Seeing this big fool so seriously, ye Wuqian is sending out a sneer. He looks at the three stones, but he doesn't do anything about it.

"Ye Wuxiang, are you sure there is no jade in these three stones? What if there is jade in these three stones? "

Zhang Xinyu's look changed and asked Ye Wuqian. After all, this bet is very big for ye Wuque. If ye Wuwu loses, I'm afraid it will be bad.

"Don't worry! I'm quite sure! There is no jade among the three stones! " Ye Wuque said to Zhang Xinyu very seriously.

In the face of Ye Wuwu's words, Zhang Xinyu nodded again and again, but she was a little nervous in her heart!

"Good boy, you have absorbed a lot of spiritual power just now! Your current life span has been delayed by a month, in this month! You won't have any problems! But if you don't absorb spiritual power after a month! You're going to die! " Hong Sheng reminds ye Wuwu.

In the face of Hong Sheng's words, ye Wuqian nodded repeatedly. However, he felt helpless. He didn't expect that if he wanted to maintain his life in the future, he would have to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Only in this way can he maintain his life.

However, ye Wuwu feels that since he has just absorbed aura, his whole body has become extremely strong and even his spirit has improved a lot, which is enough to show that absorbing aura has great benefits for ye Wuqian.

"Yes, the stone is open!"

Just as ye Wuqian and Hong Lao talk, a voice of exclamation rings. At this time, ye Wuque also quickly looks at the stone and finds that there is nothing in it.

"This How could it be so! "

Seeing that there was nothing in the stone, the look of the big fool also changed slightly. However, there were two stones in his heart, so he was not too worried.

"I hope the other two stones don't exist either! Otherwise, you will become someone else's man Zhang Xinyu has no good spirit toward the leaf without missing to say!

"Don't worry! It's not going to happen! " Ye Wuwei shrugged.

A moment later, all three stones were broken open! Just let the present people did not think that is, the three stones did not have a jade!

"Cough I'm so sorry! You lost! 100000 yuan! " Leaf does not lack light cough a, this just says with a smile.

Silly big face some gloomy, although he does not lack the 100000 yuan, but it is lost in the hands of Ye Wuque, which naturally makes him extremely unhappy.

"Isn't this man the grandson of master song? I didn't expect to gamble with others and lose! This is too much to lose the face of master song! "

"No! Master song has some status in this treasure house! I didn't expect to be defeated by his grandson! "

Several voices of conversation rang out, and with the sound of these conversations, the silly big man's face became a little ugly.

This stupid man, named song Dabao, is the grandson of song Changdan, a great master of Song Dynasty.

Song Changdan is a first-class expert in the whole field of authentication. As long as he passes through his stones, there is no one that can't be predicted accurately. Therefore, the reputation of master song is very important in Yanjing.

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