Let's not say that lagus looks unbelievable. Even Zhou wusheng and Ye Ming, the God of death, are also shocked. They are all top experts. They know clearly about people's jumping ability. Even with their skills, they can jump four or five meters at most. But now, ye Xiao has jumped seven or eight meters in one step. How can they not be surprised?

On the contrary, the enchanting corner of the mouth on the ground shows a faint smile. Dragon blood is the power of dragon blood. People who are not dragon people will never know the terror effect of dragon blood. The strength of ordinary dragon soldiers will be increased by three to four times after taking dragon blood. What's more, ye Xiao, who is known as the soul of dragon?

Now his strength has been regarded as the top ten. He has no problem in the top ten of tianbang. Now he takes dragon blood. Even if he comes to Shura, he can only be defeated?

What is it to step over a distance of seven or eight meters?

Ye Xiao, who jumps up high, doesn't think so much. He has only one idea now, that is to kill lagus!

With his left fist clenched, and with the inertia of leaping forward rapidly, ye Xiao did not hesitate to bang his fist on lagus's head

This is the power that erupts after the dragon's blood stimulates the body's potential. This is the force that ordinary people can't imagine. This is the power of violent force combined with inch force. Not to mention a person's head, even a rock, will be blown to pieces. The power of this fist is equivalent to the power of a shell!

All of a sudden, I heard "pa!" With a sound, lagus's head burst like a watermelon, white brain and bright red blood mixed together, spraying everywhere, and then, ye Xiao's body so hit his body, and then his body was knocked out!

"Woo Hoo..." As soon as ragus, who was surrounded by wolves, died, the surrounding wolves seemed to be frightened. They scattered in a crowd and never attacked Ye Xiao again!

Seeing such a scene, Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng, the God of death, are shocked. They both have such strength to kill their opponents with one punch. However, how much strength does it take to smash each other's head into such a smash? Even if it was iron fist, Zhou wusheng was sweating behind his back. Fortunately, he avoided it in time. Otherwise, if he really faced such a blow, his arm would surely be smashed?

"Hold him Lagus died, the surrounding wolves quickly scattered, the scene soon left Ye Ming, Zhou wusheng, enchanting, ye Xiao four people, Ye Ming immediately said!

He knew that with Ye Xiao's current strength, if they attack hard, they would not be rivals. At this moment, the power of Ye Xiao's explosion is too terrible. What they have to do is to hold Ye Xiao down until the medicine fails. No matter what kind of medicine, as long as it stimulates its own genes and makes people instantly enhance their combat effectiveness, has a time effect, and can not be unlimited and powerful Go on, once the medicine is over, his combat effectiveness will be reduced to the lowest point, and then it will be their chance!

Just, can they really hold on to that moment?

No matter whether he can insist on it or not, Ye Ming is also the third best master in the sky list. At the moment of speaking, his figure has been swept out rapidly. Almost in the blink of an eye, he has come to Ye Xiao. Zhou wusheng snorts and rushes towards Ye Xiao at full speed. Lagus is dead. If they can't kill Ye Xiao, it will be very difficult to explain to the organization In the two people did not start on enchanting, do not know is because of the dignity of the strong, or afraid of what?

As if enchanting terror is far greater than ye Xiao!

The sharp sickle with cold light from the top to the bottom of Ye Xiao's arm, even if ye Xiao took dragon's blood, even if his fighting power increased several times, Ye Ming was still confident to beat back Ye Xiao with a knife!

Zhou wusheng has already swept the past. As long as ye Xiao retreats, he will be surrounded by two people, and they will be able to drag him to death!

However, to Ye Ming's surprise, ye Xiao didn't mean to retreat from the sharp knife. He met his own knife light, stretched out his right hand directly, and stretched out the right hand still wrapped in gauze, so he grasped the sharp sickle!

Shocked, absolutely shocked, Ye Ming's pupils suddenly contract together. Looking at this scene in disbelief, he knows how fast his knife is. It can be said that if he is responsible for it, he can easily scratch a person's neck without a trace of blood!

Since his debut, no one has ever been able to catch his knife with bare hands. But now, this guy, who is only in his early twenties, has grasped his own knife. How can he not be shocked?

However, the shock is not over yet. Ye Xiao's palm overflows with blood, but he clings to the blade of the knife, and his five fingers exert a burst of force, and the veins of his arm burst out. What is he going to do? Do you want to crush your own blade? This is a sickle made of unique metal. Even bullets may not be able to penetrate. Does he want to crush it out of thin air?

"Click..." Ye Ming couldn't imagine that ye Xiao would do such a thing, but the reality clearly told him that ye Xiao actually crushed his blade, and the sickle made of special materials was crushed by Ye Xiao. With one hand, an injured hand was crushed!Fright, fear, yes, after the extreme fright, Ye Ming's heart actually produced a trace of fear, he never thought that a person's strength can be so strong!

At this time, ye Xiao's left fist has been swung, directly hit Ye Ming's heart, and Ye Ming, who is completely in shock, immediately flies out. However, ye Xiao grabs the scythe of death, and hits Zhou wusheng with his backhand. Zhou wusheng is frightened, and his figure quickly retreats. However, ye Xiao throws the sickle in his hand, and the handle looks like a profit The arrow shot directly at Zhou wusheng's heart. Zhou wusheng was shocked and his body slightly deviated. The handle of the knife even hit his shoulder. But his shoulder seemed to have been hit hard. There was a bone fracture on the spot. No, it was the sound of bone breaking. Then the whole person was shocked to retreat again and again, and the mouth opened was a stream of blood!

However, waiting for him not to land, even his blood just spouted out, ye Xiao's body has come to him, and it is a simple punch, as fast as a lightning blow, so one blow hit his abdomen, and then Zhou wusheng felt as if he had been hit by the big hammer in the amusement Park. His body, which had been retreating backward, suddenly flew up and became heavy Heavy fall on the ground, just fell on the side of Ye Ming!

The whole scene is silent, not to mention Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng, who have completely lost their combat effectiveness. Even if they are enchanting, they are also looking at all these things in horror. Although she knows that ye Xiao's strength has increased greatly after taking dragon blood, she has never thought that he will be so strong. Such strength may be able to fight against the patron saint of China?

But how old is he? He's only in his early twenties!

A man in his early twenties, after taking dragon's blood, has such a terrible strength. If we give him a few more years? How strong will he be?

Enchanting eyes flash bright light, but how dare not think about it!

As for ye Xiao, he almost defeated Ye Ming and Zhou wusheng with overwhelming power. Then he stepped forward and came to the two men. Since the battle is over, go to death!

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