Zhang Wenqi there, this book to Zhang Wenqi is to give some important things to the assistant to solve, but did not expect that the assistant has been no result.

Zhang Wenqi was worried, so she sent someone out to check it out. But who knew that the result was an assistant. I don't know where she went.

Zhang Wenqi was already upset. Now she heard that her assistant, who had been managing important affairs beside her, was suddenly gone. Later, Zhang Wenqi was very angry,

but what she didn't know was that the assistant had already run away because she was afraid that the incident would involve her.

Because Zhang Wenqi had done a lot of illegal things before, if it was found out in the end, it would certainly involve him. Because Zhang Wenqi sent him to do such a thing this time, so the assistant naturally didn't want to let Zhang Wenqi get involved in himself again, so he got some bad news and then left immediately.

Zhang Wenqi still had some disbelief. Her assistant ran away, but in the end, she had to believe it, because there was no other reason after that.

When he was asked to bring the news, he did not expect such a thing to happen, so he snorted and sent a big problem in the office. In the end, he could only call all the people in the company to hold a meeting.

Originally, he planned to bribe those reporters and let them do some good reports for themselves, but after all, he was a little late in doing this. Now some reporters are not an oil-saving lamp. With such a good idea, they will not miss such a good opportunity.

For them, there is no use at all, because after all, there are so many media, they can not buy one by one, so the scene is also uncontrollable.

Zhang Wenqi used to have an assistant to help him share some things, but now that the assistant has run away, he has to finish all his affairs in person, so he is more irritable.

Other people in the company don't trust themselves, so this matter can only be done by themselves, so it's very troublesome for a while.

I don't know how to deal with it.

There is a lot of buzz in the company. They know that such a big thing happened in the company. Many people have already thought of resigning.

This is the case in the company. After one person resigned, everyone was in a trance. They couldn't wait for the company to go bankrupt before they quit.

Therefore, some capable people came to find Zhang Wenqi to resign. Zhang Wenqi was more angry when she saw that they all came to find her own resignation one by one.

I didn't think of the resignation of his subordinates in this circle. However, there was no way. If they wanted to do it, they couldn't keep it. Therefore, they could only agree to let them leave after their wages were settled.

At the same time, those customers who ran over from Wu Fangfang naturally knew what happened to Zhang Wenqi. The reason why they came to Zhang Wenqi from Wu Fangfang was that the price given by Zhang Wenqi was very low.

However, after these incidents, they can no longer cooperate with Zhang Wenqi here, because if they cooperate with them again, they will be involved.

So one by one are particularly rational, of course, it is impossible to do such a rebirth, so we are all tangled up, do not know what to do now.

Now they have already signed the contract with Zhang Wenqi, and it will be the time for normal cooperation. However, if they break the contract, there are still some problems.

But there is no way. Now he can only terminate the contract with Zhang Wenqi in order to protect his own interests.

Zhang Wenqi saw the contract that the people on the table took over to terminate the contract. After that, she was really too angry.

At the beginning, because the promise was too simple, he didn't specify all kinds of terms in time, so now he can't get any compensation after the contract is terminated. Zhang Wenqi is more angry when he thinks of this.

So in the end, there is no way but to gather the remaining employees of the company together to prepare for an emergency meeting.

But who knows this time actually found a more important thing, that is, Wu Fangfang smoothly back to the company.

Zhang Wenqi got angry after hearing the news. Before that, he still had some conjectures about whether it was related to Wu Fangfang. However, after hearing the news, he was also clear. Wu Fangfang was afraid that he had been deliberately setting him up, so he had been hiding at home. If he didn't come out, he wanted to have some negative effects on him understand.

However, I had no way to believe Wu Fangfang's trap. I thought that Wu Fangfang and ye Wuqian did not have any threat together. Therefore, this was the only thing that made Wu Fangfang's plot.Zhang Wenqi is very angry now. He never thought that he would make such a mistake one day.

However, there is no other way. Now my company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and I can't compete with Wu Fangfang company.

some of the employees who still stay in the company don't want the company to go bankrupt so soon, because it's not so easy to find a job if the company goes bankrupt.

Although Zhang Wenqi doesn't treat the employees very well, the treatment in the company can still be said in the past. Moreover, Zhang Wenqi's company is such a large enterprise that it is unacceptable for them to leave for a while.

So all the staff are the same, the company can return to normal as soon as possible.

So after hearing the news, they were all anxious to see how Zhang Wenqi responded. At last, they all thought of a way, that is to have a good talk with the customers who are going to sign contracts with them, so that they can continue to cooperate with themselves.

If it's really not possible, we can only let Zhang Wenqi talk with Wu Fangfang in the past. As long as it is settled with Wu Fangfang, they still have some opportunities.

Zhang Wenqi could not help sneering because they would have thought of a good way. Maybe they didn't think that they had come up with such an idea.

Zhang Wenqi thinks that the idea they have come up with now is of no use to her.

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