After knocking on the door, Yang Xiaodie looks into the office.

"President, ye Wuxiang is here!"

As soon as Yang Xiaodie's voice fell, Zhang Xinyu quickly stepped down from the chair, and the door was instantly opened.

After seeing the arrival of Ye Wuwu, Zhang Xinyu's heart is also a joy.

"I didn't think you would come!" Zhang Xinyu said with a smile to the leaf.

"Now that you have said it! What's the possibility that I won't come? " Ye Wuqi said a word, this just sat on the sofa with two legs up, it seems to be extremely casual.

Yang Xiaodie on one side saw the scene in front of her eyes, and she was also slightly surprised. She didn't expect that ye Wuque would be so casual! You know, this is the president's office!

"Since you are here, I'll take you to familiarize ourselves with Zhang's group." Zhang Xinyu said with a smile to ye Wuque, which took ye Wuque to stroll in the interior of Zhang's group.

A moment later, Zhang Xinyu came downstairs with ye Wuque, but at this time, Lin Yun got up quickly and came to Zhang Xinyu.

"President Zhang, I am Lin Yun of Lin's group! I hope President Zhang doesn't mind if I see you today. "

Lin Yun said to Zhang Xinyu in a hurry. He looked very solemn and even didn't dare to raise his head. Lin's group was nothing but a little sorcerer in front of Zhang's group, so Lin Yun was also respectful to Zhang Xinyu.

"What can I do for you?" Zhang Xinyu's icy voice rang out and asked. It seemed very difficult for people to get close to him!

"Nothing! I'd like to have president Zhang talk about cooperation. If President Zhang has time, we can sign the contract now! " Lin Yun said in a hurry.

"This contract is not urgent." Zhang Xinyu casually said a word, this just will look toward the leaf without lack of hope.

"Go, I'll show you around!" Zhang Xinyu said with a smile to ye Wuwu, and didn't care about Lin Yun.

Seeing that Zhang Xinyu is so polite to Ye Wuqian, Lin Yun on one side is also surprised. Unexpectedly, ye Wuque still has such a status.

"Is it true that this boy has no family power! Otherwise, why does the president treat him like this? "

Lin Changtian frowned and was curious, but he did not dare to ask.

At this time, ye Wuqian and Zhang Xinyu are walking and laughing. It seems that the relationship is quite good.

After passing on the whole company, Zhang Xinyu returned to the office, and Lin Yun was called into the office.

"Ye Wuxiang, we Zhang's group will be yours in the future! It's up to you to sign the contract! If it's not appropriate for you to sign it! " Zhang Xinyu's voice rang out.

As soon as Zhang Xinyu said this, Lin Yun's look changed slightly. Zhang Xinyu even let ye Wumian have a look at her contract. Isn't it that the success or failure of the contract lies in ye Wumian's hand?

At this time, ye Wuwei hesitated for a moment, then took over the contract, looked for a moment, and then looked at Lin Yun.

"Your son and I are classmates! This contract should be signed with you! But... " Ye Wuqi said with great significance and looked at the forest.

At this time, Lin Changtian also responded and said to ye Wuwu in a hurry.

"It used to be my fault! As long as you can sign this contract! I will make up for it! I'll have a big dinner tonight! It's like making amends! "

Lin Changtian said in a hurry that this contract is extremely important to their Lin group. If the contract is interrupted because of Ye Wuwei's words, the Lin Group will probably go bankrupt.

"There's no need to set up a banquet! But I don't want to hear your gossip in the future Ye Wuxiang said frankly, but there is a trace of cold in this language!

With ye Wuque's words, Lin Changtian nodded again and again. However, he felt bitter in his heart. He didn't expect that the backstage of Ye Wuque could be so hard, which was not what Lin's group could deal with.

After the contract was signed, Lin Changtian and his wife left.

At this time, however, ye Wuwu is looking at Zhang Xinyu.

"Well, let's have a hot pot tonight! It's very cold! Hot pot is a good choice

The reason why ye Wuque says this is because ye Wuque knows that if Zhang Xinyu is allowed to cook again, it will be his own misfortune. He might as well eat some outside.

"Good! You can't get it Zhang Xinyu said with a smile.

Seeing that Zhang Xinyu agreed, ye Wuqian nodded and chuckled.

Came to the hotpot shop, ye Wuqian, this just in the list a few times, until the hot pot came up, Macao side to eat up.

Just at this time, ye Wuqian went to see the hot pot shop. A manager was touching a little girl, who should be the waiter of the hot pot shop.Although the little girl tried to avoid it again and again, the manager refused.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Wuqian has a flash of anger in his heart. He is still a vigorous young man now. Seeing the scene in front of him, he is naturally not happy.

At this time, Zhang Xinyu saw ye Wuwu's eyes looking forward, which made her curious. She also looked at the past and saw the scene in front of her, and frowned slightly.

However, when the manager saw that many people were watching him, he let go of the waiter. After the maid was released, if she was granted amnesty, she left in a hurry, but there was bitterness in her heart, because he knew that she could not escape from this evil claw.

"Let's not meddle! After all, this is a private matter of others See ye Wu lack seems to want to teach the manager, Zhang Xinyu said.

Although, in fact, Zhang Xinyu also sympathized with the little girl, but now the world is so, they have no way.

"That's what I don't like the most! You shouldn't be alive! " The voice of Ye Wuqi rings out, and his eyes look at the manager again, but the cold light flickers in his eyes.

In the face of Ye Wuque's words, Zhang Xinyu nodded repeatedly, but Zhang Xinyu did not express anything at this time, because in Zhang Xinyu's opinion, this has become the social norm.

When the meal was almost finished, ye Wuqian was ready to check out. However, at this time, ye Wuque saw the manager drag the waitress to the bathroom, as if he was trying to do something for someone who couldn't see.

"Leave me alone, manager! You let me go! Please The voice of the girl's pleading sounded in the bathroom.

"You just broke the cup in our shop! If you don't obey me, I'll fine you 5000 yuan! "

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