Snow covered the road, not only the car is difficult to drive, even if it is walking, it is also extremely difficult. One eyed dragon complained about such a weather, let him walk so far in such weather, this is simply suffering, but the thought that the prey is not far in front of him, his mood is a burst of joy!

In order to hunt down Bai choufei, he has lost more than 30 elite men. However, it doesn't matter. Bai choufei's party has less than ten people left. Moreover, they have no more bullets. But they are different. There are more than 50 elite soldiers around him. Although the bullets are almost gone, the rest of them are enough to kill Bai choufei's party. Now they are the only one The trouble is that I haven't caught up with Bai choufei!

But at the moment, they once again found blood on the snow. Needless to say, this is also the blood of Bai choufei's group. The blood is still hot. They should leave soon. With a greeting from the one eyed dragon, they led several ten of the most elite soldiers to chase after the footprints!

Other people are spread around, once you find the news, immediately support!

Seeing the messy footprints on the snow, the corner of one eyed dragon's mouth raised a faint smile. At first, they would leave people to sweep the footprints. Now it seems that they have no ability to sweep the footprints. What does this mean? They have reached the end of their tether!

As long as they catch up with them, they must be doomed. Yes, they are doomed!

One eyed dragon believed in his own judgment and his own strength. How about Bai choufei's ability to kill moustache? How to strengthen personal strength? In the face of gunfire and shell attack, even the iron man will be blown to pieces, not to mention Bai choufei is obviously injured!

"Ah..." Just as the one eyed dragon was thinking, a scream came from the right direction. All of a sudden, the one eyed dragon and others were surprised!

"Come on, come and have a look!" The one eyed Dragon said hello and ran to the direction of the sound with people!

Soon, I came to the scene of the accident. When I fixed my eyes, I saw one of my subordinates fell into a pit more than three meters deep. It should be a trap used by hunters nearby!

"Is there anything wrong?" One eyed dragon snorted to the man in the pit!

"It's just that the foot is a little twisted!" The man in the pit said!

"It's a big deal to twist your foot. Are you still a man?" Hearing this, Cyclops snorted coldly. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied. As the largest pirate leader in northern Europe, his subordinates were a group of extremely poor and vicious people. They killed a person without even blinking their eyes. Isn't that nonsense?

"I'm sorry, chief!" The man in the pit lowered his head shyly and was obviously ashamed of his fuss!

"Pull him up! Others, be careful The one eyed dragon no longer cares about the man and gives orders!

At once, two men bent down to pull the man up, but as they bowed their heads, two sharp arrows burst out of the pit and penetrated into their eyes directly. Before they could make a scream, their bodies fell from the pit and fell at the foot of the first person who fell in. When they saw the dead companion, the man's face turned pale!

What's going on? How can you shoot such a sharp arrow from your feet?

"Kabuki, what are you doing?" The Cyclops were also furious. Kabuki was the only one in the pit. Now he has shot these two sharp arrows. Who made them?

But even the Cyclops didn't find the arrow on Kabuki's body?

"Boss, I didn't do it, I didn't do it!" Hearing the sound of Cyclops, kabuki's eyes were in a panic, and he knelt down directly. The Cyclops and others quickly gathered around and looked into the pit. They seemed to want to find out who killed their companions!

At this time, there was a "bang" in the woods, which was like the sound of bowstring opening. People were stunned. Before they understood what was going on, they heard a scream. Looking at the direction of the sound, they saw a wooden thorn with the thickness of fist inserted into the heart of a subordinate, and nailed him to a tree directly!

At this time, the sound of "bang bang" constantly sounded in the forest, and then saw a very sharp wood thorn shooting from the forest, shooting at the one eyed dragon and others!

"Come on, get down!" The one eyed dragon yelled, people have the first time to lie down, but other people do not have such a quick reaction, only in an instant, at least more than ten people were stabbed to wear!

At this time, there was a scream from the pit, and then a white figure rose from the pit. Who was it?

Seeing the white figure, the one eyed dragon lying on the ground changed his face. He wanted to draw a gun to shoot. But Bai choufei had already raised his arm, and then he saw two crossbow arrows shooting out and penetrating his forehead directly!

The one eyed dragon's eyes were wide open, and he recognized that the crossbow arrow was the weapon in the hand of kurad who sent himself to lure and kill Bai choufei! He never thought that he would die under his own weapons!At the same time, Bai choufei's body rolled, and he came to the one eyed dragon. He grabbed the desert eagle that fell on the ground and pulled the trigger to the nearest few people. At the same time, several figures appeared in the woods and fell on the side of the pierced pirates, picked up their guns and faced the pirates lying on the ground Pull the trigger!

Pity these pirates, there are so many people, they are killed in a very short time, blood dyed the jungle, Yi Kefu, a shocked face, came out from the back of the forest, looking at dozens of people fell on the ground, his eyes full of horror.

How could he have never thought that Bai choufei's men had arranged so many mechanisms by relying on the trap left by the hunter, and that they would kill the one eyed dragon by such a small mechanism? What did they do before? Is it hunting?

"Let's go. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time." See Yi Kefu is still there in a daze, ye Xiao stepped forward to kick in his body, out of a voice yell way!

For the members of the dragon clan, it's the most basic lesson to arrange secret devices and concealed weapons. If it wasn't for time, they could still lay out more powerful and terrifying secret devices. At that time, they didn't even need Bai choufei to risk hiding in the earth pit. They could kill these people completely by relying on the mechanism!

Of course, the ability to kill people so smoothly also has something to do with the fact that Cyclops and other pirates are pirates. These pirates attack with guns directly on the sea, or directly smash the ships of their prey. When they arrive on land, they don't even have the simplest demolition, and the route they take is also messy, and there is no formation to speak of. After the occurrence of something strange, they do not even have the simplest demolition All the people gathered around and didn't leave anyone to watch. It's strange that you don't die!

They take one eyed dragon and other guns through the jungle, and finally over a small hill, only need to walk more than ten kilometers to reach Magda gaqi!

But when they climbed over the hill, they were shocked by the scene in front of them!

At the bottom of the hill, jeeps with heavy machine guns were parked there. At least 300 men in camouflage suits and armed men gathered there, and snipers were set up nearby. This is the equipment of an assault camp!

"San Shao, the wolf has been waiting here for a long time."

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