The black scythe with the sound of the wind chopped to Ye Xiao's head, and the huge fist also hit Ye Xiao's heart with the sound of the wind. The two men's one shot is a kill, there is a great possibility to kill Ye Xiao directly!

"Whoosh!" At this time, enchanting body for the first time in front of Ye Xiao's body, raised the bloody dagger in his hand and went to meet the huge sickle!

"Jingle!" "Bang!" A loud noise, enchanting body directly flew out, heavily fell on the ground, mouth is a gush of blood, although her strength is good, but at the same time in the face of two strength is not under the attack of Ye Xiao, is also difficult to resist!

She suffered a heavy blow. The dagger in her hand was also shaken off, and her arm was scratched with a long scar. Her left shoulder was even dented. Obviously, even her shoulder bones were smashed in one punch!

However, whether it was the figure with a fist or a man holding a sickle, he was also shocked back by the enchanting effort. In this instant, ye Xiao had swallowed the bottle of blood red dragon blood, and his eyes became blood red in an instant!

The cells in the body began to shake wildly, and the continuous power filled every cell of the body, and a violent breath came out madly!

"Lagus, Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng, you are blessed. Even when he killed moustache, he didn't take dragon blood." Feeling the fierce breath from ye Xiao, she vomited a mouthful of blood, and a faint smile appeared on her face. It seems that it will not be long before these three people will die here!

As for ye Xiao, it also confirmed the conjecture in his heart. Ye Ming, the God of death, was once the third best master in the heaven list, but somehow disappeared. He joined the dark moon League. As for this man named Zhou wusheng, although he is not very famous, his breath is not under Ye Ming at all. This is absolutely remarkable Afraid opponent!

However, ye Xiao didn't have any fear in his eyes after taking dragon blood. Even though he had suffered heavy damage and his right fist bone had not fully healed, it didn't matter. At the moment, he was the most powerful existence. He believed that no matter who he was, he could not defeat him, because he was the dragon soul, the most potential existence of the dragon clan!

Not waiting for Ye Ming and others to rush over, ye Xiao's figure rushed out at the first time. He wanted to kill three people in the shortest time!

Almost instantaneously, ye Xiao has come to Zhou wusheng. Facing this quiet man, ye Xiao does not hesitate to wave his fist. It is the injured right fist. Even under the influence of Qi, the wound that had begun to heal actually burst out, splashing blood. But the terrible fist strength also made Zhou wusheng's eyebrow Head wrinkling!

However, he is most proud of a pair of iron fists, and now someone even competes with him. Where can he refuse? Of course, the most important point, there is Ye Ming beside him. In such a case, Ye Ming will surely make a move. He has no reason to shrink back!

With a low voice and a roar, Zhou wusheng stepped out with one foot and a fist to meet Ye Xiao. As for Ye Ming, however, Ye Ming also rushed forward at this time. His sickle, with endless chill in his hand, chopped at Ye Xiao's body. No matter how strong he was, and no matter what he took, he could never get good at the attack of two people at the same time!

Ye Xiao's fists are getting closer and closer to Zhou wusheng's fists, and Ye Ming's sickle is also getting closer to Ye Xiao's neck. Even now, ye Xiao has no plan to change his moves. Seeing such a scene, Ye Ming is a little better, and even his mouth shows bursts of sneers. As long as Zhou wusheng catches such a punch, he is completely You can easily cut off Ye Xiao's head!

However, for Zhou wusheng, he was under extremely terrible pressure, especially when he saw that ye Xiao's eyes had become bloody red, and his right arm seemed to have increased by a circle out of thin air. An extremely terrifying force was constantly diffused. Rao was full of confidence in his fist, and he also felt that if he really hit the fist, his arm would It's blown to pieces!

Originally, he thought that ye Xiao should be able to withdraw his moves in the face of Ye Ming's attack. Then he would attack with all his strength, and he could definitely kill him with the strength of the two men. But what he didn't expect was that ye Xiao was so desperate when he came up and ignored the knife!

Ye Xiao can do his best, but Zhou wusheng is not willing to go all out. At least he is not willing to use his own life to exchange for Ye Ming's glorious achievements. Now ye Xiaosi has no intention of stopping. Zhou wusheng's figure that he had originally rushed forward quickly flashed aside. He didn't want to take such a risk!

Just as Zhou wusheng flashed aside, ye Xiao suddenly pushed hard. Then he saw that his speed suddenly doubled, and he rushed directly from the position where Zhou wusheng had just stood!

Seeing such a scene, Zhou wusheng and Ye Ming were surprised that his first target was lagus!

Yes, ye Xiao's first goal is lagus. Ye Ming is very strong. It doesn't need Ye Xiao to prove that Zhou wusheng is also strong. Ye Xiao hasn't had time to prove it. However, the threat of a lagus is absolutely more than these two people. Even the strongest person can be defeated and killed. However, an animal controller is not so easy to be killed. As long as he doesn't die, he can In order to constantly find all kinds of animals, at that time, even if ye Xiao was really the God of war, he would be dead alive. As long as he was killed, these snow wolves would no longer be under control. Whether to attack themselves or attack Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng was unknown!In any case, only kill him to have a chance to win, otherwise even if taking dragon blood, facing the continuous attack of snow wolf, his final result is only one, that is to die of exhaustion!

Lagus obviously didn't think that ye Xiao's first goal should be himself. After all, although he got to the front, he was more than 10 meters away from ye Xiao. There were Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng in front of him, and there were dozens of snow wolves around him. Under such circumstances, how could he kill himself?

But now, ye Xiao broke through their defense and rushed to him!

Seeing ye Xiao coming at a gallop, lagus flashed a sneer at his mouth. He made a strange sound, and his body quickly retreated back. The wolves around him were red in both eyes, as if they had taken spring medicine. They all went crazy and rushed to Ye Xiao!

"If you want to kill me, go to the next life!" In the face of Ye Xiao, lagus sneered!

In the face of crazy wolves and ragus's ridicule, ye Xiao's eyes have never changed at all. When he was still seven or eight meters away from lagus, he suddenly stepped on the ground, and then his body was like a rocket's shell, and it was launched directly out!

The distance of seven or eight meters, so a step past, countless snow wolves from his feet, but no one can stop his figure, looking at Ye Xiao jumping high, looking at Ye Xiao who is like a God. The sarcastic color on lagus's face is momentarily frozen, looking at the figure falling from the sky, his eyes are filled with panic and despair How is that possible? Seven or eight meters away, how could he jump over in one step? How powerful is his ability to bounce?

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