"San Shao, the wolf has been waiting here for a long time." With the sound of the sound, a man in camouflage clothes and a camouflage hat, but a wolf's head tattoo on his forehead came out of the crowd and said with a smile to Ye Xiao and others standing on the hill!

"Wind wolf? What are you doing here? " Seeing the wolf standing below, ekov jumped up again and said in surprise!

"He he, of course, is to send the third young white on the road!" The wolf of the wild wind faintly smiles, the smile is indescribably proud. Bai Chou Fei, the third young master of the white family, dares to kill the strong man with a big beard. Such a strong man will die in his own hands today. How can he not be proud?

In particular, after Bai Chou died, the eldest master of the white family promised him those benefits. The wolf was excited and his beard was dead. With the support of the white family, he might become the overlord of the northern ice field at one stroke. What a huge temptation! Such a temptation is hard for anyone to refuse!

The one eyed dragon who received this order together with himself, but the Cyclops, whose power was far stronger than himself, had already died, and I was still alive, still alive well, not only alive, but also surrounded Bai choufei's party with absolute power. Under such circumstances, they could hardly fly even if they were cutting wings!

"On the road? On what way? " Yikov asked in surprise!

"Of course, it's the way to hell. Yi Kefu, you should be very honored to accompany the third young master of the Bai family on the road! Ha ha ha... " The overall situation is in hand, and the wolf is not in a hurry. He laughs!

"Wild wolf, you son of a bitch, are you crazy? Don't you know the identity of the third young master? Don't you want to die if you attack the third young master On hearing the wolf's words, ekov's face changed dramatically, and he almost jumped up from the ground and denounced!

"Ha ha, I'm going to kill him just because I know his identity..." The wolf sneered and raised his arm slowly. It seemed that he was about to give orders. Looking at the dense guns, guns, and ye Xiao's faces, the wolf was really going to die this time?

"Wait..." Just as the wolf was about to give an order, ikov said suddenly!

"Ekov, do you have any last words to say?" Seeing that this guy who is higher than himself is controlled by himself like a lost dog, he wants to see what this guy really wants to say. Even ye Xiao and others also look at Yi Kefu. Does he have any plan to escape from here?

"The man you want to kill is Bai choufei, right? I have nothing to do with him. Will you let me go Who expected that Yi Kefu would beg for mercy when he opened his mouth. Ye Xiao and others despised him. This son of a bitch is too spineless!

"Oh? Why did I let you go? What's the good of letting you go? " It is no surprise that yikov is the first person in the underground world who is afraid of death. When facing death, there is nothing he can't do!

"As long as you can let me go, I will give you all my savings over the years. My territory, my wealth, even the gold and silver jewelry that only I know where I can give you. How about it?" Yi Kefu also simply, in order to live, he is nothing to care about!

"Do you really want to live?" At the thought of ikov's touching wealth, the wolf is also moved. He is the most powerful man in the northern ice field besides the big beard. He has collected a lot of wealth in recent years. If he can really get his wealth, it will be of great benefit to the expansion of his power!

"Eun!" Yi Kefu nodded again and again. It seemed that he had made up his mind. As long as he could let him go, he could do anything!

"Kneel down and beg me." The fun of the wolf, ha ha!

"Poop Yikefu knelt down without hesitation. Then he kowtowed heavily to the wolf. Then he said, "wolf, please let me die!"

"Ekov, you whore, are you still a man?" Seeing that Yi Kefu actually kneels down to the wind wolf, ye Xiao on one side directly scolds him. How can he be so spineless?

"Wolf Lord, please let me live!" Who would have guessed that Yi Kefu ignored Ye Xiao's sarcasm, knelt down and walked a few steps toward the wind wolf, and kowtowed again!

Then he knelt down and walked a few steps, and kowtowed again!

Seeing ikov kowtow a few heads and taking a few steps, the inner vanity of the wolf is greatly satisfied. Is this still the Master Yi Kefu, who once called the wind and rain in this generation? Is this still ekov, who has a powerful force in his hand? Is this still the killer ekov?

No, it's nothing. It's just a dog, a dog who gives up his identity and dignity!

Seeing yikefu kneeling on the ground, the wolf seems to have seen the scene in which all the great people who once stood high were lying in front of themselves and begging for mercy under the support of the Bai family!It was such a happy scene. Looking at ikov, who was walking towards him on his knees, the wolf suddenly felt that there was no need to kill him. It would be nice to have a dog like this beside him!

Take a look at the indignant faces of Ye Xiao and others not far away. The smile on his face is even more brilliant. This kind of feeling is really good!

"Wolf Lord, please let me have a way to live. Please!" At this time, yikefu had already arrived at the position of three meters away from the wind wolf, and knocked three sound heads towards the wind wolf heavily. Even his forehead touched blood. It looked as if he was as embarrassed as he was!

"Ha ha ha, ikov, get up, I won't kill you!" The wolf laughed, obviously satisfied with this feeling!

"Thank you, Mr. wolf!" Ekov kowtowed respectfully, and then slowly got up from the ground. The eyes of the wild wolf also moved from ekov to Bai Chou Fei. There was no place worthy of his attention for a man who was not as good as a dog. It was at this time that a dazzling light flashed through ekov's humble eyes and saw his body suddenly become one Dao canying quickly rushed to the wind wolf. His speed was not much slower than that of Bai Chou Fei and ye Xiao. In such a scene, don't say that the wind wolf couldn't react, even ye Xiao and others didn't think of it!

Almost instantaneously, before the wolf had given the order, ekov had already rushed to the wolf's body, and then directly hit the wolf's abdomen. A huge force suddenly broke out, directly smashing the wolf's body backward, and ekov's body was so close to him that he easily grabbed the pistol in his waist The wolf has not completely recovered before, has backhand control of the wind wolf, and that cold pistol is aimed at the Templars of the wolf!

All this happened so fast that no one could react. When ikov buckled the wolf with his backhand and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at his head, the people came to their senses!

"Ekov, you What are you doing? " The wolf was terrified. How could he have never thought that yikefu, who was timid and afraid of death, would make such an action, let alone that his skill would be so good

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