The sunshine in the morning is always beautiful. Even for the cold northern ice field, that round of sunrise is so soft. When the first ray of sunshine shines on Ye Xiao's face through the cave entrance, ye Xiao slowly wakes up from his sleep!

When you open your eyes, what you see is not a wide bed, nor a ceiling with broken flowers, but a dark cave roof. Where is this? This is Ye Xiao's first thought at this time, but soon, everything of yesterday flashed through his mind

Together with Bai choufei, he kills mustache and finally falls into a siege. However, he takes the saint to blow up the ammunition depot. However, he is taken into a room to rescue the virgin. However, the virgin doesn't meet her, but she meets enchanting. Later, enchanting starts the mechanism, and she and Suzanne fall into a tunnel together, and finally falls into a cold pool

Then they went to a cave and raised a bonfire

And then

Thinking of here, ye Xiao's consciousness is a little fuzzy, and he can't tell what he did at that time? Did you fall asleep?

Yes, at that time, I felt very tired. It seemed that I really fell asleep. But before I fell asleep, I seemed to have done something about it?

Vaguely between, as if wearing a white robe of the saint sitting on their own body, and themselves to do such a thing!

At the thought of this, ye Xiao sat up from the ground, and the cold sweat on his forehead ran down one by one. This can't be true? How could you have such a relationship with Susanna? How could that be possible? She is the holy woman of the Holy See. She is the purest and most sacred woman in the minds of countless believers. If she defiles her, she will not be pursued by the world's believers?

But how can't it be just a dream?

Ye Xiao looked around, did not see enchanting, did not see the saint, but on the ground to see a pool of blood, bloodstains bright red, not like injured, but like the red virgin, a see that the red blood, ye Xiao's head has two big, all that seems to be true!

If you look at your body, the upper part of your body is bare, and the lower part of your body is not wearing anything. Instead, it is covered with a coat, and the pants are not far away. If you look at your injured right fist, you can still hear the pain. However, there is a white cloth strip on your fist. Ye Xiao remembers that this is the cloth on the saint!

Seeing all this, it is obvious that this is not a dream!

Nima, he even defiled the holy daughter of the Holy See. No, it should be that he was defiled by the holy woman of the Holy See. She defiled herself first. Under such circumstances, the billions of believers should not find their own trouble, right?

After wearing his clothes quickly, ye Xiao smashed the spark that had not been completely extinguished. He turned around and walked out of the cave. This is really a cave where a fierce bear lives. Standing on the hillside of that mountain range, you can see two shallow footprints, which should be enchanting and Susanna's, which are the footprints leading to two different directions, but have you left How far, these two footprints have disappeared, ye Xiao helpless, can only go to the south, he does not know where he is now?

Ye Xiao's figure gradually disappeared in the snow. After his figure completely disappeared into the snow, on a hill not far from the cave, a piece of snow suddenly moved, and then saw a figure coming out of the snow. A long head of golden hair, a coat of white clothes, and then with the pair of eyes with a golden cross, who is Saint Susanna ?

She was wearing a white robe, and a piece of cloth was torn out from the skirt corner of the robe, which was used to help Ye Xiao bind her fist. However, she had no boots under her feet. She was so barefoot, so she stepped on a pile of snow and didn't feel cold!

Looking at Ye Xiao's disappearing figure, Suzanne's face flashed all kinds of expressions. Finally, she murmured and sighed. Then she turned and walked in the opposite direction to Ye Xiao. She had sent out the unique signal of the Holy See. The Vatican people should come here to meet her soon. This time, not only did she not save the Virgin Mary, but something like this happened What should we do?

There was still some faint pain below, but Susannah could only hold back the pain and continue to walk forward. Now, even she did not know where her road was, and what punishment she would bear if the Pope knew about it after she returned to the Holy See?

Will his majesty know?

Suzanne doesn't know, but enchanting knows that, in addition to two parties, only enchanting knows such a secret, and only needs her to spread such information. Then the Pope will surely know, but will enchanting keep secret for her and ye Xiao?

The goose feather like snow continued to fall. On the vast snow plain, ye Xiao walked towards the direction of the steel Castle step by step. It has been a night, and I don't know what happened to Bai choufei. He successfully killed big beard, Zhan Gu Xiu and Li Liangzhong, but there was a demon tiger. Could they go out smoothly?

Walking, ye Xiao suddenly stopped, just because in front of her, there is a beautiful thigh is shaking on the branch, it looks very attractive!"What's the taste of the virgin?" Enchanting sitting on the tree trunk, legs hanging there, a swing, the light yarn on the body with the snowflake flying together, like a spirit!

However, ye Xiao has no time to appreciate all this. Although she doesn't understand the specific matter, it must be related to enchanting. It's all this woman. If it wasn't for her, how could she have such a relationship with Susanna.

Don't answer enchanting question at all, ye Xiao raises his feet and pours at enchanting. He wants to revenge for all the humiliation he has received. OK, revenge for all the sins!

Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao has come to the tree, and enchanting seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's killing intention and jumps directly from the tree. However, at this moment, ye Xiao doesn't know what's going on. She feels that her speed has increased a lot. At the moment when enchanting just landed, he has rushed past by a tiger, and his body directly bumps into the enchanting fragrant body, and then the two of them Your body just fell to the ground!

"What's the matter? After a real saint, even if I am a false saint, I will not let go? If you really want it, how about changing places? It seems a little too cold here? " Ye Xiao was so caught, enchanting is not surprised, nor surprised, but said with a smile!

Seeing the enchanting smile on her face, ye Xiao is almost crazy. How can there be such a woman in this world?

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Ye Xiao decided that she couldn't talk to the woman more. She moved her hand upward and directly clasped her delicate neck. She said coldly!

"Believe it or not, you can't kill me? What happened last night has been passed on to me. If you really kill me, the news will reach the Pope's ears at the first time. Cluck, what will happen if the Pope knows about it? " Seeing ye Xiao close at hand, enchanting giggled, as if he didn't believe his hand would break his neck at all!

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