"How can it be! Take a look at me

The man with a moustache frowned, and then he took the jade. As expected, he found that the aura in the jade had been sucked away!

"How could that happen?"

The mustache, the man frowned, and then looked at Ye Wuwei.

What did you do? The stone jade was originally spiritual, but now it has become a dead stone

"Hands and feet? How can I do this? I'm just an ordinary person! If this stone jade really has any special effects, even if I move any hands and feet, I'm afraid it's useless! " Ye Wuqi, without any fear, said frankly.

As soon as this was said, the mustache man's look changed again, but now he has no reason to question Ye Wuqian.

"It turns out that the stone jade is fake! I originally wanted to be a happy man, but I almost hurt Mr. Zhang! I'm so sorry! "

Liu Guoqiang issued a chuckle and said to Zhang Xinyu!

"It's OK!" Zhang Xinyu light said, but at this time Zhang Xinyu is know, which must be a conspiracy, want to let oneself be deceived.

Zhang Xinyu is such a smart person. How can he take charge of Zhang's group alone? How can he not see this little trick played by Liu Guoqiang!

Zhang Xinyu had never seen a man with a mustache. He knew that he was the president of Zhang's group. This is enough to show that he was Liu Guoqiang. What did he secretly plot?

"It's late! If there's nothing else, I'll go first! Mr. Zhang, take your time! " Liu Guoqiang said with a smile.

"Go back and tell you Mr. Li! If I have time in the future, I will play with him! " Zhang Xinyu said with a smile, but the words are quite meaningful.

"Sure, sure!" That Liu Guoqiang is also repeatedly nodding, but the look is becoming a little cold.

When Liu Guoqiang left Jianbao Pavilion, he only sent out a cold hum.

"Bad luck for TND! I almost succeeded. I didn't expect to be destroyed by the boy just now! Wait, I'll take care of you when I have a chance. "

Liu Guoqiang said, this just turned to leave, in fact, the whole Jianbao Pavilion in the dark has been controlled by the Li group.

It was rumored that Zhang Xinyu often visited the treasure house, so Liu Guoqiang came to knock on Zhang Xinyu's money, but he failed.

"Thanks to you! If you hadn't reminded me! I'm afraid I already paid! At that time, I'll regret it! " Zhang Xinyu quickly toward the leaves without lack of smile.

"Nothing! Pay more attention in the future! " Ye Wuque said with a smile.

"I'm a little curious! When the stone jade was just in my hand, there was a rush of warmth. Why did it not come to you? " After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Xinyu said.

"This I don't know either! Maybe I have too much yang in my body, which forces out the cold feeling! " Ye Wuqi said jokingly.

When the mustache man left, ye Wuqian just looked around, obviously trying to find out whether there was a real treasure in the treasure house.

You know, now ye Wuque has a perspective eye, which can directly see the things inside. For ye Wuqian, it is simply a great blessing.

"Come and have a look! A knife rich, a knife poor! A knife, a knife, a knife, fate! I have three big stones here! Worth millions! But someone wants to buy it! "

A middle-aged man yelled in the treasure house. It seemed that he was very familiar with the environment here.

"Let's go there and have a look." Zhang Xinyu hesitated for a moment, and then said with a smile that Zhang Xinyu's favorite thing is to watch other people's gambling stones, because this kind of feeling is extremely surprised, one knife goes down and does not know life and death!

Zhang Xinyu was pulled to the gambling stone shop, and ye Wuqian swept his eyes towards the three huge stones, and then shook his head.

"The three stones are empty! Nothing there? Even if it is cut off, they will not have any loss! " Ye Wuqian said bluntly.

"How can you be sure? Do you know the gambling stone Stunned for a moment, Zhang Xinyu said.

"Cough It's just a little understood! " Ye Wuque awkwardly coughed a few times. In fact, ye Wuque didn't know what gambling stone was.

But ye Wuwu knows that there is nothing in the three stones, because his perspective has penetrated through everything.

"Don't talk if you don't understand! How do you know there is nothing in these three stones? Do you think you are a fairy

A middle-aged man some unhappy toward the leaf without missing said, he is most disgusted with this does not understand, is still here gossiping people.

"I am not a fairy! But my intuition tells me that there is nothing in these three stones! If you don't believe it, you can buy these three stones and cut them off Ye Wuwei is not willing to show weakness and says.Now ye Wuwu is not what he used to be. Now he can absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and then he can be powerful. Ordinary people are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Although Ye Wuqian has not yet absorbed aura, and his physique is only a little stronger than ordinary people, it will not be long before ye Wuque will be able to stir up the storm.

"Good boy! Since you said that! Then I will buy these three stones! But if there is jade in the stone! What do you do then? " The silly big man looked at Ye wubu, as if to be on the same page.

"If there are stones and jades in these three stones! I'm at your disposal! " Ye Wuwu speaks frankly.

"That's what you said The silly big heart a joy, looking at the leaves without lack of time, quite meaningful.

The three stones have been identified by three masters, and the three masters all indicated that some stones and jades exist in these three stones. Unexpectedly, ye Wuqian is not ashamed to be here.

"I said it, of course! But I have one condition. If there is no jade in these three stones, you will give me 100000! "

Ye Wuqi said bluntly, sending out a chuckle, it seems to be extremely confident!

"It's a deal!" Without hesitation, the big fool paid for the three stones.

"Cut it for me. I'd like to see if there are stones and jades in the three stones!" It seems that he wants to make a big fool lose face.

In fact, he got the internal information. All the three stones have been tested by the master, and they are bound to produce stones and jades. Otherwise, he would not be so confident.

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