"It's a long story. I'll make it short! Before your relatives, I was actually a national doctor of a certain Dynasty, but because of some changes, my soul was sucked into this jade pendant and fell into a deep sleep. It was your relatives who made me wake up. Originally, I wanted to repay my gratitude, but your relative didn't accept it. Finally, he had to ask me to help you. "

There is a saying that "men and women match, work is not tired!" What do you mean by looking on the side like this? Is it the aura in the fantasy novel? He always thought that it was just a fictitious thing imagined by the author. He didn't want to have such a mysterious and mysterious thing.

"Yes, it's Aura! Divide by quality. It is divided into heaven spirit and Earth Spirit! The spirit of heaven is high quality. It is almost impossible to see this kind of spirit in the city nowadays. There are many second-class earth spirits, such as some jade, antiques, mineral veins and so on, which contain spirits! "

Seeing ye Wuwu's face at a loss, Hong Sheng said to him.

"According to your opinion, let me constantly find these so-called Reiki absorption, and then use it to suppress it?" Ye Wuqi asked with a strange look.

"Yes, now you are in the most dangerous stage, because you do not have any aura, so the perspective line will go gray and fast, and can reach your shoulder position in a week."

"Do you mean that I have to find aura within a week and upgrade my level?" With these words, ye Wuqian felt his back sweating. For a week, if he could not find the so-called aura after a week, he would die and die.

However, at the thought of this rare warmth, ye Wumian's heart became firm again, and he even decided to take a fight. Regardless of whether he was in front of him was a mountain of swords or a sea of fire, he must go and break into it!

However, just as he wanted to know something, the "dada" footsteps outside the door began to sound. In this villa, they were just the two of them. Needless to guess, he also knew who was coming?

Then she went to the door and pulled the door. She saw Zhang Xinyu standing in front of the door in her light green nightdress and her perfect figure looming. She was ready to knock on the door.


Just as he was ready to say hello, he felt two heat flow from his nostrils!

He felt his eyes twinkle. Zhang Xinyu's original light green nightdress had disappeared. In his eyes, Zhang Xinyu's ketone body, which was snow-white and naked, was completely uncovered.


Looking at this, ye Wuque's heart was suddenly agitated. He felt a stream of evil fire steaming in his body. He had a strong desire in the morning. Seeing this scene at this time made Ye Wuqian's younger brother's hot pulse spurt. Fortunately, Zhang Xinyu was staring at ye Wuque's face. If he saw his small tent, he would be embarrassed.

When she wanted to study the different structures of men and women's bodies, a pendant on Zhang Xinyu's chest flashed a faint light, and then the attractive picture disappeared.

"Ye Wuwei, are you all right?" Looking at the strange look of Ye Wuque, Zhang Xinyu frowned and asked anxiously.

"No, it's OK! It's just that people are so beautiful now. I didn't respond to it for a moment! "

Ye Wuque touched the tip of his nose and joked with embarrassment.

This is true, but what he said is beautiful, which means no clothes, or clothes, that only he knows. The only thing that makes him wonder is that Zhang Xinyu is wearing clothes. Why did he just see her naked?

Ye Wumian shakes his head. It should be the reason of the jade pendant!

"When did you learn to be garrulous? You were not like that yesterday

Hearing the words of Ye Wuwu, Zhang Xinyu's pretty face was red, and he said with one eye.

This appearance, leaves Wuque to see crazy, especially her white eyes that action, is to let ye Wuque heart tumbling, had been calm mood, again high.

In fact, he didn't know that because of the jade pendant, his character had changed a little imperceptibly. Otherwise, he would not dare to speak out and make fun of the fairy like this.

"No matter how beautiful you are and you can't see enough, go wash and have breakfast! After that, we'll go to the place I said yesterday Mischievous looked at the leaf without missing an eye, Zhang Xinyu gently said to him.

Looking at the mysterious Zhang Xinyu, I can't help but let Ye Wuqian be curious about the good place she said. Such a woman with family background also said it was a good place. It should not be easy to think of it.

Under the pressure to ask her idea, ye Wuque reluctantly followed Zhang Xinyu to go out. With her personality, ye Wuque knew that even if he asked, he was still asking in vain.

After washing and eating breakfast, ye Wuqian went to the good place Zhang Xinyu said in the Audi A8.

In the middle of the way, ye Wuque wanted to call his counselor to ask for a leave, but he gave up after thinking about it. His grades were not good and he was not popular. He played an indispensable role in the class. He gave up the idea of calling.……

Is this the good place Zhang Xinyu said? Looking at the signboard with the three big characters of "Jianbao Pavilion" at the door, ye Wuqi is surprised to think of it.

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