Zhang Wenqi didn't know how to solve the matter, and the assistant didn't know how to explain it, but after seeing Zhang's angry face, she knew that she had to say something.

Because Zhang Wenqi would be more angry if he didn't say anything. So after sighing, he went to Zhang Wenqi and said:

"boss, don't be angry. We must have a way to deal with this matter. I'm going to investigate whether this matter is really related to Wu Fangfang's people If it really has something to do with their people, then we can make it through. "

After that, she nodded to Zhang Wenqi. Zhang Wenqi heard the assistant say that. Although she was still angry in her heart, she had no other way, but she had no other way. There was only such a way now, so she could only let the assistant out.

So after sighing, he nodded to the assistant, and then said:

"well, since you have said so, you can go out and have a good look to see if there is any evidence to identify Wu Fangfang. As long as there is a little bit, we can overturn the card again."

After hearing Zhang Wenqi's remarks, the assistant immediately went out. The most urgent thing now is to quickly investigate the matter. Otherwise, if Zhang Wenqi's company goes bankrupt, he will be in bad luck.

And even Zhang Wenqi would never let go of her, so the assistant ran out in a hurry.

After the assistant went out, Zhang Wenqi also gave a cold drink, and then sat on the sofa in the office angrily. Now she has no way but to wait for the information to be processed here. She is particularly worried when she thinks of this.

On the other side, Wu Fangfang heard the news from Zhang Wenqi company, so she burst out laughing.

What she thought was right. These reporters did not let themselves down. If he had thought that the reporters had nothing to release, there would still be some difficulties in reporting at that time. We may not believe these things.

However, I didn't expect that these reporters actually reported this incident so much that people thought it was true. After thinking about it, Wu Fangfang couldn't help laughing.

After seeing Wu Fangfang's happy appearance, ye Wuqian also said:

"well, I didn't cheat you yesterday. I said that these reporters will do a good job in this matter."

Wu Fangfang nodded, a little excited in her heart. She was really right. Now Zhang Wenqi's company may have fallen. If Zhang Wenqi's customers know that his company has such a problem, it is still to be investigated whether they should continue to cooperate with him.

Zhang Wenqi now has such a big thing. It's the best news I've heard these days from Wu Fangfang.

So I couldn't help laughing in bed and rolling around in bed.

After seeing Wu Fang's appearance by Ye Wuqian, she sighed helplessly, and then said to Wu Fangfang:

"how can you still be like a child when you are such a big man

Wu Fangfang was not happy when she heard Ye Wuxiang say this, so she suddenly looked at Ye Wuqian and said to him:

"what is like a child? I'm just too happy. Think about how much effort we spent before, and how can I think that Zhang Wenqi has been solved so quickly Can you not be happy? How about it? Don't you have any happiness in your heart? "

After hearing Wu Fangfang say this, ye Wuqian of course shook his head, and of course he was also happy. The way to do this thing was originally his own idea. Now that he has achieved such a great success, he is certainly the happiest person.

After thinking of this, she also laughed, and then said to Wu Fangfang:

"of course not. Zhang Wenqi has done so many things to make us difficult. Now he has come to such a result, which is also a well deserved thing. However, it is not our last happy design. You believe that Zhang Wenqi's company will be ours soon It's not too late to be happy when it's merged. "

After hearing this, Wu Fangfang nodded with satisfaction. He knew that the next step would be more smooth, so he would be relieved.

However, after thinking about herself, Wu Fangfang had some doubts in her heart, and then she said to Zhang Wenqi:

"by the way, when can I go out now? Now Zhang Wenqi company is in trouble. If I go out now, I can give them a head-on blow. Those who used to save money with our company should return to our company now."

After hearing what she said, ye Wuqi couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and then said to me:

"don't worry about this matter. It's inevitable that you go out, but now it's not the best strength. We need to find an accurate time to go out, so that we can do it without any more It's a mistake. "After hearing Zhang Wenqi's words, Wu Fangfang felt a little lost, but she also knew that ye Wuqian had done a thing with his own reason, so she could not say anything now.

After nodding, he opened his mouth to ye Wumian and said:

"OK, I know that I am a little anxious now, and I can't wait to go out and have a look at the bleak appearance of Zhang Wenqi company."

Ye Wuxiang also knows what Wu Fangfang thinks, so we don't know what Wu Fangfang thinks. When Wu Fangfang finishes, he laughs and says to her:

"ha ha, don't worry about it. It won't take long for Zhang Wenqi to get to the company and go bankrupt. Then I will take you out and have a good look at him 。”

Wu Fangfang also couldn't help laughing when she heard that ye Wuqian finished. She was in such a good mood these days that she couldn't help but be happy when she thought that Zhang Wenqi was about to commit crimes.

He wants to see what result Zhang Wenqi can get after repeatedly provoking himself. What's more, Zhang Wenqi doesn't want to annex the existing company, so he can show that he is not easy to be provoked.

After seeing Wu Fangfang happy, ye Wuqian sighed helplessly. He told him something important and then left.

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