"Since my little brother has already cut out jadeite jade, I should admit defeat!" Song Changdan seems to be extremely heroic, straight to the leaf said.

"Grandfather, how can you do this! Why admit defeat! Why should we admit defeat! There must be some oddity in it. We should find out the oddity, not admit defeat directly! You must not be fooled by them. You are the master song of Yanjing. How can you lose? " Song Dabao said to song Changdan in a hurry. He seemed to be in a hurry!

Because in his opinion, his grandfather is invincible in the field of authentication. No one can surpass his grandfather. He doesn't believe his grandfather will lose.

"If you lose, you lose. You don't have to say much!" Song Changdan's performance is extremely straightforward, because song Changdan knows that this matter can't be fake.

What's more, song Changdan saw the stone in his hand, but he didn't choose it in the end. This is enough to show that song Changdan's eyesight is still under Ye Wuque!

"Master song, in this case, it will offend you!"

Ye Wuqi sends out a chuckle. Last time song Changdan clasped his fist, which just transferred the million yuan to his bank card, which seemed light and cloudless.

And the present people saw the scene, the heart is also very envious, did not expect, ye Wuque not only cut out the jade, but also got a million.

In fact, the most important thing is that ye Wuqian has such a powerful vision that he will surely have a wealth of wealth in the future, even surpassing song Changdan.

"I don't know the name of this little brother! Although song Changdan is just a gambler! I want to make friends with this little brother Song Changdan said with a smile.

You should know that ye Wumian's method is extremely excellent. Song Changdan naturally won't miss this opportunity. If he can communicate with ye Wumian and improve his eyesight, why not.

"In the lower leaves! Master song is reasonable! " Ye Wuwei said with a smile! But for this song Changdan is not very optimistic.

After all, from ye Wuqian's point of view, song Changdan is just an ordinary gambler. He is not worth mentioning in front of himself.

"Ye Wuwei, let's go quickly."

At this time, Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out and said to Ye Wuqian. After all, ye Wuque had won the song Changdan, and his reputation would certainly be very loud. At that time, I'm afraid that all the people in the Jianbao pavilion would be surrounded, which would not be very good.

"Well, let's go!" Ye no fault nods.

Just after ye Wuqian and ye Wuqian left the Jianbao Pavilion, there were many people chasing after them. I want to leave Ye Wuqian's contact information, because ye Wuqian's vision is too strong. I didn't expect that even jadeite could see it. This is definitely a master's demeanor.

At this time, in a corner of the Jianbao Pavilion, Liu Guoqiang just watched the scene in front of him, and a faint light flashed out of his eyes.

"Secretary Liu, we have investigated this matter clearly! The boy following Zhang Xinyu is named ye Wuque! I'm a student of Yanjing University! It's like living with Zhang Xinyu now A man said to Liu Guoqiang.

"No leaf? Then you've got a good idea of his family! " Liu Guoqiang asked.

"This That's not true! This leaf does not lack seem to be to enter the Yanjing University study for no reason! What's more, it's not even clear to his family! It's like an orphan! " After a moment's hesitation, the man said.

"An orphan?" Liu Guoqiang's brow frowned, and then he nodded because of the man.

When the man left, Liu Guoqiang began to mutter, but he was curious. This is who ye Wuque is and why he has a strong relationship with Zhang Xinyu.

After leaving Jianbao Pavilion, ye Wuque and Zhang Xinyu are ready to leave. However, Zhang Xinyu is a little curious and looks at ye Wuque.

"How can you have the ability to identify treasures! And the ability is so strong! So many people don't see it, you can see it! " Zhang Xinyu asked solemnly.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque is a chuckle.

"I'm no ordinary man! Nature cannot be compared with them! But do you want to know that? " Ye Wuque asked with a smile.

"Of course I want to know! If I don't want to know, how can I ask you! Tell me! How on earth do you know that there is jade in that stone! " Once again, Zhang Yu's voice became very serious.

In the face of Zhang Xinyu's words, ye Wuque is sending out a light smile, which just said.

"There are some things, you will know later, and now I can't tell you!" Ye Wuqian finished, and then went to the front!

With ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu was not happy.

"If you don't tell me, forget it! You don't think of me as your friend anyway Zhang Xinyu seems to be angry."It's not that I don't tell you! But what these things tell you doesn't seem to do you any good! " Ye Wuqi said seriously.

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