What will happen? It is estimated that he will mobilize paladins from all over the world and even encourage those believers to pursue themselves. At the thought that he might face tens of thousands of paladins and even billions of followers, ye Xiao felt a tingle in her scalp!

Of course, he is still good. If the Pope knows that the virgin Suzanne has been defiled, she will be bound to the scaffold. This is absolutely not what ye Xiao wants to see. He can not be afraid of the Holy See, but he can't kill Suzanne!

"What do you want to do In the face of enchanting threat, ye Xiao has to compromise. He really can't watch Susannah who has had a relationship with himself to die!

"To tell you the truth, at first, I really wanted to spread the story, and then cause a confrontation between the Holy See and the dragon clan, but later I found that it didn't seem to do me any good. There was nothing interesting to me except watching you being chased by Holy Knights of the Holy see. So I changed my mind and waited for you here I need you to promise me a request. As long as you agree, I'll treat it as nothing happened! " Enchanting smile gently!

"What are the requirements?" In the face of enchanting, ye Xiao hums coldly!

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell you when I think about it!" Enchanting pursed a smile!

"You..." Ye Xiao is angry. He really wants to pinch the girl to death. He has done so many things to threaten himself directly. If he doesn't say what he wants now, isn't he deliberately torturing people?

"Cluck, you can rest assured that my request will not make you too difficult, at least not against your inner will! How can such conditions be allowed? " In the face of the almost exposed Ye Xiao, enchanting still said with a smile!

"Good!" Although Ye Xiao is very unwilling, but he still nodded, no matter how to say, he can't let Susannah get any harm.

"Well, now you can let me go? Or do you want a big fight here with me? " Hear ye Xiao promise to come down, enchanting gently a smile, unspeakable amorous feelings? The look in the eyes is revealed to pick scurf look, seem to say again: do you dare?

In the face of enchanting's slightly defiant eyes, ye Xiao really wants to directly clean her clothes and correct them here. However, at the thought of her scheming, she still gave up such an idea. She was very indignant and stood up from her body. He was afraid that he would not be able to control himself if he sat down like this again!

After standing up from enchanting body, ye Xiao doesn't want to entangle with this woman too much, turns around and walks towards the direction of steel castle!

"Hello, are you so cruel to leave me a delicate and weak woman here?" Seeing that ye Xiao could resist the evil thoughts in his heart, he turned around and left directly. A trace of color flashed through his enchanting eyes, and he roared at Ye Xiao at the moment!

Delicate and delicate woman? Can a woman who can stir up the political circles of such a powerful country as China be a weak woman?

Lazy are lazy to pay attention to her, ye Xiao instead quickened the pace!

"Well, I've thought of that request now. You promised me, don't go back on it!" Seeing ye Xiao really ignore himself, Rao is enchanting, calm, and even stamped his feet. Where can there be such a man? He is also a first-class beauty. He can turn a blind eye to it!

"Go ahead, what's the requirement?" Xiaorao heard the condition, but she didn't want to ask!

"I want you to think of me as your friend!" In the face of Ye Xiao's lonely and upright figure, she said with a enchanting smile that only a child can have an innocent smile at the corner of her mouth!

However, ye Xiao, who heard this sentence, was stunned and turned to see enchanting. She was unbelievable on her face. She asked instinctively, "friend?"

"Yes, don't you think it's too much of a demand?" In her enchanting eyes, she even showed a naive look of ordinary little girls. There was a trace of tension in her eyes. It seemed that she was afraid that ye Xiao would not agree!

Yes, she is so nervous. Even ye Xiao can't tell whether she is really so nervous or deliberately pretending to be!

"All right." However, in the face of enchanting this strange to the extreme, but absolutely not excessive requirements, ye Xiao did not refuse the truth, can only nod!

"Cluck, from now on, we are friends. As friends, you can't leave me alone, right?" See ye Xiao nod to agree to come down, enchanting eyes twinkle with joy look, and then smile to open a way!

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded. People said that they would like to be friends. Since they are friends, they can't really leave her alone!

"Well, you sprained my foot just now. Now I can't walk. You have to carry me away from here!" Enchanting full face excited to say!

"Ah Ye Xiaoyi Leng, it seems difficult to think that enchanting will say such words, carry her away from here? My God, her body is so hot, her breath is so charming, if you really carry her, which man in the world can stand it?"What's the matter? Can't a friend do such a simple thing? " See indecisive Ye Xiao, enchanting eyes even showed a pathetic expression, that look really pitiful!

"All right." Ye Xiao has no choice but to turn around and come to the front of enchanting, and enchanting is excited to jump directly on Ye Xiao's back and put her hands around Ye Xiao's neck. Look at her appearance, there is no sign of foot sprain.

But ye Xiao is not good to say anything, can only embrace the enchanting thigh, let it stick on his back, go towards the front!

You can understand why she didn't wear the gauze on her enchanting body. In this way, ye Xiao's hands can clearly feel the tenderness of her legs. Even if you move a little, you can feel the fullness of her hips. Rao is still snowing at this time, and ye Xiao also feels that she is not hot enough!

"We are friends. Oh, you must not have any other ideas." It seems to be aware of Ye Xiao's strangeness, enchanting lying in Ye Xiao's ear, whispered.

She doesn't say it's better. At such a close distance, ye Xiao can clearly feel the heat coming from her mouth. The heat goes into his ears, making him feel like he's Crispy all over. It's so killing. This goblin is so killing!

Forced to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart, ye Xiao stepped forward and continued to run towards the direction of the steel castle!

However, when ye Xiao and enchanting came to the iron and steel castle, they saw that the steel Castle originally standing here turned into a pile of ruins. The extremely strong iron and steel Castle actually collapsed. Not only did it collapse, but also there was a huge pit thousands of square meters on the ground. It looked like it had been bombed by a nuclear bomb!

There are countless corpses, limbs fall around the ruins, but not too early has been frozen into popsicles, see all this, ye Xiao heart a burst of worry, worry fly, they won't do anything?

She puts enchanting down, and ye Xiao checks around herself. She doesn't find Bai choufei and others. She doesn't even find one of yikefu's men. She just finds some clothes that are still in good condition and hands them to enchanting!

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