After several times of searching, song Changdan found a stone. Although it looks small, it is three times as big as ye Wuwu.

If the two stones cut out jade, it is song Changdan's win, unless ye Wuque's jade in his hand is like Ye Wuqian's saying, it's jadeite, otherwise it can't be better than song Changdan.

"Is the stone you chose too small! I'm afraid it's hard to beat him! " Zhang Xinyu some worry up, in the eyes of the leaves without lack of hope.

"Don't worry! I have my own discretion in this matter! And I'm sure I'll win this time! " Ye Wuque vowed that his words were full of self-confidence, which made Zhang Xinyu feel a little curious. Where did ye Wuque come from?

Two stones were taken to the cutting place, and a big man was ready to cut.

"Cut my grandfather first! I'll show him what a treasure master is Song Dabao's voice rang out and said to the big man!

Because song Dabao can be sure that there must be jade in the stone selected by his grandfather. After all, his grandfather has never failed.

When the big man heard song Dabao's words, he nodded again and again and cut the big stone down!

Not long after, the big stone was cut in half. There were really some smooth jade in that stone!

"Jade, there is jade, ha ha It seems that this boy will lose miserably this time! "

Many people in gambling stone shop laughed at the scene in front of them, because there was jade in the stone. That is to say, even if the stone in Ye Wuqian's hand also produced jade, it would surely lose to song Changdan.

"Little brother, I'm afraid you will lose now!" After seeing his own stone jade, song Changdan said with a smile to ye Wuwu, but there is a trace of pride in this speech.

"Tut Things have not yet come to the end, and can not be divided into small, how do you know I will lose it! If there is emerald in my stone, jade! You've lost Ye Wuwei said with a smile, but it is quite meaningful in this language.

With Ye Wuqian's words, song Changdan just gave out a chuckle, but the laughter was a bit chilly, even full of disdain, because in Song Changdan's opinion, ye Wuque simply did not know the height of heaven and earth, and even uttered such wild words.

It's very difficult for him to identify the jadeite, but it's impossible for him to identify the jadeite, even if there is no jade in his hand?

At this time, Zhang Xinyu's eyebrows at the side of Ye Wuqian also wrinkled. In Zhang Xinyu's opinion, there is no jadeite jade in the stone. After all, jadeite jade is extremely difficult to exist. Even in this gambling stone interview, there is no jadeite jade in a few years.

"Please cut it carefully, don't cut the jadeite in it!"

At this time, the voice of Ye Wuque rang out, and he looked at the big man and ordered him to do so.

Hearing this, the big man nodded again and again, but in his heart, he was a little contemptuous, because he had cut stones for several years in this gambling stone interview, but he didn't receive jadeite jade. How could he see jadeite jade today?

At this point, the big man thought that ye Wuxiang was crazy to think of shadow, so he said such a thing.

However, the great man did not say much, but kept cutting the stone. The technique was quite rough, because in his opinion, there was no emerald in the stone.

However, when people despised him, ye Wuxiang held his hands in front of him. He looked calm and even had a plan in mind, just as if there was really emerald in this stone.

"Ye Wuwei, if you lose this game, you will lose. It doesn't matter! You don't have to care! One million yuan is nothing to our Zhang group! "

Zhang Xinyu comforts ye Wuwu, who seems to be afraid of guilt.

"Don't worry, there will be jadeite in this stone!"

Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle! But in this speech, it is with a very serious color!

With ye Wuque's words, song Changdan sneered in his heart! Because in his opinion, there is no lack of leaves, which is simply not knowing the height of heaven and earth.

"It's a jade. It's a real jade!"

At this time, the big man who cut the stone made a exclamation, because there was really emerald jade in that stone. Jade was so valuable that he didn't expect to be cut out in his hand!

As soon as the big man said this, song Changdan also looked at the jadeite jade in a hurry. As expected, he found that the jade was actually cut out of the stone.

"This How could that be possible! It's absolutely impossible! "

Song Changdan sent out a burst of exclamations. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was also surprised to the extreme, even some incredible. How could ye Wuque have such a powerful vision when he was so young.

When the audience saw the scene in front of them, they also looked at the jadeite jade one after another. In their eyes, there was a greedy color in their eyes. Unexpectedly, jadeite actually jumped out of the stone!"It's true! There's really emerald! "

Zhang Xinyu said for a moment. Her expression became a little more serious. She didn't expect that there was really emerald jade in the stone, and it was a valuable and flawless jade.

"Well, master song, I'm afraid you'll miss this time!" Ye Wuqi sends out a light smile and looks at Song Changdan in his eyes.

Ye Wuqi, however, has a perspective eye. What's in this stone? Ye Wumian can see it at a glance. Naturally, he knew that there was jadeite in the stone. Otherwise, ye Wuqian would not choose this stone.

"What have you done! This jadeite is a valuable thing! How do you know there is jade in this stone As soon as song Changdan's face changed, he turned his eyes to Ye Wuqian, because this was quite strange. Ye Wuqi always believed that there was this jade in the stone, which made him extremely puzzled. Even he, a treasure expert, could not find out what kind of virtue Ye Wuqian could have?

"To tell you the truth! I am not an ordinary person. I have learned how to identify treasures in my early years! That's a lot of experience for gambling stones Ye Wuqian is boasting. It looks like such a thing! However, ye Wuxiang did not tell the real facts.

If ye Wuqian said that he had a perspective eye, I'm afraid any one present would not believe it, and ye Wuque would not be so stupid.

"I see!" Song Changdan sent out a exclamation, but his heart was extremely shocked.

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