's excited face, Zhang Fei was also happy. Of course, he knew why Wu Fangfang thought so.

Zhang Wenqi repeatedly provoked Wu Fangfang, and now she nearly had a car accident and lived in the hospital for so many days, so he is naturally very happy.

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