He didn't know what they had to do with each other? I don't know that it's not because of the so-called "family member". He only knows that Zhang Xinyu has not concealed these expressions, but also realizes that she cares about her. This is the reason why he followed her here without scruple.

He has a rather strange idea that Zhang Xinyu will not harm him, but will help him! This idea is very strange, there is no basis at all. He felt it when Zhang Xinyu handed the mirror box to him.

"Is there any mystery in the jade pendant in this mirror box?" Thinking of this, ye Wuqian quickly took out the mirror box and took out the jade pendant inside to observe it again.

I was in the car before. I was in a bad mood! I didn't really try to find him. I just thought it was cold and simple. Now I have a close look and find that there is an eye carved in the center.

No, it's not carving! It's like it's true. It's as if you've got an eye in it.

Ye Wuqi secretly said strange, and this strange thing, ready to put it close, and then carefully related.

But then something frightening happened. When he put the jade pendant close to his right eye, it seemed that the eye was alive. For a moment, it turned into light and shadow, and disappeared into his right eye in an instant. Even the ancient and simple jade pendant also disappeared.

In the next, ye Wuqian's brain "boom" of a huge sound, a huge breath into his eyes, he instantly fainted.

By the time he woke up again, it was the next day.

"What happened yesterday? Is it a dream? " The right to say: "knead the leaf without a bit of pain?"

What seems to come to mind? Ye Wumian quickly got up to look for the jade pendant. As a result, he searched the whole bedroom and did not find any trace of the jade pendant.

He remembered that he took it out to observe last night. How could it be gone? Did Zhang Xinyu come here in the evening and be taken away by her? Or was it not a dream last night?

"Boy, don't look for it! That jade pendant has entered your right eye. "

Is ye Wuque doubt, the empty bedroom sounded an old voice, but ye Wuque did not know that the sound is actually in his mind.

"Who? Who is it? "

Suddenly the sound of the sound, suddenly leaves Wuque to be scared, quickly open the curtain to see the outside of the house, no one? And then he looked at the empty room and growled.

It's so scary. It's incredible! If he hadn't been brave enough, he would have been scared to pee.

"Hehe, little fellow! Don't be nervous. My name is Hong Sheng. " At the same time, the old voice sounded again.

Shenghong? Are you a man or a ghost? "

Empty room again sounded this old voice, let Ye Wuqian this atheist is not calm.

"I'm a person of a dynasty in China a long time ago. Do you think it's people or ghosts?"

The old voice seemed to have been held for too long, a little excited. Looking at ye Wuque's tense expression, he couldn't help joking with him.

"Ghost? You are a ghost Hearing Hong Sheng's words, ye Wuque suddenly fell on the bed with a soft foot.

At the moment, if he can't help laughing, the room will be empty.

"Ha ha, it's a ghost! But it seems appropriate to call it a soul or a mind. " Hong Sheng continued to amuse himself.

"Soul? God? "

Make a movie or write a novel?

"I can't explain it to you for a while. When you come into contact with something, you will know it! Anyway, you just need to know that I won't hurt you. " See ye Wuwu doubt, Hong Sheng zhengse explained.

"It won't hurt me? How can you guarantee that? " Ye Wuqi asked nervously.

For him, an atheist, these things are still in suspense. Now he even has the so-called soul. How can he believe him? One is not good, even the novel inside the snatch have, is really let him a little timid.

"Make sure it's just a bad check, it's not true. Tell you the truth! A relative of you entrusted me to teach you Seeing ye Wuwei so cautious, Hong Sheng nodded slightly and explained.

Relatives, and relatives! Who is this relative? My father, or my mother, or someone else? Ye Wuxiang thought to himself.

He was an orphan since he was a child. He has never met his father or his mother, let alone his father or his mother and other brothers. Apart from having a name and surname, he appears almost out of thin air. It seems that the Public Security Bureau has not come to trace his identity.

He has paid attention to this situation since he became a director. He has asked several times, but there is no useful information.

"You don't have to speculate. When it's time to tell you, I will tell you that the reason why I was entrusted by a relative of you is to let you know that I will not harm you." It seems to have seen what ye Wuque thinks, Hong Sheng interrupts him and says."What is your relationship with my relative? Why help me? " I don't worry.

Everything was too ethereal, which made him a little worried about whether Zhang Xinyu and Hong Sheng would get together and cheat him, trying to seize the house or use him to cultivate some evil skills.

Previously, he did not believe in these mysterious and mysterious things, but now he even has a soul. In addition, the two people speak very obscure, which makes him think more.

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