After laughing, ye Wuqian opened his mouth to Wu Fangfang and said:

"well, don't be too happy. Things are not over yet. After all these things are done, we can go out and celebrate. How do you feel

When Wu Fangfang heard Ye Wuxiang finish, she immediately raised the corner of her mouth, and then nodded her head and said to him:

"OK, when we have finished dealing with this matter, we will go out to celebrate. This period of time will suffocate me. I will stay at home all day, and my grandfather won't let me go out. You are alone If you don't come with me, you must go out and have a good time after I explain this matter. "

After hearing what Wu Fangfang said, ye Wuhua agreed with him and nodded. He also knew that Wu Fangfang was too boring during this period.

So when this thing is over, I will accompany Wu Fangfang out, so after smiling, I open my mouth to Wu Fangfang and say:

"you don't have to worry about Zhang Wenqi's business. Their company can't last long. It should not take long for our plan to be completely completed. Then I will take you out with me. What do you think ?”

After hearing that, Wu Fangfang's eyes lit up. Then she nodded her head and said to him:

"ha ha, I can't wait now, but I still have some worries in my heart. Although there are some problems in Zhang Wenqi company, they can be solved smoothly Then, are we not going to fall short, so I still have some worries about whether Zhang Wenqi will successfully solve this matter, and whether the reporters you sent to rely on or not? Why did they go and come back? "

Wu Fangfang also had some worries, because those reporters didn't ask Zhang Wenqi anything in the past, or even Zhang Wenqi's face.

When those people went, they asked that they were Zhang Wenqi's assistant, so now they didn't have it at all. As expected, Wu Fangfang heard Ye Wuqian, and after that, he also nodded clearly. Now there is no way out. Now there is such a method here.

Wu Fangfang had some worries before going to bed, thinking that since the reporters have not found any evidence, if they really want to report something, I'm afraid there are still some thin ones.

But the next day, Wu knew she was wrong.

Even those reporters reported nothing important, but who knows that after some tortuous understanding, they have reported all the things of Zhang Wenqi company, which is incredible.

Even the things Wu Fangfang saw were very surprised, let alone Zhang Wenqi.

Zhang Wenqi is really angry now. After holding the news report just brought in by his secretary, Zhang Wenqi was very angry. He didn't expect that those reporters would report such news reports after he went out again yesterday. He was really too angry.

So after a cold hum, he said to the assistant:

"how could this happen? Didn't you go out and explain it yesterday? Why is this still happening now? "

After hearing such words, the assistant also felt guilty. He didn't know why he explained it well yesterday, but who knows what he said the next day after the news report came out. Zhang Wenqi, the chairman of the board, didn't go out to avoid his duty and so on.

After seeing this, the assistant was also very surprised and didn't know what to do for a while.

So after a long silence, there was some incredible shaking of the head, and then said to Zhang Wenqi:

"I don't blame the boss. Er, when I went out yesterday, I really explained it clearly, and told them that we would check it out and then tell them the truth. But who knows these reporters don't listen to me at all Explain, after I left, they must have reported in a random way, so they did such a result

Now the assistant is very angry. He didn't expect that the reporters would make a good report like this. If these reporters are adding fuel to the story, their company may really be doomed.

After thinking of this, the assistant was also flustered, so she took a look at Zhang Wenqi, and as expected, she saw Zhang Wenqi's exposed face.

After seeing Zhang Wenqi like this, the assistant didn't dare to speak, and then slowly lowered her head and stopped speaking.

However, Zhang Wenqi was more and more angry. He did not expect that things would develop to this result. Originally, his company should be plain sailing, but who knows that his company fell into a trough just overnight.

He snatched those customers back from Wu Fangfang's hands. As long as it is this time, their company may develop smoothly.Wu Fangfang's company will also be close to bankruptcy, but did not think that a good plan would be so destroyed.

Zhang Wenqi was also very unwilling, so she was right to throw her tablet computer into the ground in anger, and the assistant said:

"well, tell me what we should do now."

Although Zhang Wenqi is very angry now, but also know that this is not the time, we must think of a way to fight back against ye Wuque and Wu Fangfang.

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